Identifying Customer Needs - Market Research And Anasysis (primary, secondary, sampling, standard deviation) Flashcards
market research
systematic, objective collection and analysis regarding a particular target market
increased understanding of the subject matter
knowing the market
quantitative and qualitative
EXPLAIN WHAT is happening in the market
EXPLAIN the reasons WHY
PREDICT consumer reactions to changes
quantitative research NUMERICAL
objective - collecting the facts
concentrates on what consumer’s actually purchase or use
everyone needs to be asked the same series of questions
used initially to establish the trends within a particular market - can help the business to decide whether it is worthwhile for a more quantitative levle of research in more detail next
= often seen as secondary research
= market research surveys
= questionnaire
qualitative research LITERACY
subjective due to opinions being collected
provides an understanding of how or why things are as they are
no fixed set of questions but a guide on what to explore
= faced to face
= focus groups
= involves primary research which concentrates on the opinions of consumers - establishes why they’re bought
= the secondary research will infrom a business about the numbers within a market for a product
primary (field) research
interviews questionnaires observations consumer panels / focus groups trial marketing - why?
secondary (desk) research
- sales data
- previous surveys
- customer infromtion from loyalty cards
- reports
- market research companies, government data, media, competitors, trade magazines, internet
issues with primary and secondary data
- time
- reliability
- fit for purpose - SECONDARY someone has already done it but does it cater for what you need to someone elses research and results - now ALREADY OUT OF DATE
how useful is the data > TEST IT
Whats sampling?
aims to ensure the answers represent the same AS IF YOU HAD TAKEN A CENSUS - that correct and appropriate
must be statistically meanigful and not-biased
probability sampling
non-probability sampling
convienience quota stratified (PROPORTIONATE RANDOM) stratified (DISPROPORTIONATE RANDOM) cluster
- everyone has an equal chance
- bias
- never appropriate
- computerised
- every 5th, every 10th person
- you select a time + location - ask ‘anyone’
- bias
- cheap
- quick
- divide people into sub-groups
- take a set quota = 3:1 or 5:1
- very bias
- not statistically represented
- fit for purpose
- random classroom chosen and you stratify it down and down
- eliminating others by sampling towards a niche group
- theres a focus group of around 3 people left
stratified PROPORTIONATE random
- dividing into sub-groups and as random as you can, choosing by proportion which they are in the population
- less bias than quota
stratified DISPROPORTIONATE random
- stratify population and choosing randomly
- no ratios
sampling errors
non- sampling errors
= pleasing an interview
= in a hurry
= deliberate false answer
sampling errors
= actual mean is in the results you would’ve recieved by interviewing the whole population
actual mean/average 30 - sample mean/average 29
= sampling error of 1
market orientated businesses
business tries to ensure that it targets each of its products to the appropriate market sector
put satisfying customer needs first
market research is vital for this type of business
product orientated businesses
are concerned with the product and its specification
where products being up to date is the most improtant thing i.e. technology business
can be able to successfully compete with competitors but market research is still important