***Identify and explain two ways in which the roles between men and women have become more equal Flashcards
point 1
The relationship between husband and wife or the conjugal relationship, is becoming more joint or ‘symmetrical’.
example 1
Wilmott and Young claimed that the traditional segregated division of labour in the home - men as breadwinners and women as housewives/mothers was breaking down, for example husbands have become more involved in domestic work, often washing clothes, ironing and sharing other domestic duties.
explain 1
This shows that men and women have become more equal as previously men would completely take on the breadwinner role whereas women would take on a domestic role and now these roles are being shared which can gives women more opportunities.
point 2
Parenting roles are changing, the children are no longer completely the mothers responsibility, and now fathers are keen to spend more time with their children.
example 2
Beck notes that in the postmodern age, fathers can no longer rely on jobs to provide a sense of identity and fulfillment increasingly, they look to their children to give them a sense of identity and purpose.
explain 2
This shows that men and women have become more equal as previously women would have full responsibility of looking after their children and in a modern society this is no longer the case and women don’t have to look after them independently.
One of the key social changes of this century has been the changes in the roles of men and women. These changes have made gender roles in the family more equal.