Identify and explain two features of a beanpole family Flashcards
point 1
Within the beanpole family grandparents can provide intergenerational and emotional support to other members.
example 1
Brannen found that grandparents are increasingly providing intergenerational services, particularly informal childcare for their grandchildren and also provide emotional support in times of need, such as during a divorce.
explain 1
This shows that links between generations within the beanpole family are stronger than ever because previously within the family it was the parents that provided the most intergenerational services, such as emotional and financial support, but now grandparents are increasingly filling this role.
point 2
Another feature of the beanpole family is that it has weaker horizontal links as couples have weaker relationships and evidence like an increase in the divorce rate back this up.
example 2
Brannen also states that as the ‘vertical’ links between generations of the family are strengthened by increasing life expectancy, so the ‘horizontal’ links within generations are weakening, as divorce rates rise, fertility rates fall and people have fewer children
explain 2
This shows that the beanpole family is part of family diversity as previously, when the normal family type was the nuclear family, vertical links would be weak and horizontal links would be strong.
Julian Brannen (2003) argues that the UK has entered an age of the ‘bean-pole family’. She suggests that the nuclear family household is just one part of a network of kin relations that, increasingly, consists of several generations