ID Terms #4 Flashcards
Republican Mother
When: 1789
What: This was based on the thought of how could mothers educate their children if they aren’t educated as well.
Why: At the time women were not allowed to go to school or obtain an education. Because of this thought it allowed for women to go to school.
Second Great Awakening
When: 1801
What: This was the revival of religion at the time of the new world.
Why: At this time in many religions, women exceeded the number of members when compared to men. This made women feel as if they have a place in the world other than the kitchen.
Eli Whitney
When: 1793
What: He was a man who created something that helped fuel the industrial market, the Cotton Gin
Why: Picking Cotton by hand was a pain in the ass. So with the Cotton Gin, It wasn’t as hard. A piece of cotton had little seeds in the inside that the slaves had to dig out. With the cotton Gin the slaves did not have to pick the seeds out by hand, meaning they could do other things.
Maubury Vs Madison
When: 1803
What: This was where this guy named Maubury sued the government because his job as a judicial judge was taken away. Because of the New justices placed in 1801 some people did not have the paperwork. He was one of them
Why: This shows how dis orderly the americans were and also because of this the Judicial branch was able to gain more power thanks to John Marshall
Louisiana Purchase
When: 1803
What: Jefferson bought this area from napoleon who at the time was desperate for money because he was a broke ass mother fucker from all his wars. Napoleon was not sure how big this area was. But when Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore they figured out that it was doubled the size of the united states.
Why: This was significant because without Hamilton’s economic plan, this plan would have never worked out. So Jefferson… You owe him one.
Burr Conspiracy
When: 1804
What: Hamilton accused Burr of treason because he agreed to the the governor of the northern confederacy. Hamilton and Burr Dueled which resulted in the death of Hamilton
Why: This was serious because now Burr lost his positions in office because he was a murderer. He had to go in hiding. They thought that he did it in purpose.
Embargo Act
When: 1807
What: Because there was a war with the British and french, the Americans wanted to remain neutral. The embargo act made it so that the Americans couldn’t trade with other countries.
Why: This was significant because this made it so that the Americans were poorer and had a more of a struggling economy because they could not trade
When: 1807
What: Because the British were at war, they were forcing their own people to go to war. Many of those people would say screw this and ditch to go to the Americas. This caused the British to go and capture what they believed to be their people from the americas.
Why: This was significant because this showed that there was some natural contention between the British and the Americas.
When: 1809
What: He was the brother of an Indian prophet that brought a religious revival. Tehcumseh the Indian tried his best to block out all the white people from expanding into the natives land.
Why: This was significant because this showed that the Indians and the Americans still had contentions over land. It also shows that the Indians were willing to fight to keep their land.
When: 1810
What: This was a group of people, slave owners to be more exact that wanted to take over Florida because their runaway slaves would go there.
Why: This showed the Americans desire to gain power by taking over land.
Hartford Convention
When: December 15th, 1814
What: This was when the delegates from new England met in Hartford Connecticut. They reassured the right for nullification. 7 amendments were added that were targeted to protect the new England states.
Why: This showed that there was some natural separation already between the northern and the southern states.
American System:
When: 1812
What: The Americans were so damn proud of themselves for defeating the British again for the second time that they had a sense of nationalism.
Why: This was important because of this system they were able to revolutionize and industrialize more by making more roads and things like that.
Era of Good Feelings
When : 1817ish
What: James Monroe was elected as president on very favorable terms. The people of america had very high hopes
Why: This was very significant because this era made the Americans feel that they were damn proud to be american.
Adams-Onis Treaty
When: 1819
What: This treaty was between John Quincy Adams and Onis, A Spaniard. The americans agreed to give up parts of Texas in exchange for Florida.
Why: This was significant because of this treaty, the goal of the war hawks have been achieved.
The Panic Of 1819
When: Umm… Its in the title!!! Dur Dur Dur!
What: in this year, prices of goods began to skyrocket.
Why: The main significance of this event really was that this was a reality check for the Americans in the country. They arent unstoppable as they thought that they were.