IBD, Diverticular Disease, Colon and Anorectal Neoplasia CIS - Tieman Flashcards
ulcerative colitis
crohns disease
apthous ulcers
disease of developed countries
north america
ulcerative colitis more prevalent
crohns disease
young women
15-30yo and 7th decade
ulcerative colitis
equal men and women
20-40 yo and 7th decade
inflammatory bowel disease
polygenic - multiple causes
cigarette smoking
helps UC
makes crohns worse
29yo RLQ pain and diarrhea last 6 months
- fam hx UC
- smokes 1ppd x 10 years
- ulcers inside lower lip
- tender RLQ
- guaiac positive stool
WBC 12,000 ESR elevated CRP elevated ASCA elevated IgA and IgG elevated
colonoscopy - hyperemia ascending colon fullness of medial aspect
biopsy - normal colonic mucosa
CT enterography - thick bowel wall, suggestive of crohns
DDx - crohns, UC, appendicitis, pregnancy
work up - CBC, pregnancy test, Ab studies - pANCA and ASCA,
ESR and CRP - inflammatory process
ASCA, IgA, and IgG - crohns
colonoscopy - fullness medial aspect - inflammation
terminal ileum - crohns
ulcerative colitis
rectum and progresses continuously proximally
ileocecal region
can occur anywhere
skip lesions
terminal ileum** - 70%
family history of UC or crohns
increased risk for both - doesn’t matter which one
ASCA, IgA and IgG elevation
90% specific for crohns
localization of crohns
small bowel imaging
-best for crohns - MRI enterography or CT enterography - with contrast material
CT enterography
small bowel imaging
tx of crohns
5-ASA - topical - targeted to area you need
diet changes - liquids, no milk, no grains
corticosteroids - systemic oral
infliximab - monoclonal Ab
surgery in crohns
no - will come back in other places**
except to treat complications
corticosteroid for crohns
Case 24yo M, 3 month abdominal pain, urgency and defecation
- bloody, mucous stools
- fam hx crohns
- weight loss
- aching hips, knee, shoulders
- hyperactive bowel sounds, tender abdomen
- guaiac positive
- swelling of knees
ESR elevated CRP elevated ASCA normal IgA normal IgG normal p-ANCA elevated
DDx - cancer, UC, crohns
work-up - CBC, Ab tests
proctosigmoidoscopy - edematous friable in rectal vault
colonoscopy - extends to distal transverse colon
with ulcerative colitis
complication of acute ulcerative colitits
toxic megacolon**
barium enema or colonoscopy can incite this
bowel dilates and loses blood supply and get necrosis and perforation
be careful of scopes with severe ulcerative colitis
ulcerative colitis risk
adenocarcinoma of colon
from time of onset - risk goes way up at 8 years**
after 8 years - screen yearly
-cancers can be submucosal
take random biopsies
tx of ulcerative colitis
5-ASA - oral or enema - determining of extent of UC
to keep UC in remission
maintenance therapy - 5-ASA type - oral or enema admin
surgery and UC
can be curative
total proctocolectomy
Case 39yo M anorexia, LLQ pain, low grade fever and diarrhea, never before
- pain 6/10
- LLQ tender with guarding
- rectal - fullness on left and stool trace guaiac positive
WBC 16,000 w/ bands
CT - acute inflammation of sigmoid
DDx - diverticulitis, colorectal cancer, UC, crohns
work up - CBC, CT
WBC with bands - acute infection
CT - sigmoid diverticulitis
CT for diverticulitis**
make sure they don’t have complication**
also helps with diagnosis
perforation - to peritoneum
perforation - to sidewall
tx of acute diverticulitis
antibiotics, bowel rest, IV fluids
don’t do scope until it is controlled**
then do colonoscopy - 6 weeks later - to rule out cancer
LLQ tenderness and fever
think sigmoid diverticulitis
Case 33yo M, fullness left buttock when sits, soiling of underwear
- lower abdomen pain
- lost 10 pounds
- anorexia
- low grade fever
- tender deep palp LLQ
- dimple left buttock - pus and fecal matter
- erythematous pre-tibial nodules on left leg
anal fistula
often associated with crohns
but normally - infection and abscess in anal crypts**
work up - CBC, pANCA, ASCA, Ig levels
normal anal fistula
infection and abscess in anal crypt
-ischioanal space - perirectal abscess
- works out to skin
- can drain pus and stool
tx of anal fistula
anal fistulotomy - open - from inside to outside
seton - if complex fistula
crohns anal fistulas
surgery not 1st step
not going to cure the fistula
- they come back
- “waterpot perineum”
first - treat medically - infliximab or 6-MP
anal fissure
- constipation association
- pain with bowel movement
if chronic - tx is surgery
-lateral internal sphincterotomy