CIS Tieman - Pancreatic Neoplasia - 12.11.14 Flashcards
case 67yo abdominal discomfort, jaundice, loss of appetite, weight loss
- recent diabetes onset
- fam hx - pancreatic ca
- smoker - 50 pack year
- alcohol - heavy for many years
- mass RUQ abdomen
DDx - pancreatic cancer, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, cholangiocarcinoma
work up - abdominal CT, CBC
elevated direct bilirubin - obstructive jaundice - with elevated alk phos and GGT
CA 19-9 - pancreatic cancer monitor tx
majority of pancreatic cancer
in head - earlier picked up - obstructive jaundice
body and tail - tend to get diagnosed later
diabetes type I
autoimmune - appears in adolescence
family history of pancreatic cancer
yes, significant
pancreatic cancer
typically hard - bc of desmoplasia - gets CT
soft mass palpable in RUQ
of bile ducts
CA 19-9
for monitoring the progress of pancreatic cancer
tx of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
surgery is best**
pancreatic cancer only cured by…
often elevated with mucinous tumors
important - bc mucinous are premalignant
resectable pancreatic cancer?
vessel invasion - if so, can’t resect it
extended outside pancreas to lymph nodes or invaded other organs - not resectable
look with a scope - biopsy nodes
whipple procedure
take head of pancreas out
57yo F left side upper abdominal pain and back pain 4 months
- nausea, weight loss
- diabetic type I
- had cholecystectomy for stones
- palpable mass in LUQ
DDx - splenomegaly, gastric ca, pancreatic ca
work up - abdominal CT, CBC
CA 19-9 and CEA normal
cyst on CT
mucinous cystadenoma of pancreas - most likely
from cells of cajal
mucinous cystadenoma of pancreas
often tail of pancreas
in older women
CEA positive - mucinous - premalignant
pancreatic pseudocyst
occur after pancreatitis - so need hx of pancreatitis
caused by disruption of cyst architecture
intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm
- can be in main duct or branch ducts
- either one - premalignant - need to resect
common cystic neoplasm of pancreatic
thought to be precursor lesion of pancreatic cancer
only found in women
lined with ovarian epithelium
mucinous cystic neoplasm
premalignant - bad
serous cystic neoplasm
central scar
-don’t connect with ductal epithelium
ERCP - no connection to ducts - probably SCN
can leave alone - unless get bigger >3-4cm or become symptomatic
pancreatic cystic lesions
link in PPT - check it out - overview of cystic pancreatic cancers
55yo M epigastric abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss
- watery diarrhea
- gastric ulcer - 2 yrs ago
- no masses or organomegaly
- stool guaiac negative
hypertrophic rugal folds
-multiple small ulcers
DDx - gastrinoma
elevated gastrin levels
gastric pH 2.5 - very low
-looks like zollinger ellison