I/O Flashcards
Five types of power
Reference power
role model
Legitimate power
based on existing power hierarchy/roles
fear of a bad consequence
Donald Super theory of career development
Kahneman & Tversky’s loss aversion model
people’s decisions are more affected by their desire to avoid losses than to make gains
What is the Zeigarnik effect?
Tendency to remember unfinished tasks more vividly than finished tasks
Consultee-centered administrative consultation
consultant works with employees to improve implementation of a program and addresses employees’ attitudes to how program is being conducted
Program-centered administrative consultation
consultant focuses on the program itself, eg how to develop a program
consultee-centered case consultation
consultant focuses on the consultee’s difficulties with patients
client-centered case consultation
consultant focuses on helping consultee with a particular patient
What are criterion measures
measures of behavior or performance, used as basis for performance appraisals
Halo bias
evaluation on one dimension affects how we rate person on other unrelated dimensions. Impacts different employees differently.
Central tendency (rater bias)
always uses mid range of rating scale
affects all employees in the same way
Leniency vs strictness bias
Leniency – always uses high end of scale
Strict – always use low end of scale
affect all employees the same way
Ways to reduce rater bias
use a relative or comparative rating scale
Design rating scale to incorporate critical incident
Behavioral anchored rating scale (BARS)
rater training in observational skills (rather than training on reducing bias)
frame of reference training (make sure all raters agree on what constitutes each aspect of job performance)
relative or comparative rating scale
comparing employees to each other, eg rating them in pairs, which of two employees is best/most effective
downsides of comparative rating scales
Aren’t used often
raters and ratees don’t like them
cumbersome to use esp when many employees to rate
relative measures don’t provide useful individual feedback
Behavioral anchored rating scale (BARS)
involves having raters take part in development,
likert scale anchored with critical incidents,
behaviorally based – help reduce rater bias
difficult to develop and hard to use in jobs that change often
What are predictors used for?
facilitate decisions relating to selection, promotion and training
Predictors and criterion should be developed from
job analysis
Types of job analysis
Interview employees and supervisors,
observe employees while they work,
have employees fill out questionnaire
output of job analysis
critical incident list
criterion measures for the job
Job evaluation
determines worth of job to determine benefits and salary of job, eg demands of job, previous experience and assigning a wage appropriate for demands
Needs assessment
determine whether training is needed to improve employee performance, outccomes tell you how
Includes job analysis, person analysis and organization analysis
Adverse impact
occurs when use of a predictor results in different selection promotion or discharge rates for groups protected by law, unfairly discriminates.
EEOC guidelines for determining if predictor is having adverse effect.
80% rule
80% rule
multiply how many from dominant group multiply by 80% and how many from minority group needs to be higher than this.
differential validity
a predictor has differential validity when validity coefficient is different for different groups of people (e.g., test more valid for males than females)
unfairness (predictor variables)
predictor is unfair when members of one group consistently score lower than members of another group but job performance is about the same. Validity coefficient is similar for both groups.
How to remedy unfairness (predictor variables)
Easier to remedy than differential validity – use different cutoff scores for different groups so selection rates for groups are similar.
Incremental validity
whether a new psychometric assessment will increase the predictive ability beyond that provided by an existing method of assessment.
Cognitive abilities test
highest validity coefficients across different jobs and different job settings – average reported coefficient is 0.5 or higher
Two common predictors used in organizations
cognitive abilities test
work or job sample
work or job sample
measures a person’s ability by having him or her perform a sample of the actual job.
limitations of job samples
show what a person can do but not what a person will do when actually on job.
Tends to be measures of maximal rather than typical performance.
Donald Super’s theory of career development
emphasizes self-concept
Ideal situation is for people to choose a job that allows them to express their self-concept.
Developmental aspect reflected in five life stages involving different career tasks
5 life stages (Super)
Exploration – to crystalize and then implement career choice consistent with self concept
Establishment – stabilization, consolidation, and advancement in chosen vocation
Career maturity (Super)
used to describe how a person has completed different stage tasks