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A-Level Psychology
> I&D- Ethical Implications > Flashcards
I&D- Ethical Implications Flashcards
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A-Level Psychology
(102 decks)
SI- Types of Conformity
SI- Explanations for Conformity
SI- Variables affecting Conformity
SI- Conformity to Social Roles
SI- Obedience to Authority
SI- Situational Variables affecting Obedience
SI- Situational Explanations of Obedience
SI- Dispositional Explanations of Obedience
SI- Situational Explanations of Resistance to SI
SI- Dispositional explanations of resistance to SI
SI- Social Change
PP - Deviation from social norms
PP- Failure to function adequately
PP- Statistical infrequency
PP- Deviation from ideal mental health
PP -Behaviour, emotional and cognitive characteristics of phobias
PP- Behavioural approach to explaining phobias
PP- Behavioural approach to treating phobias
PP- Behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics of depression
PP-Cognitive approach to explaining depression
PP- Cognitive approach to treating depression
PP- Behavioural, emotional and cognitive characteristics of OCD
PP- Biological approach to explaining OCD
PP- Biological approach to treating OCD
BP- Nervous system
BP- Synaptic Transmission
BP- Neurons
BP- Endocrine system
BP- Fight or Flight Response
BP- Localisation of Function
BP- Lateralisation of Function
BP- Studying the brain
BP- Plasticity and Functional Recovery
BP- Circadian Rhythms
BP- Ultradian and Infradian Rhythms
BP- Pacemakers
FP- Top Down Approach
FP- Bottom Up Approach
FP- Atavistic Form
FP- Genetic and Neural Explanations
FP- Eysenck's Theory of Criminal Personality
FP- Differential Association Theory
FP- Cognitive Explanations
FP- Psychodynamic Explanations
FP- Custodial Sentencing
FP- Behaviour Modification
FP- Anger Management
FP- Restorative Justice
Research methods
RM- Content Analysis
RM- Case studies
RM- Reliability
RM- Types of validity
RM- Types of data
RM- Experimental designs
RM- Sampling techniques
RM- Peer review
RM- British Psychological Society
RM- Features of science
A- Stages of Attachments
A- Reciprocity and Interactional Synchrony
A- Multiple Attachments & Role of the Father
A- Animal Studies of Attachment- Lorenz and Harlow
A- Ainsworth Strange Situation- Types of Attachment
A- Explanations of Attachment- Learning Theory
A- Explanations of Attachment- Bowlby's Monotropic Theory
A- Influence of Early Attachments
A- Bowlby's Theory of Maternal Deprivation
A- Cultural Variations
A- Effects of Institutionalisation
M- Cognitive Interview
M- Interference theory
M- Retrieval Failure
M- Eyewitness Testimony
SZ- Classification of SZ
SZ- Psychological Therapies
SZ- Biological Therapies
SZ- Psychological Explanations
SZ- Interactionist Approach
I&D- Nature vs Nurture
I&D- Idiographic&Nomothetic Approach
I&D- Holism & Reductionism
I&D- Gender Bias
I&D- Cultural Bias
I&D- Free Will
I&D- Ethical Implications
RS- Evolutionary Explanations
RS- Self Disclosure
RS- Physical Attractiveness
RS- Social Exchange Theory
RS-Rusbult's Investment Model
RS- Duck's Phase Model
RS- Filter Theory
RS- Equity Theory
RS- Virtual Relationships
SZ- Biological Explanations
statistical testing : the sign test
choosing a statistical test
probability and significance
Data analysis :
Control of EV