I Flashcards
a, ab
(+ abl.) - by, from
absum abesse afui
- be absent
accipio -cipere -cepi -ceptum
- receive, accept
accuso (1)
- accuse
(+ acc.) - to, towards, at
adsum adesse adfui
- to be present
aedes -ium
f.pl. - house
aedifico (1)
- build
aeger -gra -grum
- ill, sick
aestas -atis
f. - summer
aetas -atis
f. - age
ager -gri
m. - field
agricola -ae
m. - farmer
agmen -inis
n. - marching column, army on the march
ago agere egi actum
- do, act, carry out, spend, drive
aliquis -quis -quid
- someone, something
alius -a -um
- other, another
alter altera alterum
- the other (of two), the second
altus -a -um
- high, deep
amicus -i
m. - friend
annus -i
m. - year
(adv. and prep. + acc.) - before, in front of
(adv.) - before, previously
antequam (conj.)
- before
appello (1)
- call
apud (+ acc.)
- at, at the house of, among, near
aqua -aeq
f. - water
arbor -oris
f. - tree
argentum -i
n. - silver, money
arma -orum
n.pl. - arms, weapons
armo (1)
- arm
ars artis
f. - art, skill
- but
atque, ac
- and
audio (4)
- hear
aurum -i
n. - gold
- or
- but, however, moreover
auxilium -i
n. - help, auxiliary troops (in pl.)
barbarus -a -um
- foreign, barbarian
bellum -i
n. - war
- well
bonus -a -um
- good
cado cadere cecidi casum
- fall
campus -i
m. - plain, level surface
canis -is
m. - dog
cano canere cecini cantum
- sing
canto (1)
- sing
capio capere cepi captum
- take, get, seize, contain
captivus -i
m. - captive, prisoner
caput -itis
n. - head
carmen -inis
n. - song, poem
castra -orum
n.pl. - camp
cena -ae`
f. - dinner
ceterus -a -um `
- remaining, the rest
cibus -i
m. - food
civis -is
c. - citizen
civitas -atis
f. - state, country
clamo (1)
- shout
clamor -oris
m. - shout
clarus -a -um
- famous, clear, distinct
classis -is
f. - fleet
cogito (1)
- think
cohors -ortis
f. - cohort
coniunx -iugis c.
- wife, husband
conor (1)
- try
consilium -i
n. - plan, decision, policy
consisto -sistere -stiti -stitum
- halt, take up position
conspicio -spicere -spexi -spectum
- catch sight of
consul -ulis
m. - consul
contendo -tendere -tendi -tentum
- contend, strive, march, hurry
copiae -arum
f.pl. - troops, forces
cor cordis
n. - heart
credo -dere -didi -ditum
(+ dat.) - believe, entrust
cresco crescere crevi cretum
- grow, increase
culpa -ae
f. - blame
culpo (1)
- blame
cum (+ abl.)
- with
- when, since, although
cupidus -a -um
(+ gen.) - eager, desirous
cupio cupere cupivi cupitum
- desire
- why
curro currere cucurri cursum
- run
custodio (4)
- guard, protect, preserve
custos -odis
m. - guard
de (+ abl.)
- down from, from, concerning
dea -ae
f. - goddess
deus -i
m. - god
debeo (2)
- owe, ought to, have to
defendo -fendere -fendi -fensum
- defend
dexter -tra -trum (or -tera -terum)
- on the right, right
dextra (or dextera) -ae
f. - right hand
dextra (or dextera)
- on the right
dico dicere dixi dictum
- say, speak
dies diei m. or f.
- day (m.), set day, date
difficilis -is -e
- difficult
digitus -i
m. - finger
dignus -a-um
- worthy (of)
disco discere didici
- learn
- for a long time
do dare dedi datum
- give
dono (1)
- give, present with
doceo docere docui doctum
- teach
dominus -i
m. - master, lord
domus -us
f. - house, home
dubito (1)
- doubt
duco ducere duxi ductum
- lead, take
- while, as long as, provided that
dulcis -is -e
- sweet, pleasant
e, ex (+ abl.)
- out of, from
- look!
edo edere edi esum
- eat
- I
- for, because
eo ire ivi (or ii) itum
- go
- to there
epistula -ae
f. - letter
eques equitis
m. - horseman
equus -i
m. - horse
- and
- even, also
exercitus -us
m. - army
fabula -ae
f. - story
facilis -is -e
- easy
facio facere feci factum
- do, make
fama -ae
f. - report, rumour, fame, reputation
familia -ae
f. - household, family
fatum -i
n. - fate, destiny
felix (gen. felicis)
- fortunate, lucky, successful
femina -ae
f. - woman
fero ferre tuli latum
- bring, carry, endure
ferrum -i
n. - iron, sword
fessus -a -um
- tired, weary
fidelis -is -e
- faithful
filia -ae
f. - daughter
filius -i
m. - son
fines -ium m.pl.
- territory, boundaries
finis -is
m. - boundary, limit, end
fio fieri
- become, be made, happen
fleo flere flevi fletum
- weep, cry
flos floris
m. - flower
flumen -inis
n. - river
fortis -is -e
- brave, strong
- bravely
- by chance
fortuna -ae
f. - fortune, chance
forum -i
n. - market-place, forum
frater -tris
m. - brother
fugio fugere fugi fugitum
- flee, escape, keep away from
gaudeo gaudere gavisus sum
- be glad, rejoice
gens gentis
f. - tribe, clan, people
gero gerere gessi gestum
- wear, carry on, conduct
gladius -i
m. - sword
gloria -ae
f. - glory
habeo (2)
- have, hold, consider
hasta -ae
f. - spear
- not
hic haec hoc
- this
- here
hiems hiemis
f. - winter
- from here
homo hominis
m. - man, human being
hora -ae
f. - hour
hortor (1)
- encourage, urge
hortus -i
m. - garden
hostis -is c.
- enemy
- to here
humanus -a -um
- human, kind, humane
- there
idem eadem idem
- the same
- therefore
ignis -is
m. - fire
ille illa illud
- that
- there
- from there
- to there
imperator -oris
m. - general, emperor
imperium -i
n. - command, power, empire
impero (1)
(+ dat.) - order
impetus -us
m. - charge, attack
in (+ acc.)
- into, against
in (+ abl.)
- in, on
incola -ae c.
- inhabitant
incolo (3)
- inhabit
- from there, then
ingens (gen. ingentis)
- huge, vast
- he says, he said
insidiae -arum f.pl.
- ambush, plot, treachery
insignis -is -e
- distinguished, remarkable
insula -ae
f. - island, block of flats
intellego -legere -lexi -lectum
- perceive, understand, realise
- meanwhile
interficio -ficere -feci -fectum
- kill
- meanwhile
intro (1)
- enter
invenio -venire -veni -ventum
- find
ipse ipsa ipsum
- himself, herself, itself
ira -ae
f. - anger
irascor irasci iratus sum
(+ dat.) - become angry
iratus -a -um
- angry
is ea id
- that; he, she, it
iste ista istud
- that; he, she, it
- so, thus
- and so, therefore
iter itineris
n. - journey, march, route
- again
iaceo (2)
- lie, lie down
iacio iacere ieci iactum
- throw
- now, by now, already