Hypothyroidism Flashcards
Describe (6)
common thyroid disorder, dif prod of hormones
t3/t4 triiodothyroxine and thyrooxine
Most common cause hashmitos thyroiditis
infl caused IS
Attacks tg with anti thyroid globuline ab causes atrophy
, i2 def 2nd most common cause, need to prod hormone
Signs (5)
Dry coarse skin, depression weight gain
constipation, voice change, hypertension
most risk: history, treatment 4 previous
radiotherapy and lithium decreases prod
affects 30 or MA
Diagnosis (3)
Conc of tsf elv in conc
test t4, low levels if suspected
elevated cholesterol
Treatment (7)
Positive, can be controlled
Allows for healthy life
Issue: inc chance of osteoperosis + atrial filtration
PW analyise conc of h for 4-6w
Levothyroxine for pw, but may inc CDR in over 65
low-mild: low level thyroxine
to prevent: no way, sedentary life = lower thyroxine