Hyperthyroidism Flashcards
What is thyrotoxicosis?
Clinical effect of excess thyroid hormone
What are three reasons for excess thyroid hormone?
Overproduction of thyroid hormone, leakage of preformed hormone from the thyroid, ingestion of excess thyroid hormone
What are 3 things that can cause hyperthyroidism?
Graves’ disease, toxic multinodular goitre, toxic adenoma
What are some risk factors for hyperthyroidism?
Female, young/middle aged, smoking, stress
What are some presentations of hyperthyroidism?
Hot and sweaty, diarrhoea, weight loss, anxiety/restlessness, hyperphagia
What is hyperphagia?
Increased appetite
What are some signs of hyperthyroidism?
Periorbital swelling, goitre, tachycardia
What thyroid function test result would indicate primary hyperthyroidism?
Suppressed TSH, increase in free T3 and T4
What thyroid function test result would indicate secondary hyperthyroidism?
Inappropriately high TSH, increase in free T3 and T4
What other tests should you perform?
Thyroid autoantibodies, isotope uptake scan if cause unclear
What drugs would you prescribe?
Beta blockers, anti-thyroid medications
What managements are available, other than drugs?
Radioiodine, thyroidectomy
What are some potential complications?
Ophthalmopathy, thyroid storm
What is thyroid storm?
A medical emergency caused by severe hyperthyroidism
What is a risk of carbimazole?
What advice should you give when prescribing carbimazole?
Stop the drug and get an urgent FBC if there are signs of infection
What is anti-thyroid drugs are available?
Carbimazole, propylthiouricil