Hypertension Flashcards
What are some causes of secondary hypertension?
sleep apnea, estrogen use, pheochromocytoma, renal artery stenosis, chronic steroid use, cushings
What are some hypertensive emergencies?
aortic dissection, pulmonary edema, MI/unstable angine, cerebral hemorrhage, encephalopathy, preeclampsia/eclampsia
What can you see on fudascopic exam with malignant hypertension?
What can chronic high blood pressure lead to?
CHF, renal faliure, stroke, dementia, aortic dissection, retinal injury
What is the goal of treating hypertensive emergenices for the mean arterial pressure?
25% reduction in MAP in first few hours with IV labetalol, nipride or nicardipine
What is first line therapy for hypertension in general?
thiazide diuretics
What is the tx for hypertension with angina?
thiazide and beta-blocker, lower lipids and give aspirin
What should be added to therapy for hypertension and chronic kidney disease?
ACEI’s or ARB’s–must watch for hyperkalemia with this
What should be used in asymptomatic heart failure with LV dysfunction and HTN?
ACEI’s and beta-blockers
What should be used in hypertension and diabetes?
ACEI’s and ARB’s, BB, CCB
What should be used to reduce recurrent stroke and hypertension?
ACEI’s and thiazides
What is the best tx for African Americans with HTN?
thiazides or CCB’s–ACEI can cause angioedema more often in this population
What drugs can be used in pregnancy and HTN?
methyldopa and BB–DO NOT USE ACEI and ARB’s
What is the treatment for hypertensive emergency besides aortic dissection?
nitroprusside is the old school treatment and nicardipine
What is the treatment for hypertension in aortic dissection?
beta blocker and nitroprusside
What is the treatment for hypertension from drugs (cocaine)?
What is the treatment for hypertensive emergencies in pregnancies?
magnesium, delivery then hydralazine or lobatalol
What is the treatment for hypertensive emergency with acute coronary syndrome or acute pulmonary edema?
IV nitroglycerin