Hyper/hypocalcemia Flashcards
Importance of calcium?
- Heart and skeletal muscle contractility are affected by calcium ions
- Vital to nervous system function and are associated with blood clotting and bone mineralization.
Normal calcium range?
The concentration of serum calcium is tightly regulated by parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1,25-hydroxy vitamin D.
Reference ranges: 2.0 - 2.5 mmol/L
Causes of hypercalcaemia?
- increased bone resorption
- increased calscium absorption
Increased bone resorption causes of hypercalcaemia?
- hyper parathyroidism
- malignancy
- myeloma
- PTH-rp with malignancies
- Thyrotoxicosis
Increased calcium absorption causes of hypercalcemia?
- Increase intake of ca
- Increased Vitamin D
Presentation of hypercalcaemia?
Muscle weakness
Distal RTA
Causes of hypocalcemia?
- decreased calcium absorption
- deposition of calcium/loss
- increased renal excretion
- others
Decreased calcium absorption causes in hypocalcaemia?
- Hypoparthyroidisim
- Low vitamin d
- Hypomagnesemia
- malabsorption
Deposition of calcium/loss causes in hypocalcemia?
Increased renal excretion causes in hypocalcemia?
Other causes of hypocalcaemia?
- low albumin
- alkalosis
- hyperphosphatemia
Presentation of hypocalcemia - due to decreased calcium absorption?
- Neuromuscular excitability
- Tetany
- seizures
- confusion
- Hyperreflexia
- abnormal eye movements
- circumoral tingling
- Chvostek’s and Trousseaus’s sign
Bones, Stones, Groans and Moans
- bones - abnormal bone remodeling and fracture risk
- stones - increased risk for kidney stones
- groans - abdominal cramping, nausea, ileus, constipation
- psychiatric overtones - lethargy, depressed mood, psychosis, cognitive dysfunction
Hypocalcemia signs and symptoms?
- easy fatigability
- depression, anxiety, confusion
- numbness and tingling in extremities and region around mouth
- hyperreflexia, muscle cramps
- Chvosteks sign and Trousseaus sign
- laryngeal spasm
- tetany, seizures
- ventricular tachycardia
Treatment of hypercalcemia?
- Treat cause
- Adequate rehydration 3-4 l/day
- Intravenous bisphosphonates
- Loop diuretics
- Dialysis in extreme cases
Treatment hypocalcemia?
- Treat Cause
- Oral Calcium supplements
- Intravenous calcium gluconate
- Vitamin D3