Anaemia Flashcards
What produces RBCs in the bone marrow?
pluripotent stem cells
Chemical regulation of the bone marrow is done by?
- Cytokines
- Erythroid specific growth factor
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
What is the lifespan of a reticulocyte?
4 days
What is the lifespan of a RBC?
120 days
What is anaemia?
values of hemoglobin, hematocrit or RBC counts which are more than 2 standard deviations below the mean
Anaemia values for men and women?
<13.5 g/dL (men)
<12 (women) - HCT
<41% (men)
<36 (women)
What symptoms would indicate decreased oxygen delivery to tissues?
- Exertional dyspnea
- Dyspnea at rest
- Fatigue
- Signs and symptoms of hyperdynamic state e.g. Bounding pulses, Palpitations
Life threatening conditions that can causes decreased oxygen delivery to tissues?
- heart failure
- angina
- myocardial infarction
Signs and symptoms of hypovolemia?
- Fatiguability
- postural dizziness
- lethargy
- hypotension
- shock and death
Physical examination findings of an anemia patient?
- Pallor
- Jaundice
- haemolysis - Lymphadenopathy
- Hepatosplenomegally
- Bony Pain
- Petechiae
- Rectal
- Occult blood
Initial testing of anemia?
- FBC w/ differential (includes RBC indices)
- Reticulocyte count
- Peripheral blood smear
Specific tests for bleeding?
- Hb
Lab tests for iron deficiency?
iron studies
- ferritin
Lab tests for hemolysis?
- Serum LDH
- indirect bilirubin
- haptoglobin
- Coombs
- coagulation studies
Lab tests directed by clinical indication?
- haemoglobin electrophoresis
- B12/folate levels
- bone marrow examination
Classification of anemia by pathophysiology?
- Blood Loss
- Decreased Production
- Increased Destruction
Classification of anemia by morphology?
- Normocytic
- Microcytic
- Macrocytic
Causes of acute blood loss?
- Traumatic
- Variety of sources
- Melena, haematemesis, menometrorrhagia
Causes of chronic blood loss?
Occult bleeding
- Colonic polyp/carcinoma
Causes of decreased production in anemia?
- Infections
- Neoplasms
- Endocrine
- Nutritional Deficiency
- Anaemia of Chronic Disease
Infectious causes of decreased production in anemia?
- Bacterial
- Tuberculosis
- MAC - Viral
- Parvovirus
Neoplasms that cause decreased production in anemia?
- Leukaemia
- Lymphoma/Myeloma
- Myeloproliferative Syndromes
- Myelodysplasia
Endocrine causes that cause decreased production in anemia?
- Thyroid Dysfunction
- Hypothyroidism - Erythropoietin Deficiency
- Renal failure
Nutritional deficiencies that cause a decreased production in anemia?
- Iron
- B12
- Folate
Hemolytic anemias that cause increased destruction of RBCs?
- Immune mediated
- Non-immune mediated
Immune mediated anemias?
- Cold agglutinin
- Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria
- Post mycoplasmal haemolytic anaemia - Warm agglutinin
- Drug induced
- Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
- Transfusion reaction
Non-immune mediated anemia?
- extra-corpuscular
- intra-corpuscular
Non immune mediated extra-corpuscular anemia?
- Macro-circulatory
- Hypersplenism
- Extracorporeal circulation - Micro-circulatory
Non-immune mediated intra-corpuscular anemia?
- RBC Wall (membrane or enzyme defects)
- Haeme or globin abnormalities (HbS, C)
Causes of normocytic anemia?
- Infections
- Malignancy
- Early Anaemia of Chronic Disease
- Acute blood loss
- Obesity
- Bone marrow failure
Causes of anemia of chronic disease in normocytic anemia?
- Heart failure
- Immune mediated disease
e.g. RA, Lupus, vasculitis, sarcoidosis, inflammatory bowel disease
Causes of microcytic anemia?
- MCV <80
- Reduced iron availability
- Reduced haeme synthesis
- Reduced globin production
Causes of reduced iron availability in microcytic anemia?
- iron deficiency
- anemia of chronic disease
Causes of iron deficiency anemia?
- Deficient diet/absorption
- Increased requirements
- Blood loss
- Iron sequestration
Causes of anemia of chronic disease?
- Low serum iron, low TIBC, normal serum ferritin
- Chronic infection
- inflammation
- cancer
- liver disease
Causes of reduced heme synthesis in microcytic anemia?
- Lead poisoning
- Acquired or congenital sideroblastic anaemia
- Characteristic smear finding: basophylic stippling
Causes of reduced globin production in microcytic anemia?
Smear characteristics of reduced globin production in microcytic anemia?
- Hypochromia
- Microcytosis
- Target Cells
- Tear Drops
Causes of macrocytic anemia?
- MCV > 100
- megaloblastic
- non-megaloblastic
Causes of megaloblastic macrocytic anemia?
- Abnormalities in nucleic acid metabolism
- B12
- Folate
Causes of non-megaloblastic macrocytic anemia?
- Abnormal RBC maturation
- Myelodysplasia
- liver disease
- hypothyroidism
- chemotherapy/drugs