Arrythmias Flashcards
Adult emergency arrhythmia management?
- airway
- open, main and protect - breathing
- administer O2
- ventilate if necessary - circulation
- assess pulse, blood pressure and perfusion
- attach ECG, pulse ox and vital signs monitor - drip
- insert IV line with normal saline - ECG
- run rhythm strip or a 12 lead ECG
HR < 60 beats/min
Clinical features of bradycardia?
Chest pains
SBP <90 mmHG
Treatment of bradycardia?
atropine and pacing
Diagnosing bradycardia?
Rule out
head injury
heart block
HR > 100 beats/min
1. narrow complex
2. wide complex
Narrow complex tachycardia?
HR >100 Supraventricular Tachycardia
(QRS <0.12 sec)
Clinical features of narrow complex tachycardia?
Chest pains,
SBP< 90 mmHG ,
HR >200
Treatment of narrow complex tachycardia?
If stable- vagal manoeuvres, adenosine & amiodarone
Unstable-synchronised electrical Cardioversion(SYNC on R wave)
Wide complex tachycardia?
HR >100/min(QRS >0.12 sec)
Clinical features of wide complex tachycardia include?
Chest pains, SOB,↓LOC,SBP<90,HR >150
Treatement of wide complex tachycardia?
Unstable –synchronised cardioversion(SYNC on R wave)
What are vagal maneuvers?
Techs used to treat and diagnose SVTs by increasing vagal tone on the heart.
Name the vagal maneuvers?
Carotid Sinus Massage(CSM) bifurcation of the internal and external carotids arteries→ IX→ medulla→ X
Valsalva maneuver→ Baroreceptors in the aortic arch → X
Right Vagus stimulate the SAN & Left Vagus stimulate the AVN
Describe the modified valsava technique?
- patient in recumbant position
- patient blows in 10ml syringe for 15 seconds
- place in spine position with leg raise for 45 seconds
Note: 10ml syringe = 40mmHg
Use of adenosine in treatment?
Adenosine(6:12:12) it exerts negative chronotropic and dromotropic therefore it is used for treatment and diagnosis of SVT.
Mechanism of action: slows down the electrical conduction thru AVN
Use of amiodorone?
- delays potassium efflux
- decreased sodium influx
- depresses calcium influx
- prevent unnecessary/unwanted conduction/depolarisation of the cardiac cells - slowing down of the heart rate
Narrow complex + irregular R-R interval - fibrillation waves?
atrial fibrillation
- Valvular heart disease, HPT, hyperthyroidism, cardiomyopathy(dilated, hypertrophic), alcohol abuse, post cardiac surgery, idiopathic
Narrow complex + irregular R-R interval + regular p waves with variable AV block?
atrial flutter/tachycardia
- Valvular heart disease, HPT, hyperthyroidism, cardiomyopathy(dilated, hypertrophic), alcohol abuse, post cardiac surgery, idiopathic
Narrow complex + irregular R-R interval + multiform p waves?
multifocal atrial tachycardia
- Lung diseases, hypoxia, acidosis, hypokalaemia, ischaemia
Atrial fibrilation?
is the result of multiple wavelets of depolarisation moving around the atria chaotically, discharging at a frequency of 350-600 betas/min
Atrial flutter with variable block?
flutter is due to a re-entry circuit in the right atrium with secondary activation of the left atrium
- saw-toothappearance in leads II, III, aVF, and usually discrete ‘P’ waves in lead V1. The atrial rate is usually about 300/min, but may be as slow as 150-200/min or as fast as 400-450/min.
Multifocal atrial tachycardia?
- discrete P waves with at least 3 different morphologies
- absence of one dominant atrial pacemaker
- atrial rate > 100bpm
- the PP, PR and RR intervals all vary
Narrow complex - regular R-R interval?
Common is Sinus Tachy.
1. Physiological:Exertion,anxiety,pain
2. Pathological: Fever, anaemia, hypovolaemia, hypoxia
3. Endocrine: Thyrotoxicosis
4. Pharmacological: Adrenaline as a result of phaeochromocytoma, salbutamol, alcohol, caffeine
Pathophysiology of AV nodal reentrant tachycardia?
Bradycardias & Atrio-ventricular conduction block?
Common is Sinus Bradycardia.
normal individuals during sleep & in those with high vagal tone e.g athletes and young healthy adults
Acute myocardial infarction
Drugs: beta blockers, digoxin, amiodarone
Obstructive jaundice
Raised intracranial pressure
Sick sinus syndrome
Bradycardia and first degree AV block?
Prolonged PR interval >.0200sec (5 small boxes)
Second degree heart block-Mobitz Type I-Wenckebach?
Lengthening of the PR interval prior to the non
conducted P wave
Proximal to bundle of his
Second degree heart block Mobitz Type II?
distal to bundle of HIS
Third degree heart block?
Complete dissociation between P waves & QRS complex
Check for what in cardiac arrythmias?
Acute myocardial infarction
Congestive cardiac failure
Side effects of drugs: digoxin, aminophylline,tricyclic antidepressants
Electrolyte imbalance: Hyperkalaemia
Subarachnoid haemorrhage