HYD Panel Flashcards
ENG 1 2 PUMP - On (Dark)
Pump runs if engine is running
ENG 1 2 PUMP - Fault Light (Amber)
Reservoir problem: -Low level -Fluid Overheat -Low air pressure Pump problem -Low pump pressure (inhibited on the grd with engine off)
ENG 1 2 PUMP - OFF light (White)
Stops pump
Turns off Fault light except overheat
RAT MAN ON pb - Pushed
Extends RAT and power Blue system (2500psi)
switch powered by hot Batt buss
Blue ELEC PUMP - ON (Dark)
Pump operates when electric power available and:
- In flight
- On the ground, after first engine start
Blue ELEC PUMP - Fault light (Amber)
Reservoir problem: -Low level -Fluid Overheat -Low air pressure Pump problem -Low pump pressure (inhibited on the grd with engine off) -Overheat
Blue ELEC PUMP - OFF (White)
Pump is unpowered
Yellow ELEC PUMP - On (White)
Pump operates when electric power available
Yellow ELEC PUMP - Fault light (Amber
Reservoir problem: -Low level -Fluid Overheat -Low air pressure Pump problem -Low pump pressure (inhibited on the grd with engine off) -Overheat
Yellow ELEC PUMP - OFF (Dark)
Pump is off
- Pump will be turned on regardless of switch, if cargo door lever moved to open/closed
- Turns off fault light except for overheat
Automatically runs when Green & yellow differential psi>500
Self test during second engine start
NOTE: PTU is inhibited
-for 40 seconds after cargo door is opened or closed
-only one ENG master switch is on and tow pin in
-only one ENG master switch is on and parking brake set
PTU - Fault light (Amber)
Reservoir Problem
- low level
- fluid overheat
- low air pressure
PTU - OFF light (White)
Power transfer stops
-turns off Fault light except for overheat