Husky 12 Flashcards
AFFF Aqueous Film Forming Foam
AR-AFFF Alcohol Resistant Aqueous Film Forming Foam
FFFP Film Forming Fluoro-Protein
GPM Gallons per Minute
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LPM Liters per Minute
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
RPM Revolutions per Minute
What kind of foam proportioning system is the Husky 12?
an on demand, automatic proportioning, single point, direct injection system
suitable for all types of Class A & Class B foam concentrates, including the high viscosity (6000 cps), alcohol
resistant Class B foams
What is the operation system of the Husky 12 based on?
is based on direct measurement of water flow, and remains
consistent within the specified flows and pressures.
The Husky 12 system automatically balances and proportions foam
solution at rates from
0.1% to 9.9% regardless of variations in water pressure and flow
The design of the H12 system allows operation from
draft, hydrant, or relay operation
The Husky 12 system has the ability to deliver the following (minimum) foam solution flow rates at accuracies that meet or exceed NFPA requirements at a pump rating of 250 PSI.
Concentration Percentage Capacity
6% 200 GPM
3% 400 GPM
1% 1,200 GPM
.5% 2,400 GPM*
.3% 4,000 GPM*
What percentage increments is the Class A foam system?
The Class A foam setting is in .1% increments from .1% to 1%. Typical settings are .3% and .5%. *The maximum
capacity is limited to the plumbing and water pump capacities
How can you tell the difference between water only and water/foam discharges?
Foam discharges can be identified by red/white tags; water only discharges can be identified by silver/black tags
The electrical load for the foam proportioning system is less than
five (5) amps at 12VDC
When will the maintenance message appear?
These messages will appear after 20 hours of foam system operation if not reset during normal maintenance.
The message displays the interval for cleaning the foam strainer & water strainer, and changing the hydraulic oil
Where is the manual flush drain valve located
A manual flush drain valve is located under the driver’s side running
Emulsifier-type agents may cause damage to seals in Husky foam systems.
In the event you are using an emulsifier-type encapsulator agent, what should be done?
do not store foam system wet.
Perform a flush after every use
low viscosities example, through high viscosity AR-AFFF.
such as Class
high viscosity example.
Acceptable Foam Concentrate Viscosity Range
Minimum 3 Centistokes
Maximum 6000 Centipoise
@30 rpm
How is the hydraulic drive system on the Husky 12 activated?
The hydraulic drive system that powers the foam pump is automatically activated when the water pump is engaged
What prevents the overheating of the hydraulic oil on the H12
A hydraulic oil cooler
oil/water cooler is designed to allow continuous system operation without allowing hydraulic oil temperature to
exceed the oil specifications.
The system is delivered with ISO 68 hydraulic oil.
On the hydraulic pump of the Husky 12, what is the large line and small line used for?
The larger line is inlet from hydraulic tank; the smaller line is pressure line that drives the foam pump
How may the hydraulic pump be driven?
The pump
may be driven directly off Hale pump transmission, the Waterous impeller shaft, or a transmission-driven PTO
(Chelsea) controlled by the pump engaged circuit #1659
Where is the hydraulic oil filter located on the H12
the unit is installed inside the pumphouse and is used to filter the pressurized hydraulic loop
What does the hydraulic reservoir do on the H12
The Hydraulic Reservoir (approximately four gallon capacity) provides a reservoir for the hydraulic drive system
What type of cooler is the Hydraulic Cooler
oil-to-water type heat exchanger
What does the hydraulic cooler do
t takes water directly from the water pump to cool the closed loop hydraulic system. The cooling water is then returned to the water pump suction while the cooled
hydraulic oil is returned to the hydraulic tank. The hydraulic cooler allows for continual operation of the Husky 12
hydraulic system.
What does the hydraulic manifold do
controls the direction of the hydraulic oil flow in the system
What does the foam supply system do
stores, pumps and distributes the foam concentrate to the foam/water discharges
What does the expansion dome in the Foam Concentrate Tank do?
The expansion dome allows for changes in foam concentrate volume due to
variations in temperature
Foam concentrate level shall be maintained at the ______ full mark in the expansion
dome at a minimum to reduce the air to foam concentrate interface
What does the pressure vacuum vent do
balances internal foam tank pressure under both suction and filling operations
the control head will display a warning message when the foam tank being used is below ______tank
What does the supply valve do?
eliminate air pockets in the foam tank supply hose
electric/air valve is used for the Foam Supply Valve
How is the hydraulic piston connected to the foam piston?
The hydraulic piston is
connected to the foam piston by a single, straight shaft
The foam concentrate pump is self-priming and The foam concentrate pump has a maximum capacity of _______ with all types of foam concentrates with a viscosity at or below 6000 cps including protein, fluoroprotein, AFFF, FFFP, or AR-AFFF.
12 GPM
What happens when the foam selector valve is in the wrong position?
A message is displayed by the control head in the event that the valve is not in the correct position for the operation selected
What is the foam strainer used for?
The strainer is used to prevent any debris from entering the foam system and possibly interfering with the internal
foam pump check valves
Which connection also functions as the Class A tank fill (when equipped with tank fill option) and as the foam tank
external foam pick-up
The external foam pick-
up also allows continued operation after the on-board foam tank is empty
What does the water supply system do?
supplies water to the foam injection manifold for foam to be added and distributed to the foam/water discharges
What are the manifold drains are used for?
to bleed off pressure/water anytime the water pump has been pressurized (after the
water pump is shut off). If a dry water pump condition is desired, leave manifold drains open until the fire scene is
What will the master pump drain?
empty both the discharge and inlet manifolds of water when opened. The water pump
drain should be pulled (opened) daily.
What does the In-line Water Check Valve do on the H12?
prevents foam from entering the water pump and the remainder of the water system. It is installed in the water piping, before the foam injection manifold and the water flowmeter.
What does the Water Flowmeter measure in regards to foam?
the flow of water supplied to the foam/water discharges before foam is injected. This controls the amount of foam that is injected when the Husky 12 foam system is turned on.
What happens if the control head and display are replaced?
the system calibration must be checked.
Where is The Husky 12 control panel located
on the main pump panel and includes six operating buttons. The display is a 4.3 diagonally measured color
What happens if the water flow drops below 20 GPM on the H12?
the foam system will go into standby until the water flow is increased to 20 GPM or above. At the toggle point, between 19-20 GPM, the system will want to go on and off standby. Maintaining water flow above 20 GPM will prevent this.
What are the steps for activating the on board class A foam?
- Engage water pump transmission.
- Recirculate water.
- Turn the system ON.
- Begin flowing water, foam pump will activate.
- Use the ARROW UP / ARROW DOWN buttons to change percentage (if needed).
- When beginning the mop up phase, turn the system OFF; use the foam in the hose for mop up.
NOTE: The only flush needed is to run the hose until it is mostly free of bubbles. The foam pump is
designed to be flooded with foam.
What must happen during the automatic flush?
During the automatic flush, water must be flowing through an open foam discharge OR open manifold drain to give the flush solution somewhere to go.
An automatic pre-programmed flush of _________will occur when changing from Class A to Class B foam, once the water flowmeter senses water flow
10-15 seconds
changing foam selections?
If you highlight a currently used foam type (Tank 1 Class A to Draft Class A) and press the
ENTER button, you will be transferred back to the HOME screen with that source enabled.
* If you highlight an alternate class of foam (Tank 1 Class A to Draft Class B) and press the
ENTER button, a new screen will be displayed, giving the user a second chance to continue
with the new class of foam or revert back to the previous class of foam being used.
* Whenever there is a foam class change, the system will automatically flush the pump with
water to prevent mixing of foam types in the pump.
Typically, no flushing is needed. The Husky 12 foam pump is designed to be flooded with foam unless
a different brand of Class A foam was drafted, or Class B foam was drafted, the only system flush that is needed is to turn the system OFF and continue flowing water until the presence of bubbles is
What should be done when beginning mop-up operations at the scene?
turn the system OFF and use the foam in the hose for mop-up
What about manual flush time is true?
The Manual Flush Mode is only for use when additional flush time is desired, such as after
switching between types and / or brands of foam. Flush mode can be enabled without first turning off the system.
You must have the water pump engaged and flowing water for the flush to begin. In the yellow warning bar on the display, a message in red will tell you “water flow is needed”, if you do not have water flow.
What is the prime mode used for on the H12?
The Prime Mode is used to accelerate the foam pump for a short period of time, such as to purge the air out of the
on-board tank lines after initial filling or to fill the suction hose while drafting
Water must be flowing through an open foam discharge OR open foam pump discharge drain to give
the foam solution somewhere to go.
Steps for priming the PUC
- Open foam pump discharge drain.
- Press FOAM PRIME button to activate. Release FOAM PRIME button when foam is discharged out of the foam
pump discharge drain. - Close the foam pump discharge drain.
- Open the manifold drain.
- Press FOAM PRIME to activate. Release the FOAM PRIME button when foam is discharged out of the manifold
NOTE: Allow water/foam solution to run out of manifold until it is mostly clear of foam, if unit is not
immediately going to be used to fight a fire. - Close the manifold drain
Why shouldn’t you mix manufacturers’ brands of foam?
Mixing of different foam concentrates (either type or manufacturer) may cause deterioration of the
foam concentrate, improper proportioning, and poor performance in a fire situation. Mixing of Class A and Class B foam concentrates may result in a chemical reaction that can create globules, which can clog orifices and cause system failure.
What is the recommended way to fill foam during non-fire operations?
through the fill dome
Pour the foam concentrate down the center of the round tube when filling the tank. This tube goes into the tank and allows the foam concentrate to enter under the
surface of foam currently in the tank to reduce aeration of the foam per NFPA
What needs to be done in the Pick-up Hose Method?
- Engage water pump to activate hydraulics and recirculate water
This mode of operation is the NFPA required manual override. This mode is used to activate the foam pump without
the flowmeter operating
Manual Mode (Manual Water Flow)
In manual water flow mode, the foam pump will run regardless of water flow. If discharges are closed, these lines may
be charged to over______. At least one discharge or manifold drain must be open before entering this
mode. In this mode, there are no interlocks, controls, or specific steps required. Use additional caution when
operating in the manual mode. Failure to comply may result in injury or damage to equipment.
300 PSI
Which cap has the check valve?
The inlet cap
If, for any reason, the hydraulic reservoir shutoff valve on the H12 is ever in the closed position, the hydraulic
pump should be ?
de-coupled from the water pump or the truck must be taken out of service. Failure to
do so will result in severe damage to the hydraulic pump
During cold weather, what must happe to the foam system after testing with water.
During cold weather, the foam system must be blown out after testing with water. Water cannot remain
in the foam system after testing. Either fill the foam system with foam concentrate or blow out the foam
system with compressed air using the following procedure. Failure to comply may result in the water
freezing and damaging foam system components
What position should the selector valve be in after draining the foam pump after testing?
turn the selector valve to the middle position (halfway
between TANK FILL and INJECT)
Blowing out foam pump after testing
Blowing Out After Testing
a. After blowing out the main water pump, cycle through and operate the flush mode with air.
b. Attach shop air (90 psi or less) directly to the inlet. Run the foam pump through a couple of cycles to get the
water out.
During the Set-up, Calibration, and Maintenance Mode Activation
Press and hold the ENTER button for 5 full seconds to bring up the “Setup Selection” screen
What does the autostart on the H12 do?
the auto start option will automatically turn the foam system on the first time the water pump is engaged.
What is imperative when changing the types of foam in the tank?
If changing the types of foam in the tank, It is imperative to thoroughly flush out and dry
the entire system
What is the default percentage for foam on the H12?
The default percentage is set at the factory to automatically run at 0.5% for Class A foam and
3.0% for Class B foam
What should be done before calibrating the flowmeter?
Before calibrating, verify the water flow using a pivot tube. If the flow is correct at various flow rates, based on the pitot tube results, no calibration is needed
The wider the rates are during calibration, the more _______
accurate the flowmeter will be over those flow rates
What are the low and high GPM settings for the flow meter on the H12 during calibration
50gpm and 300gpm
Normal voltage reading for (LVDT) Transducer
The normal voltage reading is 300mv - 700mv (left) and 4300mv - 4800mv (right)
Selecting Restore Defaults with the_______button from the Calibrations screen will automatically
restore all defaults. Do not select Restore Defaults without intending to do so
The following procedure is used to update software using the interface port located on the back side of the Husky 12 display. Programming requires an interface cable (Pierce P/N 2513982) and the necessary software,
which can be _____
downloaded from
Maintenance messages flash alternately with main operating screen after _____ of foam
system operation
20 hours
Personal hearing can be PERMANENTLY DAMAGED if exposed to constant high noise levels of __________
or higher. Wear approved hearing protection devices when working in high-noise-level areas. Hearing
loss occurs gradually, but becomes permanent over time.
85 db
What should be used to clean metal surfaces of the H12?
approved dry cleaning solvent
How do you prevent siphoning of the oil that is in the hydraulic tank?
The fluid return line, located at the top of the tank, should be cracked open when performing service on the hydraulic
system to prevent siphoning of oil that is in the tank
What component of the H12 system should be checked weekly?
The water strainer.
Remove clean-out cap and remove basket. Inspect for foreign debris. If any are found,
clean the basket with water and reinstall.
After every three months of service (quarterly), perform the following maintenance procedure
The foam strainer
Remove clean-out cap and remove basket. Inspect for foreign debris. If any are found,
clean the basket with water and reinstall
If the vehicle has been subjected to extreme cold temperatures for
extended periods of time, what can be done to warm the hydraulic oil?
engaging the water pump will allow the hydraulic oil to warm up before initiating operation of the Husky 12 system
Recommended oil for H12?
U.S. Oil Multi-Vis 68R, Mobil DTE16M ISO 68 or equivalent
When will The hydraulic fluid used for cold weather application not function properly on the H12?
at higher temperatures,
and must be changed to an appropriate recommended type for proper operation of unit