Humane endpoints, surgery, euthenasia Flashcards
What is an experimental endpoint?
predefined endpoint of experiment when alle necessary data has been collected.
What is a humane endpoint?
The earliest point the experiment can or should be terminated. Purpose of eliminating suffering. Might be before the experimental endpoint.
How do we define and detect the humane endpoint?
1) take into accout the severity of the procedure (mild, moderate etc)
2) Have a score sheet with relevant parameters which are monitored (behaviour, appearance, clinical signs - both qualitative and quantitive) - should be specific to strain, species.
What is a subclinical infection?
Infection without symptoms that can be seen clinically but might have influence on experimental data.
What´s important when performing surgery?
1) working aseptically = no transfer of microorganisms.
2) plan procedure beforehand
How to work sterile:
1) sterile only touch sterile
2) unsterila only touch unsterile
3) sterile doesn´t touch unsterile
checklist for surgery:
1) choice of animals
2) evaluation of animal health
3) facilities
4) surgical instruments - cleaning and aseptic
5) number of assistants
6) prepare animal for surgery - fasting, shaving, cleaning, acclimitisation
7) management of animal
8) aneasthesia protocol
9) adequate practise
10) record keeping
How can i confirm death?
1) confirmation of permanent cessation of the brain
2) destruction of the brain
3) dislocation of the neck
4) exsangunation
5) rigor mortis
which euthenasia technique is allowed in all species?
aneasthetic overdose