HUMAN - Tourism Flashcards
What is tourism?`
Tourism is activities that require travel away from home and staying away for at least 1 night, or activities away from home done for recreational purposes eg going on holiday to a foreign country, going to a National Park for a day, going to the seaside
The top 6 tourist destinations?
China, USA, Spain, France, UK and Italy
Domestic Tourism
Going on holiday within ones own country eg Manchester to London
International Tourism
Going on holiday abroad eg UK TO USA
Some of the reasons why tourism has increased?`
- More disposable income
- Faster flights
- Increased advertising
- Package holidays
- Jobs including travel
- More attractions
- Times of the year like spring break
- Holidays for everyone
- More people with good pensions
Social reasons for an increase in tourism?
- Higher wages and disposable income
- More paid holiday time (4 weeks in the UK)
- Double income
- Higher life expectancy
- Holiday prices reduces eg budget airlines
- Successful careers
- Lifestyle desires
Technological reasons for an increase in tourism?
- Car ownership
- Development of aircrafts, can fly further than before
- Online booking reduicng high street agents
- Advertising increases
- Internet expands knowlage and therefore a decrease in fear
Why does tourism have a multiplyer effect?
It encourages the growth of services and other businesses and this has a far reaching economic impact
Give some examples of businesses than benefit from toursim
- Shopping places
- Restaurants
- Hotels
- Travel services (planes, taxis, coaches)
- Food and drink places
- The entertainment industry
- Communication
How does tourism effect MEDC’s economy?
MEDC’S have abroad and balancs economy and tourism is just 1 part that contributes towards it
How does tourism effect LEDC’S economy?
- LEDC’S have greater reliance on tourism
- It is a way of diversifying the economy away from cash crop production like sugar cane/bananas
- For many it has now become the main export earner eg Barbados has an 80% national income from tourism
How does tourism effect countries?
- It increases the number and variety of service sector jobs
- Give support from local industry (construction, food industry and handcrafts)
- Increases in local and goverment tax revenue
Gross Domestic Product
Total values of goods and services produced by a coutry in 1 year
Benefits of tourism in poorer countries?
- Many people are employed to work in tourist areas eg Barbados - 30% of people work in these jobs
- Tourists spend £,$ or € which is essential in other countries as it can be used to buy goods and services from abroad
- Government tax visitors help pay for extra services eg water, drainage, electricity
- Multiplyer effect as extra jobs are created indirectly
- Many (small) businesses serve tourists eg taxis, bars, builders and maintanence workers
What are some of the appeals of cities?
- Atmosphere
- Urbanised
- Multicultural
- Shopping, markets
- Food (possibly of the country)
- Sports arenas eg Olympic park, old trafford
- Many main businesses are situated there eg big supermarkets
- Historical times eg Imperial War Museum
Explain the attraction of tourism in costal areas, and name some of the negative effects?
- Winter beach holidays (eg to Carrabien)
- Sun, Sea, Sand
- Climate
- Costal resorts
- Cultures **devalued
- Beaches may be ruined eg by litter
- Overcrowding
- Possible water pollution
- Disrupting the locals
Explain the attraction of tourism in mountainous areas, and name some of the negative effects
- Scenery eg in the Alps and Rockies
- Snow and scenery
- Snow can be guarenteed
- Different environment than usual
- Ideal place for walking
- Seasonal
- May destroy or scare wildlife
- Natural beauty may be destroyed
Explain he attraction of tourism in cities, and name some of the negative effects?
- Multicultural
- Nice atmospere
- Historical buildings (palaces, public buildings, religeous, defensive)
- Major events eg Olympics (entertainment, historical, international, cultuaral, sporting)
- Uniqueness eg Venice canals
- Recent creations (museums, bridges, opera houses)
- Pollution
- Traffic
Some of the most vistied countries (long haul destinations - commonwealth) from the UK?
Usa, India, Canada, Austrailia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, China, South Africa, Pakestan, Thailand
What is the Butler Tourist resort life-cycle model?
The Butlers life-cycle model: Exploration
Small numbers of visitors are attracted to the area (eg by scenery or culture)
There aren’t many tourist facilities
The Butlers life-cycle model: Involvement
Local people start providing facilities for the tourists, which attracts more visitors
The Butlers life-cycle model: Development
More and more visitors come as more facilities are built. Control of tourism in the area passes from locals to big companies
The Butlers life-cycle model: Consolidation
Tourism is still a big part of the local economy, but tourist numbers and beginning to level off