predicting the various HR needs relating to acquiring , positioning
and utilizing employees.
Human Resource Planning
formulating and implementing its strategies and assessing their
effects on the internal and external environment of the firms.
Human Resource Management activities are taken into
consideration prior to formulating the corporate plan.
Strategic Planning
There are two methods of predicting HR needs
quantitative and Qualitative
trend analysis
ratio analysis
regression analysis
Quantitative Approach
The Delphi Technique.
Qualitative Approach
If there are more workers than job, the first action is to downsize,
indicates that there
are more jobs than workers. If this happens, the
first move of the company should be to hire
additional employees.
Under Supply
The Process of Human Resource Planning
- Organizational Mission, Goals and Objectives, and Strategic Requirements.
- Current Manpower Inventory.
- Forecasting Demand and Supply.
- Manpower Gaps