Human Reproduction Flashcards
What are the 8 main labels of the Penis?
> Seminal Vesicle
Cowpers Gland
Sperm Duct
Prostate Gland
What is the purpose of the Seminal Vesicle?
> A Gland that produces a nutrient-rich fluid that provides energy for the sperm cells.
What is the purpose of the Cowpers Gland?
> Produces mucus that helps with the movement of sperm cells.
What is the purpose of the Scrotum?
> Skin sac that protects the Testes and holds the Testes ‘outside’ the body at a temperature that is 2°C below 37°C.
What is the purpose of the Testes?
> Produces sperm cells and the hormone Testosterone.
What is the purpose of the Prostate Gland?
> Produces an Alkaline Fluid that neutralizes the acids produced in the Vagina, which would kill sperm cells.
What is the purpose of the Sperm Duct?
> Transports sperm from the Epididymis to the Urethra.
What is the Purpose of the Urethra?
> Transports Semen and Urine out of the body.
What is the Purpose of the Epididymis?
> Sperm cells mature and are stored here.
What are the Functions of Testosterone?
> Development of the Male secondary sexual characteristics, such as beard, public hair, deep voice and a muscular body.
> Stimulates the maturation of sperm cells.
What are the Main Parts of the Female Reproductive system?
> Fallopian Tube
What is the Purpose of the Fallopian Tube?
> Connects the ovaries to the uterus, Transports egg cells from the ovary, it is the site of fertilization.
What is the Function of the Ovary?
> Produces egg cells, secretes Progesterone and Oestrogen.
What is the Function of the Uterus?
> Carries the embryo and foetus during pregnancy.
What is the Function of the Endometrium?
> The Inner lining of the Uterus, place where the embryo implants and the placenta forms.
What is the Function of the Cervix?
> Lower, narrow part of Uterus. It stretches to allow the baby through during childbirth.
What is the Function of the Hormones Oestrogen and Progesterone?
> Oestrogen helps with the development of female features such as breast, soft skin, feminine voice and influences the menstrual cycle.
> Progesterone is used for the implantation of the Uterus and ensure it stays in position for the entire period of pregnancy.
What is a Zygote?
> The Fusion of Haploid Male gametes with 23 chromosomes with the Haploid Female gametes aslo with 23 chromosomes to form a single Diployd cell.
What is Gametogenesis?
> The Process where Gametes are produced from the Germinal Epithellium of the sex organs (Testes and Ovaries) through Meiosis.
• Under the influence of Testosterone
• diploid cells in the seminiferous tubules of the testes undergo meiosis
• to form haploid sperm cells.
What is Oogenesis?
> Oogenesis refers to the process by which ova are produced from the germinal epithelium of the ovaries.
How does Oogenesis occur?
• Diploid cells in the ovary undergo mitosis to form numerous follicles
• At the onset puberty and under the influence of FSH, one cell inside a follicle enlarges and undergoes meiosis.
• Of the four cells that are produced, only one survives to form a mature haploid ovum.
• This occurs in a monthly cycle.
What is Gestation?
° The period when the embryo develops within the mothers uterus. Also known as the pregnancy period
What is a Blastocyst?
° A hollow ball of cells in which fertilized ovum develops.
What is Mitosis?
° The cell division by which the Zygote becomes multicellular.
What is the Placenta?
° Combination of embryonic and maternal tissue responsible for gas exchange, nutrition and excretion.
What is the Umbilical Artery?
° The Blood Vessel that carries Nitroenous waste from the Foetus to the Placenta.
What is the Umbilical Vein?
° The Blood Vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the Placenta to the Foetus.
What is Copulation?
Vaginal Sex ( Lol )
What is Fertilisation?
• The process in which a new cell is formed when two gametes (sex cells) –sperm and ova fuse together.