totality of microbes, their genomes and environmental interaction in a defined environment
microbes that typically inhabit a specific environment
human+microbiota - coevolution
how many human to bacterial cells
10x more bacterial cells than human cells
10^13 humans and 10^14 bacterial
antibiotics strip the gut microbiota
2 yrs to replace
Gut microbes immune regulationn
remove toxins, crown out pathogens and detox metabolites
Gut microbes birth
colonisation begins
Gut microbes antibiotics
remove the good and the bad
exposure to antibiotics during pregnancy
increases the risk of developing an allergic disease
internal tissues - exception
herpes zoster virus lives in the CNS
affects which microbes colonise where
pH, temperature and moisture
skin microbiota
staphylococci and diphtheroids
hygiene hypothesis
less exposure to infectious agents at a young age increases the chance of developing an allergic disease
spikes at varying times over last 120 year - showing different contributing factors
David Strachan
proposed that lower incidence of infection at a young age causes a rise in atopic diseases such as eczthma and asthma
delphi techniquie
relies on people having knowledge and also good judgement - qualitative technique