High throughput mass spectrometer
characterisation of whole microbial communities (genomes, mRNA, proteins and metabolic products
core micro biome factors
ethnicity, community, family member disparities
improvement in bioinformatic tools required
huge amounts of data being generated, but can’t culture much of what we need to - 1-2%
Finland, studies, green spaces
important OFs, decrease allergic disease
Influenze A
RNA virus, genetic reassortment of antigens, antigenic shift - reduces binding affinity of antibodies
antigen on influence responsible for binding
RNA viruses which evolve rapidly
Hepatitis C virus and HIV
why are there lots of mutation in influence and HIV
RNA dependent DNA polymerase - error prone
how many deaths from HIV a year
2 million
opportunist bacteria
S. aureus, helicobacter pylori
S. aures
gram positive, colonies the nasopharynx asymptomatically, opportunist when the host immune system is compromised
opportunistic S.aures infections
impetigo and cellulitis
Chlamidya Trichomonas
obligate intracellular pathogen
potentially irradicatable because there is no known animal resevoir
Helicobacter pylori
chronically colonies the gastric mucosa
- 95% duodenal ulcers, 75% gastric ulcers - reduced by antibiotics
although antibiotics reduce gastric ulcer caused by helicobacter pylori what do they do
increase gastroesophagel reflux
H. pylori clearance
increases gherkin secretion - stimulates huger which can contribute to obesity
how many phyla bacteria known to colonise the intestinal mucosa
-firmicutes, bacteriodetes, actinobacteria and proteobacteria
what protects against strep infections
a haemolytic bacteria - cosines the mouth and the go tract
what is Nash equilibrium
no benefit from changing away form the norm
better understanding of the microbiota leads to
better metabolism, hormonal and immunological interactions
syntrophic interacions
communities gene transfer should be studied rather than single organisms