anti fungals continued Flashcards
5 - FC
flu cytosine
synthetic analogue of cytosine
initially an anticancer drug - didn’t work
enters fungal cells which are cytosine permeable and is converted to 5 flurouriacil - inhibits protein and DNA synthesis
problems with 5FC
resistance is very common and only treats C neoformins and candida sp
weak antifungal
what would you use 5fc in conjunction with
AmB to treat serious candida and cryptococcus infections
what has been shown in animal models about 5FC
abnormal physiological development - tetragenic
congenital abnormalities - pregnant women should only take if benefits out weight the risks
semisynthetic - identified long ago but only recently modified into a drug
3 candies approved
inhibits B 1,3 glucan synthesis - non-competitive inhibition
B 1,3 glucans are essential for
cell wall strength and shape
Eichocandins toxicity and resistance
low and no cross resistance
Eichocandins expense
expensive and iv only
candin in aids patient
treat aids patient with oesophagi’s
Eichocandins no activity
cryptococcus neoformins
Eichocandins acvite
cider against candida and static against aspergillus
approved by FDA against aspergillosis
- pneumocystis carni pneumonia - prevents development of cysts in lung in which B 1,3 glucans are essential
animal studies preganancyEichocandins
they cross the placenta but there is no data regarding pregnancy