Human Genetic Defects Flashcards
point mutation
single nucleotide changes causing substitution, insertion, deletion (latter 2 can cause frameshift)
transition mutation
Purine to purine or pyrimidine to pyrimidine. point mutation
transversion mutation
purine to pyrimidine or vice versa
What two point mutations cause frameshifts?
insertion and deletion
genome with extra or missingchromosomes
Ex: trisomy 21 or down syndrome
aneuploidy is caused by?
turner syndrome
nondisjunction in sex chromosomes
boy is born with extra X chromosomes (XXY)
chromosomal abberations
chromosome segments are changed (duplication, inversion, and translocation)
chromosome segment is repeated on same chromosome
chromosome segments are rearranged in reverse orientation
translocation? Two types?
segment is moved to another chromosome. Can be reciprocal or Robertsonian
Type of translocation. two non-homologous chromosomes swap chunks
Type of translocation. one chromosome from a pair becomes attached to another from a pair
e.g. an extra chromosome 21 attached to 14 can cause Downs as well, tripled 21 chunk
Chromosomal Breakage
spontaneous or induced (mutagenic agents, x-rays) deficiency= lost fragment
Mutagenic agents include
Cosmic rays, X-rays, UV rays, radioactivity, mustard gas, most carcinogens, chemical compounds include colchicine (inhibits formation of spindle fibers)
Cystic fibrosis
fluid buildup in tracts -bronchi, exocrine glands, pancreas, intestines
lysosome defect;
can’t breakdown lipids for normal brain fxn
defective hemoglobin due to substitution mutation
degeneration of nervous system
Cri Du Chat
deletion on chromosome 5
extranuclear inheritance
extra-nuclear genes are found in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Defects in mito DNA can reduce cell’s ATP production. Mitochondria passed to zygote all come from mother, so all related diseases are mother inherited. Note that mitochondria have their own ~70S ribosomes