Human Envi - mumbai/Edin Flashcards
three factors you deem to be the biggest concerns for Edinburgh’s housing
Population growth expected – 120,000 increase in the next 20 years
Increasing homelessness - unable to pay rent
too many private B & B’s - his reduces the availability of good rental accommodation at good locations
Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies aimed at improving housing in a developed world city (i think)
Ocean Drive housing developments - Building homes close to the Port of Leith - More available homes - enables young families to enter the housing market - but issues of flooding
Sight hill flat demolition 2011 - start from scratch building houses - Better homes can be constructed - issues of traffic
Gentrification of Leith -old beuldings being repurposed
Why are urban areas experiencing growth?
there are pull factors in developing cities.
Employment opportunities in cities are one of the main pull factors. Many industries are located in cities and offer opportunities of high urban wages
more doctors
better income and job offers
country side
one way to better housing situations in Mumbai
BMC sanitation centers - Launched biggest hygiene center - Added toilets and safe clean spaces
Slum Rehabilitation Authority - Tower block clusters so existing slum dwellers given permanent housing - family have permanent housing and 20 million homes by 2022
self help schemes in the sqautter settelment - example Dharavi in mumbai - allows residents to improve their home with support of the local authority - for example authority could provide cheap building material - residents can chose what it goes towards
issues of Mumbai traffic
Moonstone rain
Narrow roads
Multiple road users
No lanes
8 mil commuters
How is traffic managed in Mumbai - issues/fixes
Honk More, Wait more is what it sounds like if the Sound gets to 85 decibels and red light stayed longer - Less people honk horn - people get angry leading to more issues
metro line will be built - will cost $4.5 billion to construct - more safe than walking everywhere - air quality will increase as decrease in cars - can carry half the poulation - three are already in operation so we activly know it is working
BMC road resurfacing - Roads are in better conditions. Better to drive on if there are less problems - pot holes can come back and very expensive
bus - decrease of cars so less traffic on roads - decreases pollution from fossil fuels
skywalk being built - more drugs and homeless people there but keeps people off the roads
general issues of housing in mumbai
no sanitation
too many slums - underfunded areas
overcrowded roads