Human Development evolve Flashcards
Adulthood is divided into three age groups:
young adulthood, middle adulthood, and older adulthood
Young adulthood spans the ages of
18 to 34 years
middle adulthood includes people
35 to 65 years of age
older adulthood includes those
66 years of age and beyond.
Biologic aging is also called
senescence is defined as
normal physiologic process that occurs at the cellular and molecular levels and is universal and irreversible
some organs may
age faster than others
Life expectancy is
the average number of years of life remaining at a given age
Life expectancy varies by
socioeconomic status
geographical location.
aging could contribute to
loss of hormones, as the endocrine system gradually fails
decline in estrogen hormone causing menopause
a drop in growth hormone causing muscle and bone mass loss
additional fat
thinning of the skin
decline in cardiovascular function
Wear-and-Tear Theory of Aging proposed
that the body wears out from use
how does diet and physical exercise help with aging
it can slow it down
all cells endure the
aging process
hormone therapy can
reduce the loss of growth hormone, but side effects include risk of cancer
Wear and tear include ______ and on the________ _________
organs and on the cellular level
Loss of cellular function leads
hypertrophy and to hyperplasia of remaining cells
Free radicals are
one cause of cellular abnormalities
Free radicals are
naturally occurring, highly reactive chemicals that form in the presence of oxygen
Free radicals are related to many disorders of aging including
heart disease
what can limit free radicals-related damage
vitamins C and E
beta carotene
Cross-Linking Theory of Aging is referred to as
the Glycosylation Theory of Aging
The Cross-Linking Theory of Aging suggests that
over time, protein fibers that make up the body’s connective tissue form bonds, or links, with one another
When these normally separate fibers cross-link
tissue becomes less elastic
less elastic tissue causes
loss of flexibility
clouding of the lens of the eye
clogged arteries
damaged kidneys
according to cross-linking theory the older you are the more likely
cross-linking will occur
Gould’s Theory on Adult Development postulates
process of freeing oneself from childhood restraints and beginning the establishment of personal identity
According to Gould, this transformation occurs in a series of stages divided into the following age groups:
Ages 18 to 22 years: Leaving the parents’ world
Ages 22 to 28 years: Getting into the adult world
Ages 28 to 34 years: Questioning and reexamination
Ages 34 to 43 years: midlife decade
Ages 43 to 50 years: Reconciliation and mellowing
Ages 50 to 60 years: Stability and acceptance
Gould (1979) also identifies the following four false assumptions that adults need to resolve during their lifetimes:
- “I’ll always live with my parents and be their child.”
- “I’ll always be there to help when my parents can’t do things on their own.”
- “Life is simple, and I can control it.”
- “Death and evil are not real.”
As aging occurs, the body goes through
physical changes that are universal and irreversible
at what age do health begin to decline
In many cases, declines that occur with aging may be due, at least in part, to
environmental factors
lifestyle behaviors
Physical Changes Associated with Normal Aging
Bones and joints
Muscles and body fat
Mouth and nose
Brain and nervous system
Heart and blood vessels
Muscles of breathing and the lungs
Digestive system
Kidneys and urinary tract
Reproductive organs
Endocrine system
Immune system
prolonged transition phase is called
emerging adulthood
Young adults are at top physical condition between
their late teens and early 30s
Cognitive abilities are strong during
young adulthood
Postformal thought is
cognitive development past Piaget’s formal operational stage
students gradually changed their thinking in the face of reality and adult responsibility
dualistic thinking explanation
Truth is compared against abstract standards, and authority figures are respected simply because of their authority base.
dualistic thinking includes
dividing information, values, and authority into right and wrong, good and bad, “we” and “they
In Perry’s scheme, students have a ____-stage progression from _______to _______ _______
dualistic to relativist thinking
relativist thinking is when
Learners move from viewing truth in absolute terms of right and wrong to recognizing multiple, conflicting versions of “truth” representing legitimate alternatives
adaptive cognition is thought to be
more responsive to context and less constrained by the need to find only one answer to a question
an individual’s basic personality is developed during
preschool years as relations between the id, ego, and superego are established
individuals who experience a life trauma during a developmental stage may
have greater difficulty overcoming the conflicts specific to that stage
genital stage occurs
from puberty onward
For the young adult, Havighurst (1953) identifies the following developmental tasks:
- Achieving new and more mature relations with age-mates of both sexes
- Achieving a masculine or feminine social role
- Accepting one’s physique and using the body effectively
- Achieving emotional independence from parents and other adults
- Preparing for marriage and family life
- Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to behavior
- Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior
- Selecting an occupation
Young adulthood is a time of dramatic change in
personal relationships
Reasons for evolution of nontraditional lifestyles vary in accordance with
life situation
socioeconomic level
and relevant legislation
nurses in planning and delivering care is to adequately account for how factors such as ___.. influence young adults’ lives
race, culture
religious practices
influence young adults’ lives
Health Risks During Young Adulthood
alcohol, cigarette, and illicit drug use; sexual activity; childbearing; exercise; risk-taking activities; and eating habits ( as well as decisions that will indirectly affect their future health
Chronic alcohol consumption can result in
esophageal varices, erosive gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver, and hepatitis
Withdrawal from alcohol can result in
atrial and ventricular arrhythmias of the heart
e cigarettes include nicotine and other chemicals that can be harmful to the
lungs and the young adult brain
illicit drugs examples
cocaine [including crack cocaine],
nonmedical use of prescription drugs
or other illegal drugs used recreationally
Nurses need to ask young adults
about illicit drug use and know the signs and symptoms of overuse and abuse of the most commonly used drugs
is anabolic steroids a drug
anabolic steroids side effects
glues and gases which can cause neurologic impairment and death
Education about the harmful aspects of drug, alcohol, and tobacco use should be provided at
every health care visit.
Abuse can result in
death or injuries, or in mistrust or a shattered sense of well-being that is a barrier to moving forward in life for some victims
Sexual violence may result in
unwanted pregnancy
intimate partner violence can affect the person both
physically and mentaly
intimate partner violence results in
injury, disability, flashbacks, panic attacks, and low self-esteem
intimate partner violence stress can lead to depression and harmful health behaviors such as
smoking, drinking, using drugs, and having risky sex
Knowing how to ask abuse patients requires
training on addressing such a sensitive issue without offending the patient
Increased heart rate, anxiety; panic attacks; euphoria, slowed thinking and reaction time, confusion, impaired balance and coordination; impaired memory and learning; cough, frequent respiratory infections; tolerance, addiction
Opioids and morphine derivatives
- Codeine
- Fentanyl
- Heroin
- Morphine
- Oxycodone
- Hydrocodone
Intoxication Effects And Potential Health Problems:
Respiratory depression and arrest; euphoria, drowsiness, confusion, sedation, unconsciousness, coma, death; nausea, constipation; tolerance, addiction
* Amphetamine
* Cocaine
* Dimethoxy-methylamphetamine (DOM)
* Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA)
* Methylphenidate
* Nicotine
Intoxication Effects And Potential Health Problems:
Rapid or irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, heart failure, cardiovascular disease, stroke; increased metabolism; feelings of exhilaration, energy, increased mental alertness, nervousness, insomnia, tremor, loss of coordination; impulsive behavior, aggressiveness, psychosis, panic attacks, mild hallucinogenic effects, headaches; reduced appetite, weight loss; adverse pregnancy outcomes; chronic lung disease, seizures, cancer; tolerance, addiction
* Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
- Mescaline
- Psilocybin
can cause
Altered states of perception and feeling, nausea, persisting perception disorder (flashbacks)
Also for LSD and mescaline: Increased body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure; loss of appetite, sleeplessness, numbness, weakness, tremors, persistent mental disorders
Sedatives (depressants, hypnotics, tranquilizers)
* Barbiturates
- Benzodiazepines (other than flunitrazepam)
- Flunitrazepam gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GBH)
can cause
Slowed pulse and breathing, lowered blood pressure; reduced anxiety, feeling of well-being, lowered inhibitions; poor concentration/fatigue, confusion; impaired coordination, memory, judgment; addiction
Intimate Partner Violence question
- Are you in a relationship with a person who physically hurts or threatens you?
- Has your partner or ex-partner ever hit you or physically hurt you? Has he or she ever threatened to hurt you or someone close to you?
- Do you feel controlled or isolated by your partner?
- Do you ever feel afraid of your partner? Do you feel you are in danger? Is it safe for you to return home?
- Has your partner ever forced you to have sex when you did not want to? Has your partner ever refused to practice safe sex?