Human Behavior and the Learning Process Flashcards
PTS - Tasks A and B
Define Human Behavior
- A product of factors that cause people to act in predictable ways
- The result of attempts to satisfy certain needs
- Fight/Flight/Freeze
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
- Physical Needs
- Safety
- Social
- Egotistical (Internal or External)
- Self-Fulfillment
Defense Mechanisms:
- Repression
- Denial
- Compensation
- Projection
- Rationalization
- Reaction Formation
- Fantasy
- Displacement
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
What are Physical Needs?
Physical Needs are:
- Food
- Rest
- Exercise
- Shelter
- Etc.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
What are Safety Needs?
-They must feel safe and protected from dangers, threats, etc.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
What are Social Needs?
-They must feel like they belong and are accepted
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
What are Egoistic Needs?
Egoistic Needs (Internal and External):
Internal - Relates to self-esteem, the need to feel independent, self-confident
External - Relates to reputation, need for appreciation, status and respect
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs:
What are Self-fulfillment Needs?
-The need to realize one’s own potential and use their creativity
What is the Defense Mechanism “Repression”?
-A person buries uncomfortable thoughts into the unconscious mind
What is the Defense Mechanism “Denial”?
-Refusal to accept reality because it is too threatening
What is the Defense Mechanism “Compensation”?
-Psychologically balancing a weak area with a strong area
What is the Defense Mechanism “Projection”?
-Relegating blame for one’s own mistakes and/or short-comings on to others
Example: “If the tower had told me sooner I wouldn’t have done that.”
What is the Defense Mechanism “Rationalization”?
-Inability to accept the real reasons for behavior because it causes anxiety
What is the Defense Mechanism “Reaction Formation”?
Reaction Formation:
-Belief in the opposite to true belief because it causes anxiety
What is the Defense Mechanism “Fantasy”?
-Escaping from reality by taking mental/physical flight
Example: Daydreaming, singing, etc.
What is the Defense Mechanism “Displacement”?
-Shifts emotion from original object to a less threatening substitute
What is Anxiety?
- A feeling of worry, nervousness or unease, often about something that is going to happen
- Reactions can range from hesitancy to act, to an impulse to do something even if it’s wrong
What are Normal and Abnormal stress reactions?
Normal - A rapid exact response, within the limits of experience and training
Abnormal - Extreme over-cooperation, painstaking self-control, inappropriate laughter or singing or rapid changes in emotions
What are the Basic Elements of Communication?
The Source - the sender of information
The Symbol - the ideas or information being transmitted
The Receiver - the student, listener or reader
In the Basic Elements of Communication:
Define the “Source”
The Source is the sender of the information. They must be understood by the Receiver to be effective
In the Basic Elements of Communication:
Define the “Symbol”
The Symbol is the ideas or information being shared. These can be transmitted through words, expressions or gestures
In the Basic Elements of Communication:
Define the “Receiver”
The Receiver is the student, listener or reader. Their background influences the reception of the Symbols.
What are the Barriers to Effective Communication?
- Lack of Common Experience
- Confusion between the Symbol and the symbolized object
- Overuse of Abstractions
- Interference (physiological, environmental or psychological)
In the Barriers to Effective Communication:
Define “Lack of Common Experience”
Lack of Common Experience is considered one of the greatest barriers due to the different experiences between the student (Receiver) and the instructor (Source). Aviation is very “technical”.