Accoronyms Flashcards
Define the I.M.S.S.A.F.E.E. pilot risk management accoronym
- Illness
- Medication
- Stress
- Scuba
- Alcohol
- Fatigue
- Eating
- Emotions
Define the P.A.V.E. risk management accoronym
- Pilot (health, certificates, ratings, endorsements, currencies, etc)
- Aircraft (documents, inspections, equipment, etc)
- enVironment (weather, terrain, airspace, airports, time of day, etc)
- External pressures (passengers, schedule, job, “Get-there-itis”, etc)
Define the 5P risk management accoronym
- Plan (mission/task)
- Plane
- Pilot
- Passengers
- Programming (familiarity with equipment/flight plan/approaches/route/etc)
Define the C.G.U.M.P.S. before landing accoronym
- Carburetor heat (OFF)
- Gas tanks (BOTH)
- Undercarriage (DOWN)
- Mixture control (RICH)
- Prop control (IN)
- Seatbelts (SECURED)
Define the U.N.-O.S. magnetic compass error accoronym
- Undershoot
- North
- Overshoot
- South
Define the A.N.D.S. magnetic compass error accoronym
- Accelerate
- North
- Decelerate
- South
Define the 5C lost pilot accoronym
- Climb
- Circle
- Conserve
- Confess
- Communicate
Define the Emergency ABCs accoronym
- Airspeed
- Best landing site
- Checklist
- Declare emergency
- Execute forced landing
Define the D.E.C.I.D.E. aeronautical decision making (ADM) accoronym
- Detect the hazard
- Evaluate the severity
- Choose the best outcome
- Identify the steps needed
- Do the steps
- Evaluate the outcome
Define the A.V.I.A.T.E.D. aircraft maintenance accoronym
- Annual inspection (By an A&P-AI every 12 calendar months)
- V.O.R. inspection (??? months)
- 100 hour inspection (If used for hire/141 school)
- Altimeter and pitot static system inspection (24 calendar months)
- Transponder inspection (24 calendar months)
- E.L.T. inspection (By an A&P-AI every 12 months or 1/2 battery life)
- Directives (Airworthiness directives)
Describe the A.R.R.O.W. aircraft document accoronym
- Airworthiness certificate (displayed for passengers)
- Registration (displayed for passengers)
- Radio license (if flying outside the contiguous United States)
- Operating limitations (or P.O.H. if applicable)
- Weight and balance documents (usually in the operating limitations/P.O.H.)
Describe the T.O.M.A.T.O. A. F.L.A.M.E.S. VFR equipment requirements accoronym
- Tachometer
- Oil pressure gauge
- Manifold pressure gauge (if applicable)
- Air speed indicator
- Temperature gauge (engine)
- Oil temperature gauge
- Altimeter
- Fuel quantity gauge (for each fuel tank)
- Landing lights
- Anti-collision lights
- Magnetic compass
- E.L.T.
- Seatbelts
Describe the F.L.A.P.S. VFR night flight equipment accoronym
This is in addition to the T.O.M.A.T.O. A. F.L.A.M.E.S. VFR day accoronym
- Fuses
- Landing lights
- Anti-collision lights
- Position lights
- Source of power
Describe the G.R.A.B.C.A.R.D. IFR equipment requirements accoronym
- Gyros (Attitude instrument and Rate of turn instrument)
- Radios (communication and navigation)
- Altimeter
- Ball and skid indicator
- Clock
- Alternator
- D.M.E. instrument (if flying above FL240)
What are the three “90 day”currencies which must be maintained to fly passengers?
Day currency - 3 takeoff and landings
Night currency - 3 takeoffs and landings to a full stop
Tail dragger currency - 3 takeoffs and landings
What is the Emergency Descent checklist?
Chop - Close the throttle
Drop - Push the nose of the aircraft towards the ground
Prop - Feather the prop control so the engine does not over-speed
Define the P.A.R.E. spin recovery accoronym
- Pull out (reduce) the throttle
- Ailerons in a neutral position
- Rudder full in the opposite direction of the adverse yaw (stomp on the high pedal)
- Elevator (yoke/controls) slightly forward to recover from the stall
Define the A.I.M.S. abnormal reactions to stress accoronym
- Automatic responses (sweating, rapid heart rate, paleness, etc)
- Inappropriate reactions (extreme over cooperation, painstaking self-control, inappropriate laughter or singing, rapid changes in emotions, etc)
- Marked changes in mood during lessons (happiness quickly followed by depression)
- Severe anger (directed towards the instructor, service personnel or other individuals)
Define the E.A.R. loss of control in a stall/spin accoronym
This is the order in which flight surfaces loose control during a stall/spin
- Elevator
- Ailerons
- Rudder
Define the 66H.I.T. IFR recency requirement accoronym
- In the last 6 calendar months
- 6 instrument approaches
- Holds
- Intercepting courses
- Tracking fixes
- 5 of the 6 approaches can be done in an appropriate simulator
- If all 6 approaches are done in an appropriate simulator currency is only valid for 2 months
Describe the 1, 2, 3 alternate airport accoronym
- 1 hour before to one hour after filed ETA
- 2000’ AGL ceilings or greater forecasted
- 3SM visibility or greater forecasted
- If the destination airport filed does not meet these requirements an alternate MUST be filed and appropriate fuel reserves met
- If the destination airport does not have an instrument approach an alternate MUST be filed and appropriate fuel reserves met
- The forecast at the filed alternate airport MUST be
- 2SM/600’AGL for a precision approach
- 2SM/800’AGL for a non-precision approach