Flight Maneuvers Flashcards
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Commercial Pilot Steep Turn maneuver?
- Clear the local area and keep eyes outside
- At Va +/- 10kts
- 50 degree bank +/- 5 degrees
- Maintain altitude +/- 100’
- Repeat in the opposite direction
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Commercial Pilot Steep Spiral maneuver?
- Clear the local area and keep eyes outside
- Above 4,000’ AGL
- Enter maneuver down wind with power idle
- Pitch and trim for Best Glide +/- 10kts
- 50 degree bank +/- 10degrees
- 3 full turns, “clearing” the engine every turn
- Roll out on entry heading +/-10 degrees
- Do not descend below 1,500’ AGL
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Commercial Pilot Chandelle maneuver?
- Clear the local area and keep eyes outside
- Select a heading, 90 and 180 degree points
- Roll 30 degrees then smoothly pitch up adding full power
- At 90 degree point begin rolling wings level
- Pitch up until 5-10kts above stall horn
- At 180 degree point wings should be wings level
- Resume straight and level flight increasing speed to normal cruise speed
- Maintain altitude +/-100’ while resuming normal cruise speed
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Commercial Pilot Lazy 8 maneuver?
- Clear the local area and keep eyes outside
- Select a heading, 45, 90, 135 and 180 degree points
- Begin pitching up and rolling simultaneously
- At 45 degree point bank should be at 15 degrees
- At 90 degree point bank should be at 30 degrees
- At 90 degree point nose should be “falling through the horizon”
- At 135 degree point bank should be at 15 degrees and decent should be arrested
- At 180 degree point wings should be level
- Repeat in the opposite direction
- Returning to original heading +/-10 degrees. airspeed +/-10kts, altitude +/-100’
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Commercial Pilot 8’s on Pylon maneuver?
- Clear local area and select 2 “pylons” approximately 1 mile apart
- Determine Pivotal Altitude using “Ground speedx2/11.3” for knots
- Enter downwind, at pivotal altitude, at 45 degrees from “pylons”
- Use 30-40 degrees of bank and maintain pivotal altitude as ground speed changes
- If “pylon” gets ahead of line of sight “dive and catch it”/descend
- If “pylon” gets behind of line of sight “pull up and let it catch up”/ascend
- Wings will be level between “pylons”
- Repeat in the opposite direction on the second “pylon”
- Exit downwind, wings level at the same heading you entered the maneuver
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Private Pilot Steep Turn maneuver?
- Clear the local area and keep eyes outside
- At Va +/- 10kts
- 45 degree bank +/- 5 degrees
- Maintain altitude +/- 100’
- Repeat in the opposite direction
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Private Pilot Rectangular Course maneuver?
- Clear the local area and select a ground reference area
- Enter the maneuver 600’-1,000’ AGL at 45 degrees to the downwind leg of the pattern
- Tracks a rectangular course around the reference area correcting for wind-drift
- Maintains altitude +/-100’
- Maintains airspeed +/-10kts
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Private Pilot S-Turns maneuver?
- Clear the local area and select a ground reference line
- Enter the maneuver 600’-1,000’ AGL perpendicular to the reference line
- Tracks a constant radius turn around the reference line correcting for wind-drift
- Wings level over the reference line
- Repeats in the opposite direction
- Maintains altitude +/-100’
- Maintains airspeed +/-10kts
- Exits on the same heading as the entry
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Private Pilot Turns Around a Point maneuver?
- Clear the local area and select a ground reference point
- Enter the maneuver 600’-1,000’ AGL left or right of the reference point
- Tracks a constant radius turn around the reference point correcting for wind-drift
- Maintains altitude +/-100’
- Maintains airspeed +/-10kts
- Exits on the same heading as the entry
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Private Pilot Short Field Landing?
- Selects a suitable touchdown point
- Maintains a stabilized approach at 1.3Vso, +10/-5kts factoring for gusts
- Touches down within 200’ of the selected touchdown point at minimum controllable airspeed
- Simulates maximum safe braking
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Commercial Pilot Short Field Landing?
- Selects a suitable touchdown point
- Maintains a stabilized approach at 1.3Vso, +/-5kts factoring for gusts
- Touches down within 100’ of the selected touchdown point at minimum controllable airspeed
- Simulates maximum safe braking
- Removes flaps as soon as safely possible
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Private Pilot Soft Field Landing?
Soft field landings are not required by the FAA practical test standards for Private Pilots
What are the FAA practical test standards (PTS) requirements for the Commercial Pilot Soft Field Landing?
- Selects a suitable touchdown point
- Maintains a stabilized approach at 1.3Vso, +/-5kts factoring for gusts
- Touches down softly with nose wheel off the runway
- Keeps nose wheel off the runway as long as possible
- Does use breaks if possible
What is the difference between the Private Pilot and Commercial Pilot standards for a Steep Turn maneuver?
Private Pilot - 45 degree bank
Commercial Pilot - 50 degree bank or more
What is the difference between the Private Pilot and Commercial Pilot standards for a Short Field Landing?
Private Pilot - 1.3 Vso +10/-5kts during the approach
Commercial Pilot - 1.3 Vso +/-5kts during the approach
Private Pilot - 200’ or less from selected touchdown point
Commercial Pilot - 100’ or less from selected touchdown point