HTP Recalls Flashcards
How long is the result of forensic autopsy keep in laboratory?
a. Indefinite
b. 1 year
c. 5 years.
d. 20 years
5 years
Excessive exposure to this cleaning agent may be extremely toxic and may become carcinogenic and it damages bone marrow resulting to aplastic anemia.
a. Xylene
b. Benzene
c. Toluene.
d. Chloroform
The direction of the knife in relation to the operator while honing and stropping is?
a. Either way
b. Away and towards respectively
c. Always away
d. Towards and away respectively.
Towards and away respectively.
The process that prevents rapid movement of fluid and out of tissue sections
a. Deparaffinization.
b. Clearing
c. Hydration
d. Washing
Zenker’s degeneration of abnormal muscle following case of typhoid fever belongs to which of the ff conditions:
a. Fatty necrosis.
b. Liquefaction necrosis
c. Coagulation necrosis
d. Caseation necrosis
Fatty necrosis.
Glacial HAc in hematoxylin is an example of a/an:
a. Mordant
b. All are correct
c. Accentuator.
d. Accelerator
. The temperature of the tissue blocks is lowered before cutting by:
a. Placing the block face down on tray
b. Spraying an aerosol freezing compound.
c. Moistening the block surface by pressing a wet tissue against it
d. Holding an ice cube against the surface of the block once it is placed in the microtome
Spraying an aerosol freezing compound.
This method provides the fastest means of paraffin infiltration
a. Manual method
b. Vacuum method
c. Autotechnicon method. d. Cryostat method
Autotechnicon method.
Paraffin embedded sections. These solvents also render the tissue translucent, the so-called clearing. The tissue is then placed in the melted paraffin 56 degrees celsius and in the infiltration chamber it is embedded in paraffin. After cooling the paraffin hardens and gives rise to the paraffin block which is ready for sectioning. Sections a. Paraffin b. Benzene c. Xylene. d. Ethanol are put on the glass plates stretch and attached with a gelatin or a mixture of white egg and glycerol ratio (1:1) which solvent render the tissue transluscent
Hematoxylin stain is extracted from the heartwood of which of the following tree?
a. Heamatoxylin campechianum.
b. Moringa oleifira
c. Acacia mangium
d. Haematoxylin rubrum
Heamatoxylin campechianum.
Temporary amount of tissue is made in: a. Alcohol
b. Glycerine.
c. Xylene d. Wax
Presence of floaters on the slides may be due to:
a. Waterbath not properly cleaned.
b. Carbowax
c. Slicing
d. Result of carelessness
Waterbath not properly cleaned.
What group of fixatives does Brasil’s belong? a. None of the choices
b. Picric acid.
c. Formaldehyde
d. Osmic acid
Picric acid.
During the preparation of a routine H&Eslides, how is the tissue preserved?
a. Fixation.
b. Embedding paraffin c. Staining
d. Slicing
When a specimen is received in the histopath laboratory one of the following is the first thing to do:
a. Call the pathologist
b. Cut the tissue into slices
c. Examine the specimen.
d. Stain the sections
Examine the specimen.
Which of the following specimen is collected lavage?
a. Sputum.
b. Intestinal effluent
c. CSF
d. Gastric juice
Which of the following is a natural dye?
a. Saffron
b. Hematoxylin.
c. Orcein
d. Methylene blue
In an H&E stained slide, if the nuclei has not been stained as a medical technologist what might be the cause and how will you correct it?
a. Old hematoxylin, prepare a fresh one.
b. Poorly processed specimen, repeat processing
c. Improper staining, repeat staining
d. Unfiltered stain, so filter the stain
Old hematoxylin, prepare a fresh one.
What is the cytologic fixative ideally for pleural and peritoneal fluid?
a. 100% alcohol
b. 50% alcohol
c. 95% alcohol.
d. 70% alcohol
95% alcohol.
Tissue becomes brittle or hard this may be due to the following except:
a. Clearing agent may not completely remove.
b. Prolonged fixation
c. Drying out of tissue before actual fixation
d. Prolonged clearing
Clearing agent may not completely remove.
Which of the following occurs in Peyer’s patches following salmonellosis?
a. True hypertrophy
b. True hyperplasia
c. Physiologic hyperplasia. d. Pathologic hyperplasia
Pathologic hyperplasia
- How is the length of time for a brain to be fixed?
a. 25 days.
b. 1 month c. 38 hrs d. 24 hrs
25 days.
Immersion of pap’s smear slide in ascending concentration of alcohol is a process called?
a. Dehydration.
b. Differentiation c. Staining
d. Hydration
The cambridge model refers to which of the following microtome?
a. Sliding b. Freezing c. Rotary. d. Rocking
One of the most common problem encountered by a newly trained technician when cutting carbowax sections.
a. Block is water soluble b. Block is hard
c. Block is crumbly
d. Block is soft.
Block is soft
Which of the following cell changes is strongly associated with neoplasm?
a. Hypoplasia
b. Anaplasia.
c. Dysplasia d. Aplasia
What might be the cause of opaque patches on the tissue sections.
a. Old hematoxylin
b. Unfiltered stain
c. Over differentiation
d. Clearant contaminated with water.
Clearant contaminated with water.
Fixation is best done at this temperature
a. 25C
b. 40C
c. 37 C.
d. 35C
Temporary mount of tissue is made in
a. Wax
b. Glycerine.
c. Xylene
d. Alcohol
What is the cytologic fixative ideally used for urine specimen?
a. 95% alcohol
b. 70% alcohol.
c. 100% alcohol
d. 50% alcohol
70% alcohol.
The bevel angle of most microtome is: a. 0-15
b. 0-10 c. 27-35 d. 27-32.
What is the ideal temperature of the decalcification?
a. 60C
b. 25C
c. 37C. d. 56C
What is the best fixative for trichome staining? a. Regaud’s
b. Carnoy’s
c. Zenker.
d. Bouin’s
What is the main cause of xylene turning milky after tissue is placed in the tissue processor?
a. Tissue is to dry
b. Xylene is contaminated with paraffin wax
c. Prolong fixation
d. Water is not completely removed.
Water is not completely removed.
Failure to use Mayer’s egg albumin will lead to which of the following problem?;
a. Difficulty in stain
b. Difficulty in differentiation
c. Smear will over stain
d. Smear will detach from the slides.
Smear will detach from the slides.
One of the following fixative believe is stubborn to the tissue.
a. Lilies’s
b. Schaudinn’s .
c. Hermann’s
d. Kolmer’s
A cadaver showing discoloration of its back means it has remained in a supine position for a long time.
a. Neither
b. Uncertain
c. False
d. True.
What is the infiltration method recommended for kidney biopsy?
a. Carbowax
b. Paraplast.
c. Gelatin
d. Resin
This decalcification.
acid is used in the electrophoresis method of
a. Nitric acid
b. Dilute HCL.
c. Formic acid
d. Sulfuric acid
Dilute HCL.
Which of the following reagent both dehydrates and clears tissues?
a. Chloroform
b. Tetrahydrofuran.
c. Triethyl phosphate
d. Carbon tetrachloride
What preservative will you use for pleural fluid for cytologic examination?
a. 70% alcohol
50% alcohol
95% alcohol.
80% alcohol
95% alcohol
In the virchow technique which of the following organs is removed first?
a. Brain.
b. The most accessible one c. Lungs
d. Heart
Somatic death is characterized by the following: a. Cessation of vascular flow
b. All are correct.
c. Cessation of pulmonary function
d. Cessation of nervous function
All are correct.
This is used as a diluent in celloidin a. Acetone alcohol
b. Alcohol-ether.
c. 95% alcohol
d. Ether
This is an increase in tissue/organ size resulting from an increase in the number of cell.
a. Pathologic hyperplasia.
b. True hypertrophy
c. True hyperplasia
d. Physiologic hyperplasia
Pathologic hyperplasia.
This sweet smelling is not recommended for clearing.
a. Chloroform.
b. Terpinol c. THF
d. Terpinol
Clearing is done by:
a. 10 dips in alcohol
b. Two or three changes of xylene for 1 minute.
c. Gradual run thru decreasing concentration of
d. Two or three changes of xylol 2 minutes
Two or three changes of xylene for 1 minute.
The mounting medium must have a refractive index closely matching the ____?
a. Coverslip
b. Specimen
c. Slide.
d. All are correct
What is the dehydrating agent used for urgent biopsies?
a. Ethanol.
b. Cellosolve c. Dioxane d. Acetone
Infiltration in agar or gelatin uses this concentration.
a. 20%
b. 5%
c. 50% d. 10%.
What is the infiltration method recommended for bone fragment?
a. Paraplast
b. Gelatin
c. Resin.
d. Carbowax
What is the fixative recommended for tumor biopsies of the skin?
a. B-5 fixatives
b. Muller’s
c. Heidenhain’s susa.
d. Helly’s
Heidenhain’s susa.
What is the fixative that best preserve the mitochondria?
a. Regaud’s .
b. Bouin’s
c. Zenker
d. Carnoy’s
Which of the following describes dioxane? a. A clearant
b. A clearant and a dehydrant.
c. An ethylene glycol monoethyl ether d. Can allow indefinite stay of tissue
A clearant and a dehydrant.
How would histopathology be different from cytology?
a. It is the examination of an entire block of
b. It may not identify the tissue of origin c. It involves looking at a single cell type d. It poorly differentiates tumors
It is the examination of an entire block of