Hema Flashcards
Collection and Handling of Blood Specimens
What is the possible complication if you pushed too deep the lancet when doing skin puncture?
a. Osteoporosis
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Osteosarcoma
d. Osteomyelitis
In skin puncture, why is it important to warm the puncture site before collecting the sample?
To prevent contamination of lymphatic fluid from the blood
b. To avoid pain when punctured
c. To ensure the free flow of blood
d. To have a good picture of cells during
microscopie examination
To ensure the free flow of blood
When counting in hemocytometer, what will be the difference of the total cells counted in each side?
a. <5%
b. >5%
c. >10%
d. <10%
-<10% (Rodaks)
Which of the following RBC diluting fluid requires the use of spectrophotometer?
a. Hayem’s fluid b. Bethel’s fluid c. Toisson’s fluid d. Gower’s fluid
-Gower’s fluid
What counting chamber is used for basophil and eosinophil count?
a. Fuchs-Rosenthal
b. Levy-Hausser
c. Thoma-Zeiss
d. Addis
What is the reason why we need to correct the WBC count when nucleated RBCs are seen in PBS?
a. Nucleated RBs are confused with giant thrombocytes
b. Nucleated RBCs are counted as leukocytes
c. The WBC count would be falsely lower
d. The RBC count is too low
Nucleated RBCs are counted as leukocytes
A 1:200 dilution of patient’s sample was made and 330 red cells were counted in an area of 0.2 mm. What is the RBC count?
a. 1.68 x 10’/L
b. 3.30 x 10”/L
c. 6.60 × 10’L
d. 3.36 x 104L
-3.30 x 10”/L (330x200/0.2x0.1)
Which of the following is true about the Coulter principle?
a. Isotonic solutions cannot conduct electricity
b. Isotonic solutions conduct electricity better
than cells do
c. Conductivity varies proportionally to the
number of cells
d. Cells conduct electricity better than saline
-Isotonic solutions conduct electricity better than cells do
What hematology analyzer uses multi-angle polarized scatter separation (MAPPS) to perform leukocyte count?
a. Sysmex E-500
b. Hemalog D
c. Coulter STKS
d. Cell-DYN 3000
Cell-DYN 3000
Which of the Coulter hematology system produces complete differential with interpretative result?
a. Coulter Counter model S-Plus series
b. Coulter MAXM
c. Coulter ONYX
d. Coulter STKR
-Coulter STKR
What light scatter angle can measure the cells based on reflection and refraction of internal components?
a. Forward light scatter
b. Forward low-angle light scatter
c. Forward high-angle scatter
d. Orthogonal light scatter
Orthogonal light scatter
In hematocrit determination, what will be the result if there is insufficient centrifigation?
a. Falsely decrease hematocrit value
b. Falselv increase hematocrit value
c. Increase hematocrit result by 30%
d. No effect on hematocrit value
Falselv increase hematocrit value
Which of the following conditions is associated with decreased OFT?
a. Hereditary spherocytosis
b. Acquired hemolytic anemia
c. Hemolytic disease of the newborn
d. Sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell anemia
What RBC index is not affected when the hematocrit is falsely elevated?
a. MCH
b. MCV
d. RDW
Which of the following factors has no effect in erythrocyte sedimentation rate?
a. Anisocytosis, poikilocytosis
b. Caliber of the tube
c. Blood drawn in sodium citrate
d. Plasma proteins
Blood drawn in sodium citrate
Which condition will shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right?
a. Alkalosis
b. Acidosis
c. Multiple blood transfusions
d. Increased quantities of hemoglobin C
What method of osmotic fragility test uses spectrophotometer?
a. Incubation Method
b. Sanford Method
c. Unopipette Method
d. Haden’s modification Method Erythropoiesis
Unopipette Method
. Which of the following is the correct maturation sequence of ervthrocyte?
a. Rubriblast, Prorubricyte, Rubriete, Metarubriete, Reticulocyte, Mature Erythrocyte
b. Prorubricyte, Rubricyte, Metarubricyte, Reticulocyte, Mature Erythrocyte
c. Pronormoblast. Basophilic Normoblast, Orthochromic Normoblast.
Polychromatic Normoblast, Polychromatic Erythrocyte, Mature Erythrocyte
d. Megakaryoblast, Promegakaryocyte, Rubricyte, Metarubricyte, Reticulocyte, Mature Erythrocyte
-Rubriblast, Prorubricyte, Rubriete, Metarubriete,
Reticulocyte, Mature Erythrocyte
Which of the following is not true about maturation of erythrocyte precursors?
a. Cell diameter decreases
b. Pyknotic nucleus
c. Nuclear chromatin becomes coarser
d. The N:C ratio of rubriete is 1:2
The N:C ratio of rubriete is 1:2
What hormone rescues CFU-E from apoptosis?
a. Inhibin
b. Eryhropoietin
c. Thymopoietin
d. Thrombopoietic mediator thrombopoietin
What is the earliest identifiable ervthroete colony?
a. Pronormoblast
b. BFU-E
Embden-Meyerhof pathway
Maintains cellular energy
Hexose monophosphate shunt
Prevents denaturation of hemoglobin molecule
Methemoglobin reductase pathway
Prevents oxidation of heme iron
Lucbering-Rapoport pathway
Regulates oxygen affinity
Sickle Cell
Burr Cell
Thorny Apple
Teardrop Cell
Pear-Shaped Cell
What autosomal recessive disorder is most common to Ashkenazi
Jews caused by a defect in enzyme located at 1q21-022?
a. Mucopolysaccharidoses
b. Neimann-Pick disease
c. Acquired Pelger-Huet Anomaly
d. Gaucher disease
Gaucher disease
In mucopolysaccharidoses disorders, what syndrome is characterized by deficient in a-N-acetylglucosaminidase?
a. Hurler syndrome
b. Hunter syndrome
c. Sanfilippo syndrome
d. Morquio syndrome
Sanfilippo syndrome
Which conditions is an autosomal dominant disorder and has pince-nez form with nuclei attached by thin filament?
a. Alder-Reilly anomaly
b. Pelger-Huet anomaly
c. May-Hegglin anomaly
d. Neimann-Pick discase
Pelger-Huet anomaly
What anomaly is sex-linked recessive disease mostly found in male infants with inability of neutrophil to kill the ingested bacteria?
a. Undritz anomaly
b. Chediak-Hegashi syndrome
c. Jordan’s anomaly
d. Chronic Granulomatous disease
Chronic Granulomatous disease
Mast cells have high-affinity surface receptor for which immunoglobulin?
a. A
b. G
c. D
d. E
Which normal bone marrow but can be seen in certain types of acute leukemia?
a. Type I Myeloblast
b. Type II Myeloblast
c. Type III Myeloblast
d. Type IV Myeloblast
Type III Myeloblast
A manual WBC count is performed. Ninety WBCs are counted in the four large corner squares of a neubauer hemocytometer with 1:200 dilution. What is the total WBC count?
a. 2.25 x10/L
b. 4.45 x10/L
c. 45.0 x10/L
d. 450 x10/L
-45.0 x10/L
What antigen is expressed in neutrophil used to detect hidden infection?
a. CD35
b. CD5
c. CD25
d. CD15
What hormone is used in cosinophil depression test?
b. Growth hormone
c. TSH
d. EPO
In nitroblue tetrazolium test, what is formed after neutrophils are incubated with colorless soluble dye?
a. Cherry red precipitate
b. Blue black formazan precipitate
c. Blue precipitate
d. No precipitate formed
-Blue black formazan precipitate
What is the method used in absolute basophil count?
a. Copper and Cruickshank
b. Friedmann
c. Randolp
d. Discombe
Copper and CruickshankI’m