HSM-35 SOP Flashcards
Crew Requirements
Aircrewman shall be embarked on all evaluation/check flights and should be embarked on all scheduled IMC and night flights. This requirement is not intended to preclude pilots from accepting an IFR clearance when they encounter poor wx conditions. Cases requiring flights to be conducted without an aircrewman shall be approved by the CO.
The minimum crew required for engaged turns shall be a H2P and a qualified observer. The qualified observer will read the checklist and guard the collective. The H2P shall occupy the right seat and the qualified observer shall have operable ICS.
The min crew for dedicated NVD tacform maneuver training should be an aircrewman and an additional qualified observer or higher during training flights. This requirement is intended for use during NVD tactical formation maneuver training and is not to preclude NVD tactical flights in section.
Min crew for CAL/LZ landings should be two aircrewman.
FCF training shall only be conducted when the HAC is a designated FCP.
New check in shall complete the check in syllabus.
Currency Requirements
Any aircrew who has not flown in 45 days shall fly a back in the saddle flight with a current aircrew.
AW LVL II or less: two dips (dome entering water) within 90 days.
LVL III or above: two dips within 180.
Recurrency: two dips with current AW.
*recurrency May be achieved in an approved simulator when normal and emergency procedures are completed with a current aircrewman.
Pilots returning from deployment exceeding 90 days shall complete the following prior to returning to normal flight duties:
Local Area course rules brief
Course rules and wing/squadron SOP exam
One EP OFT, one day fam and one night fam. A pilot shall not be scheduled for day flights until complete with the day fam and shall not be scheduled for night flights until complete with the night fam.
Prior to standing SAR duty pilots shall be night, coupled approach and SAR current.
Crew rest
Pilots shall not be scheduled for a flight the day following SDO/CDO.
Aircrewman shall not be scheduled for a flight on the same day they stood any watch between 0000-0800
Sonar operations
In authorized areas, marine mammals play sports while reviewing topography and annotating schedules
Except for operational requirements, use of active sonar is approved only in authorized ASW training areas. The PIC shall adhere to marine mammal mitigation procedures and ensure a SPORTS report is completed.
Before commencing dipping operations the crew shall review local bottom topography.
In order to conduct dipping sonar operations the flight schedule shall be annotated dip sortie or an ASW range event.
Performance calcs
At a minimum all flight events shall brief the following performance calcs: SE airspeed DE continuous torque SE contingency power torque HIGE torque HOGE torque Fly away torque And blade stall for anticipated flight regimes
Form flights
Crews should brief face to face to the maximum extent practicable. This is not intended to preclude join ups between embarked aircraft, assist squadrons unfamiliar with the local area, or during emergencies.
Mission system grooming
The first crew of the day should complete the mission system grooming card and turn it in to the MO following the flight. Uncompleted items should be turned over to following crews and discrepancies documented on a MAF.
Post mx takeoff
Following any significant mx the first takeoff to a hover should focus on aircraft control.
What is prohibited without a fully operable radalt
Night training a couple CALs
Training flights at night
Coupled hovers
Practice CAL/LZ landing
APU exhaust fire procedures
If a fire is observed from the APU exhaust and the APU fire t handle is not illuminated, pilots, using sound judgement, should leave the APU running and monitor the APU fire t handle. If the fire spreads outside the APU exhaust section (APU fire t handle illuminated) then the APU fire emergency procedure shall be completed, the fire guard shall discharge the extinguisher and aircrew shall evacuate the aircraft.
Chocks shall be removed prior to resetting the struts or conducting high power evolutions.
Chocks should be utilized on all cross country and out/in flights.
Tailwheel lockpin
Unprepared for running boosts
An operable tailwheel lockpin is required for shipboard operations.
The following maneuvers should not be attempted during training flights with an inoperable tailwheel lockpin:
Boost off landings
Running landings
Landings to an unprepared surface
All other maneuvers shall be thoroughly briefed by the crew to include an ORM assessment of the impact of degraded equipment.
Wash rack use
My Tiny Son Bucky
The a/c washrack should be utilized after overwatering hovering, shipboard operations, unprepared surface landings or anytime the cleanliness of the a/c degrades the visibility.
Prior to taxiing through the washrack ensure sonobuoy cover, transmission drip pan, and cargo hook cover are installed and all scuppers are closed. The HAC shall minimize direct water spray into MTS and radalt antennas.
Do not taxi through the washrack with the following ordnance installed: M-299 launcher, torpedo, sonobuoys, chaff/flare buckets. Taxi through the wash rack with IRCMs installed is authorized.
Hot seat shutdown
HACs May hot seat an a/c prior to shutdown. A pilots inspection of the a/c may be performed in lieu of a turnaround inspection if the period of time between shutdown and startup does not exceed two hours.
Hot refueling ashore
A/c shall not be fueled with countermeasure buckets installed unless electrical power has been removed from the a/c and the a/c has been shutdown.
ECS ops
In high humidity environments, co-pilot forward ECS blower/vent should be positioned as req to prevent damage of trackballs due to water intrusion.
Functional Check Flights
Following any significant mx action and during the first takeoff of any FCF, the first lift into a hover should be conducted with the entire crew focused on a/c controllability. Once flight worthiness in a hover is determined, the crew should land and then continue according with the appropriate checklist.
SO Window
The SO window may be removed on deck at the aircrews discretion to aid aircrewman in clearing the a/c of obstacles for landing during CAL/LZ flights. The window shall be reinstalled by authorized mx personnel. Qualified aircrewman may temporarily reinstall the SO window for the purposes of utilizing the hot pits and/or washrack.
Blade De-Ice panel
Blade deice panel should be checked off and auto during prestart checklist and each time mx is performed in the aircraft tunnel.
CAL/LZ (sched)
In order to conduct CAL/LZ training to unprepared surfaces the flight schedule shall annotate CAL/LZ
Simulated Emergencies
The APU shall be turned on for practice autos and single engine training
Non emergency use of the backup/emergency raise modes of the ALFS is prohibited
While in the shipboard environment (takeoff, departure, approach, landing) simulated a/c emergencies or intentional degradations are prohibited.
SAR Jumps training
To avoid swimmer contact with the bay floor SAR jumps training within the San Diego bay shall not be conducted in the foxtrot training area.
HAC Training
Minimum number of embarked days/deck landings for HAC designation should be 100/100. Requirements may be waived by the CO.
Single engine to a spot
Prior to conducting SE to a spot training, a steep approach to a no hover landing shall be performed and total torque required to conduct a safe approach will be noted by the non flying pilot. During SE to a spot training power available shall be no less than determined above (either with two engines in fly or with one engine at a reduced power level)
Single engine HOGE
Max SE HOGE training shall be limited to 18,500.
Engine high side failure
Stan briefs twice so the CO let’s him takeoff but he always locks out for fam on deck
Engine high side failure training should be accomplished in the simulator to the maximum extent practicable. Should the emergency be simulated in the aircraft through the use of DECU lockout all of the following must be satisfied prior to initiation.
- a stan board member shall be PIC
- it shall be prebriefed during the NATOPS/ORM brief as well as prebriefed in the a/c prior to PCL manipulation.
- The CO shall give explicit permission prior to takeoff
- this guidance does not prohibit the use of DECU lockout for familiarization while on deck.
Aircraft gross weight should be less than 19,500 lbs for autorotation training. Crews should consider winds, DA, crew proficiency, recovery altitude and warmup maneuvers prior to initiating practice autorotation training, particularly in a known heavy a/c or light wind environment.