80T-122 Flashcards
Requires Operational Necessity
Night Submarine Transfers
Cold water passenger transfer ops? (Should not)
Landing on an uncertified ship
Positive Control
Shall be used when:
Ceiling less than 500’
Forward flight visibility less than 1 mile
All flight operations between 1/2 hour after sunset and 1/2 hour before sunrise except as modified by the OTC or commanding officer.
It is a form of ATC in which the controlling agency has radar and radio contact with the aircraft being controlled and. Published approach/departure procedures are being complied with or specific assignments regarding heading/altitude are issued by the controller. Altitude separation is provided by pilots maintaining assigned altitude but lateral and time separation is the responsibility of the air controller. Speed changes may be directed by the controller.
Responsibility for the safe navigation of the aircraft is transferred to the controlling authority.
Advisory control
The tactical control of the aircraft by a control unit where the aircraft receives directions and recommendations but the HAC is not relieved of the responsibility for their own safety of navigation. It shall be used when traffic density requires a higher degree of control for safety of flight than is normally required for VMC.
Tactical control
A form of non radar control where tactical information is passed to an aircraft by the controlling unit but the HAC is responsible for safety and navigation.
General requirements for aviation facilities
Include visual landing aids, clearance, deck structure, communications, navigation aids, safety items and mooring aids. Also all equipment and facilities to logistically support, service and maintain an aircraft.
Shipboard landing environment
Phase of the approach from missed approach point to flight deck during which the aircrew transitions from an instrument reference scan to a visual reference scan.
Shipboard takeoff environment
Phase of departure from air capable ship from flight deck to prebriefed level altitude, not to be less than 150’, during which aircrew transitions from visual reference scan to an instrument reference scan. For departures from single spot ships PAC transitions from visual to instrument scan after positive rate of climb is established and obstruction clearance is obtained.
NVD compliant
Any NVD compatible, NVD shipboard friendly and incompatible systems dimmed or blacked out. Can be used for aided or unaided ops.
NVD Compatible
Lights that are only compatible for the unaided operator and are virtually invisible to NVD goggles.
NVD Shipboard Covert
Lights only seen through NVD goggles
NVD Shipboard Friendly
Required lights for both aided/unaided ops. The spectral energy is appropriate for aided viewing.
Level 1: IMC day/night ops
Level 2: VMC day/night ops
Level 3: VMC day only ops
Class 1: landing area with support facilities (service and mx) for the types of ac certified.
Class 2: landing area with service facilities for the types of ac certified.
Class 2A: landing area with limited service facilities for the types of ac certified.
Class 3: landing area for the types of ac certified.
Class 4: VERTREP/hover area (min hover height 5’) for the types of ac certified.
Class 5: VERTREP/hover area (high hover with a min of 15’ authorized) for the types of ac certified.
Class 6: HIFR facility capable of delivering 50 gpm at a pressure of 20psi to a height of 40’ above the water.
Class 6R: HiFR facility capable of delivering only 25-49 gpm at a pressure of 20psi to a height of 40’ above the water.
40 degree swath out to 3nm (at night)
9 degrees total: 6.5 red, 1 amber, 1.5 green
3 degree glide slope
350’ @ 1nm, 200’ @ .5nm, 125’ @ .25nm
Must be in standby 4hours prior to flight ops, 30minute power on required for stabilization
Close control
The tactical control of aircraft by a designated control unit where the aircraft receives orders affecting its movements. The pilot will not deviate from instructions unless given permission or unusual circumstances require immediate action for the safety of the flight. In either case the pilot will inform the controller of the action taken.
Two way radio comms and radar contact are required.
The controller is responsible for the safety of the aircraft and must inform the pilot when they are being dead reckoned (more than 1 minute or five sweeps without contact).
Ultimate safety of the aircraft is the primary responsibility of the pilot.
TACAN Requirements
For aircraft equipped with a TACAN, ships TACAN system shall be operable for all shipboard launches and recoveries in IMC.
Without a visible horizon, an operable Horizon Reference System (when installed) shall be utilized for single spot ship operations.
Permissible lighting equipment degradations
Aided (NVD) ops
Aided ops may be conducted in the event of a failure of more than one of the lighting subsystems required for ships facility certification provided all of the following criteria are met:
A visible horizon exists and is discernible through NVDs by the aircraft commander in the shipboard landing/takeoff environment
The ships CO and embarked airdet OIC (HAC for non embarked evolutions) concur that the failed lighting systems are not critical to the scheduled mission
The following lighting subsystems remain operational and available:
Overhead/forward structure floodlights
Deck surface/hangar wash floodlights
Associated lighting control panels
Permissible Lighting Equipment
Unaided Ops
Night unaided VMC operations may be conducted in the event of a failure of not more than one of the lighting subsystems required for ships facility certification provided the following criteria are met:
A visible horizon exists and is discernible by the aircraft commander in the shipboard landing/takeoff environment.
The ships commanding officer and embarked air det OIC (aircraft commander for non embarked evolutions) concur that the failed lifting system is not critical to the scheduled mission.
Corrosion Control
500 gallons unsheltered
100 gallons sheltered
This is per aircraft daily
Officers: embarked pilots shall be assigned staterooms commensurate with their rank.
Chiefs: CPO Quarters
Enlisted: berthed in a common compartment located as near aviation facilities as possible and feasible, located so as to be undisturbed by other personnel carrying out the ships normal routine. Berthing is to be in accordance with the latest OPNAV instruction.
Radius of action
Det fly off
Should not exceed 45% max range
Should not exceed 75% max range
Wave hazard plot
Red region: significant risk of seawater impacting the rotors
Yellow region: hazard of two feet of water over the flight deck. Hazard to washing personnel overboard or damaging aircraft.
Black 8 roll
Blue 2 pitch
Hazards of Electronic radiation to Personnel
Low power: 50’
High power: 520’
(Fire control) 1950’
Alert 5
Aircraft spotted for immediate takeoff, blades spread, requires stores loaded, external power applied, mission equipment warmed up.
Aircrew strapped in and preflight checklist completed up to engine start.
Ship is at flight quarters with fire party on station.
Can be conducted for four hours as is just as fatiguing as actual flight. Should only be used when takeoff is imminent.
Alert 15
Aircraft spotted for immediate takeoff, rotors spread, required stores loaded.
Crew briefed for flight. Preflight Inspection complete, standing by on immediate call.
Ship is at flight quarters with fire party in the immediate vicinity.
Can be conducted for eight hours.
Alert 30
Rotors may be folded, aircraft may be on deck or in the hangar. Required stores loaded.
Crew is briefed for flight.
Ship is not at flight quarters.
Can be conducted for 18/48 hours, and can be conducted indefinitely with two plane detachment manning as long as a TA and daily is conducted every 24/72 hours.
Alert 60
Aircraft hangared for heavy weather. Minor maintenance may be performed.
Crew is designated and available.
Ship is not at flight quarters.
No limit.
Search and rescue required equipment
Operable hoist and rescue device
Operable searchlight (for night SAR)
Sufficient life rafts to support passenger rescue equipments
SAR asset for Helo flight
Day: safety boat ready, crew assigned and on immediate call.
Night: safety boat ready, crew on station. OR plane guard ship monitoring Land Launch and in position (2000 yards abeam and 1500 astern) and safety boat ready with crew assigned and on immediate call.
- The ship itself or the rhib act as the rescue boat. If the sea state would prevent a rescue a SAR equipped alert 30 helicopter with automatic hover capability must be on standby.
Initial: 2 on each main mount.
Prior to launch, upon recovery, immediately after respotting or immediately before an aircraft is moved.
Permanent: 2 at each attachment point. (Mains, highs, tails)
When not at flight quarters or when an aircraft is not expected to be launched or respotted.
Heavy weather: 3 at each attachment point.
Whenever an increase in aircraft security is required. 60 knots of relative wind. 35 knots of true wind. 8’ seas. Pitch 4 roll 12.
Required personnel for aircraft movement.
FDD, brakerider, two chock and chainers and two safety observers.
LSO and Power cable tender act as two safety observers.
Night HIFR
*All HIFR: 300-360 10-30kts
Operational necessity or an emergency,
Visible horizon from the cockpit.
Pitch 5 roll 10.
HIFR heading lights and LSE in position on missile deck.
Radio contact and pass ships C/S, P/R, relative winds.
Fuel sample check
Clean and bright.
Less than 2mg/liter particulate matter.
Less than 5ppm of free water.
Lost Comms signals
I require immediate landing:
Fly low and close aboard starboard side landing light/searchlight on. Red flare seaward with complete electrical failure.
I desire to land but can wait till scheduled recovery time:
Hover on starboard quarter or fly low and close aboard with nav lights flashing bright and smacks on. Fire red flare away from ship with total electrical failure.
- 0 is MAD
121. 5 is IAD
Hangaring with ordnance
Fixing devices and bomb rack ejectors/jettison shall be removed immediately after aircraft is spotted and tied down. Safety devices activated and safety pins put in place prior to hangaring. NO CHAFF AT ANY POINT.
An alert aircraft may be hangared with torpedoes, sonobuoys, marine markers and CADs in place but safety devices shall not be removed until aircraft is ready for takeoff. I.E. on the flight deck.
When transferring material via the hoist the bag must be weighted if the contents weigh less than
Sub personnel transfer
Center of main deck 320-350 15-20
Port sail plane/top of sail 010-040 15-20
Starboard sail plane 160-200 15-20 with a minimum of 10 knots of wind.
Personnel should not be transferred in a sea state above 4
Small boy
Ideal 270-330 or 030-090 at 15-30kts
Acceptable 330-030
Ideal 330-030 15-30
Acceptable opposite small boy.
6-8 hours daytime, 2-3 per pilot night time.
Operational Necessity
A visible horizon
Drop/pickup zone of the ship is clearly visible from the cockpit when over the zone.
Must be a level I or II or operating under a waiver.
Submarine VERTREP
Wind no greater than 20kts, must have headwind component. Ideally 320-350 10-20kts.
4in high visibility tape around missile hatches 17, 18, 19, 20.
Everyone clear of deck except LSE when Helo is inbound for the drop.
Tie down retro if multiple drops are being made.
Cold water survival times
11-56 in 80T-122
Alpha pattern
Right hand around ship 80kts 300’
Do not point weapon at ship.
Malfunctioning landing gear
We can not retract gear so tied down several mattresses to wear the landing gear would be to support weight. Heading to minimize pitch and roll.
Offset approach
5 degrees at 1/4mile and 25-40 when crossing the deck.
Pull out your white brains for exact numbers.
Lost aircraft/lost Comms
Lost Comms Assumed when:
Squawk 7600 and HEFOE
Make 120 turns (fly triangles) every 2mins
15 minutes overdue scheduled report time
No contact for briefed recovery time
Lost aircraft when:
No radar/IFF and:
30 mins overdue scheduled report time
30 mins overdue recovery time
400’ 4 nm 70kts
Close 50’ every .5 mile to arrive 50’ 40kts 100yds astern the ship.
Smoke light
2nm astern ship, descend/decelerate to 40kts 40’ at pilots discretion and pick up smokes that are dropped every 15seconds
Personnel required for manual move
18-22 personnel
80T-122 (12-27)