80T-105 Flashcards
Case I: 3000’ 5miles or greater (no anticipated IMC in descent, break and final approach)
Case II: 1000’ 5 miles up to 3000’ (may encounter IMC during descent)
-positive control shall be utilized outside 10 miles until a/c reports see you
Case III: Below case II mins or half hour after sunset to half hour before sunrise (unless modified by OTC or carrier CO)
- case III recoveries May be conducted concurrently with case I/II launches
- night VMC helos May use starboard holding pattern with same airspeed/spacing restrictions as day VMC.
- Case I and II fixed wing recoveries shall not be conducted concurrently with case III departures.
- wx permitting helos May recover w/ case I Procedures whiles fixed wing are case II/III.
Tower Comms for actual
Set lights to Steady (LSE will call tower)
Tower will call us
Hex 35 up and ready three souls splash time in local time. (105 says flying time but apparently nobody does that)
They will pass numbers to you then give chocks and chains signal to LSE.
During Day you talk to tower on Deck
During Night you talk to Departure on deck (use button two)
Established outbound (on assigned radial)
Popeye (with altitude)
*Mandatory if popeye at assigned departure altitude
Kilo report (mission readiness)
On top
Passing through 25000’
White helmet
White jersey w/ green cross
Safety Officer
Blue helmet
Blue jersey
Chock and chain
Red helmet
Green jersey
Helo LSE
Red Helmet
Brown Jersey
Helo PC
Yellow helmet
Yellow Jersey
Aircraft Handling Officer
Green helmet
Yellow Jersey
Shooter/Catapult Officer
White helmet
Green jersey
Cargo handling personnel
Supply VERTREP coordinator
Red helmet
Red jersey
Crash and Salvage
Purple helmet
Purple Jersey
Aviation Fuel
White helmet
White Jersey
Medical Safety LSO (No Helmet) LOX ATO
White Helmet
Blue Jersey
Elevator Operator
Hold at current position at altitude appropriate for type aircraft and conserve fuel
Visual landing aids not in sight
When positive control
Ceilings less than 500 (Helo)
Visibility less than 1sm (Helo)
Half hour after sunset/half hour before sunrise except as mod by OTC/or carrier CO
Mandatory letdown in thunderstorm areas
Situations where supervisory personnel expect weather phenomena that may cause difficulties to pilots
Missed approach
Climb straight ahead on final bearing up to 300’ and await instructions from approach controller
If nothing heard after 4 miles or two minutes past the ship attempt contact. If nothing heard assume lost comms and reenter through the 3 dme fix or turn inbound 2 min after abeam
Need permission from tower for…
Engine start
Rotor engage/disengage
Breakdown and lift
Approach mins
Non precision: 300 and 3/4
Precision: 200 and 1/2
Aircraft turning in the six pack
Launch from spots 4,5,6 shouldn’t be avoided due to hot gas ingestion to the engines (compressor stalls) as well as avoiding heat stress to LSE and troubleshooters
Helicopter restrictions during fixed wing launch/recovery
340-020 surface out to 5nm then 200’ out to 10nm
400’ for the rest of the 5-10nm ring
Surface in a 1nm radius around ship
150-190 surface out to 3nm
400’ from 1-5nm from the 020-150
300’ for the 1-5nm from 150-340 (exclude surface cut on approach final)
Departurecase I or II
Depart the control as directed by tower, if remaining in the control zone (SAR bird) remain under the control of tower or other controlling agency
Departure case III
Whenever possible stay beneath the clouds. If unable then proceed individually to the assigned departure fix. Climb straight ahead to 150-300 (aided) 200-300 (unaided) or as assigned by catcc and arc within 3nm to the assigned departure radial. The climb to departure altitude will occur on the departure radial outside 12nm.
Do not cross the bow when fixed wing are being launched.
SAR bird will arc to the SAR pattern beneath the clouds. If unable then catcc will positively move you to the Marshall pattern
Lost Comms
Remain at or below 300’ arc to enter starboard delta and execute lost Comms procedures (require immediate landing or can wait till next recovery signals)
Signals for require immediate landing and I desire to land but can wait till next recovery
Immediate: fly close aboard starboard quarter, clear of traffic with landing light/search light on. Red flare if electrical failure
Can wait: fly by or hover by starboard side with nab lights flashing bright and smacks on
Can be conducted concurrently with fixed wing ops, try to get it on a no fly day.
Plane guard
Encouraged to vacate the starboard d during fixed wing recoveries to avoid the dearm area (360-090 out to 5nm)
Any external tasking or change if primary plane guard shall be reported to airboss.
Considered on station when within 20nm day and 10nm night
Snuggle up
Within 1nm on port side and ready for immediate landing
Emergency Marshall
110@7dme (normal marshall starts at 5dme) then 1dme and 1000’ increase each step up. Right hand turns 2nm legs
Arc in at 3dme descend at 500fpm 90 kts and be at or above 900’ crossing the 145 radial
Intercept final bearing at 3dme 500’
Recovery procedures
When in the delta multiple aircraft will be cleared to land at the end of fixed wing recoveries. The aircraft furthest advanced on the inbound radial will be considered #1 and plan on being in a position to land with the minimum safe clearance from fixed wing aircraft and will land the furthest spot upwind. The other aircraft will follow.
If case III the approach will be directed by catcc until the pilot has visual with the VLA and calls the ball, then airboss will issue final landing clearance. Lights should be steady bright until established on final and then switched to steady dim
Lights on final at night
Steady dim and smacks on for the approach (except case three)
Smacks upper with LSE in sight
Secure smacks crossing the deck
Lights flashing on touchdown
Ship in a turn
If heel is greater than 4 degrees then ship COs or designated rep must authorize launch/recovery and engage/disengagement of rotors.
If performing these in a turn it should be in a steady state turn
Taxi on flight deck
Should not be taxied
Shall not be towed with rotors engaged
Night launches spot restriction
Only spots that afford visual reference to the deck shall be used
Night/IMC to spot 7 with forward firing ordnance
Should be avoided
Spot 1 restrictions
No night takeoff
Spot 2 restrictions
No starboard approaches/departures
Left slide in not recommended
Concurrent ops spot
Spot 3 restrictions
Secondary spot for hung forward firing ordnance
No night takeoffs
Left seat slide in prohibited
Spot 4, 5, 6 restrictions
Primary spot for hung forward firing ordnance (spot 4 only)
Left seat slide in with helo turning in spot forward of landing spot is dangerous for LSE, they should stand onboard of cat 4 safe parking line
Cross cockpit to spot forward of occupied spot not recommended
Should not be occupied with aircraft turning in six pack
Spot 7 restrictions
No landing with hung forward firing ordnance
Concurrent ops spot
Primary spot for hung crew served weapon
No enter/exit arc with aircraft tensioned on cats 3/4
Elevator shall be secured
Spot 8 restrictions
LSO platform shall be down
No hot refueling
Shall not conduct ops with aircraft tensioned on cats 3/4
Elevator shall be secured
Shall not conduct ops when recovering aircraft
Spot 9 restrictions
Secondary hung crew served weapon spot (offset heading BRC+15)
Primary hung done spot (LSE on vultures row)
Moonwalk for departures
V22/H53 on any spot 1-6
Spots immediately forward and after shall be vacant
Night EMCON Procedures
Enter delta and switch lights flashing bright
After the last fixed wing has turned final or you receive green aldis lamp accelerate to 90kts then head inbound to intercept Optical glide slope at 1sm 400’
Should receive the green light when at the 45 position upwind in the starboard D, means you are cleared to land. If red light is given then waveoff to the right and reenter starboard D (this part doesn’t really make sense since you should be in the starboard D)
Papa watch is who you call for schedule changes or deck hits, usually on a J voice freq
Strike watch is who you call when you actually talk to strike. Does not work for strike.
Romeo is a watch that sits next to Papa and is a junior lieutenant
Red Crown-Shotgun Ship Captain
Air Defense
Surface/Subsurface- DESRON
Captain of all the cruisers and destroyers