HPM 9.1 Employee Relations Manual Flashcards
The purpose of the Employees Relations Program is to encourage ___________ relations between the _________ and its __________, and establish procedures for the equitable and peaceful resolution of differences on employee relations matters.
harmonious / Department / employees
Another goal of the Department’s Employee Relations Program is to __________ and ___________ understanding of the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of management, employees and employee organizations.
increase management’s / employees’
The development of open lines of communication is the _____ to increased employee job satisfaction, motivation, efficiency and morale.
Who is responsible for seeing that the employee relations policies of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) are properly administered?
Management Team. Managers and supervisors are responsible for
seeing that the employee relations policies of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) are properly administered.
How many bargaining Units does the California Highway Patrol management administer contracts for?
The California Highway Patrol management administers contracts in 12 of the 21 bargaining units.
A misapplication of a negotiated provision because of inconsistency
and/or misunderstanding may result in an alleged violation of the agreement in the form of a ___________.
The provisions of the contracts cannot be changed, _______ by mutual agreement between the _______ and the __________;
Except / employer / exclusive representative(s)
however, as a matter of operational necessity, other changes affecting working conditions ______occur at any or all levels of command within the Department.
Does the Department have the right to require an employee who has accrued Compensating Time Off (CTO) to the maximum cap of 480 hours to burn off up to 24 hours of CTO?
Yes, the Department has the right.
The Department does have the right to require an employee to burn up to 24 hours of CTO, provided the Department gives the employee at least ___ hours’ notice of the days the employee will be required to take as CTO days.
24 hours
Under what act ______, do represented employees have the right to be represented by their exclusive representative regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment?
Under the Dills Act
By policy, the Department has extended the protection of the
Public Safety Officers’ Procedural Bill of Rights (POBR) to ____ employees.
The Weingarten rule established the right of a bargaining unit employee to be assisted by a union representative at an investigatory interview to which the employee has been summoned by management, when the employee reasonably believes disciplinary action ___ result from the interview.
What is a Represented employee?
An employee who is not designated as supervisory, managerial, confidential, or excluded under the Dills Act. Another name for a represented employee is a rank-and-file employee
If there is a conflict between departmental policy and the provisions of a negotiated contract, what shall be controlling?
the contract shall be controlling
Supervisory employees are ____ entitled to bargaining
units, exclusive representation, contracts, or the right to file an unfair labor practice charge.