HPM 70.8 Firearms Manual Flashcards
Under what circumstances may an officer carry a secondary firearm in lieu of the primary firearm?
Secondary firearms which meet the secondary firearm criteria (i.e., caliber, design, and safety mechanisms [refer to paragraph c. of this chapter]) may be carried in lieu of the primary firearm only while traveling to, during, and returning from court in civilian attire, in a privately-owned vehicle.
Chapter 1 p. 1-1
Upon issuance of the supplemental firearm (S&W Model 4013 TSW) the recipient shall complete a TOQC utilizing the supplemental firearm.
True or False
The supplemental firearm is virtually identical to the current duty pistol; therefore, no additional training is required prior to carrying this weapon. Upon receipt of the weapon, it is recommended the employee contact the Area range officer to schedule range time to become familiar with the weapon and its operation.
Chapter 1 p. 1-5
The Area weapons officer shall approve the use of secondary weapon holsters prior to use by an officer.
True or False
Holsters shall preclude accidental cocking, discharge, or loss of physical control and shall be approved by the Area weapons inspection officer prior to use.
Chapter 1 p. 1-7
While on duty, an officer’s secondary firearm is rendered inoperable. Costs associated with repair may be claimed on a CHP 287 Claims of $1,000 or Less.
True or False
The maintenance, repair, or replacement of a secondary firearm, if damaged or destroyed, is the responsibility of the employee at the employee’s own expense.
Chapter 1 p. 1-7
How often must an employee maintain proficiency (demonstrate) with a secondary firearm and what is the course of fire?
Proficiency for the secondary firearm will be maintained on an annual basis if the secondary firearm will be carried on duty. Only the same type (revolver or semi-automatic) secondary firearm that the employee has qualified with may be carried on duty.
Chapter 1 p. 1-8
and Secondary Weapon Qualification Course - secondary Firearm - 18 Rounds Total Fired.
Chapter 3 p. 3-16
Under what circumstances may an individual carry a special purpose firearm (i.e. 37 mm)?
In emergency situations, and with the Division chief’s approval, commanders may authorize the carrying of such firearms based on the necessity and availability commensurate with the particular emergency.
Carrying of such firearms shall be discontinued as soon as the emergency has subsided.
Chapter 1 p. 1-8
An employee should have a primary firearm immediately available while traveling in a marked enforcement vehicle, regardless of destination or attire. An employee may carry a secondary firearm on duty and in civilian attire while attending or traveling to/from court or while in travel status in a privately-owned vehicle.
True or False
An employee shall have a primary firearm immediately available while traveling in a marked enforcement vehicle, regardless of destination or attire. An employee may carry a secondary firearm on duty and in civilian attire while attending or traveling to/from court or while in travel status in a privately-owned vehicle.
Chapter 1 p. 1-9
An employee shall register with the Department all authorized secondary firearms carried pursuant to their employment by this Department as a peace officer. How many secondary firearms may an employee have entered into ETRS?
An employee may select two authorized secondary firearms to be entered into ETRS.
Chapter 1 p. 1-9
Clearing tubes are filled with clean sand to no less than within __ inches from the top.
Chapter 2 p. 2-2
While at the jail facility, where shall an officer secure the primary and secondary firearms?
The primary and secondary firearms may be stored in the trunk of the patrol vehicle or in the gun locker at the facility.
Chapter 2 p. 2-2
If an officer chooses to secure a primary and secondary firearm in the trunk of the patrol car. Before unholstering, he/she shall remove the magazine from the weapons. Additionally, once unholstered the round from the chamber shall be removed.
True or False
The magazine(s) shall be removed from the pistol(s) prior to unholstering. The round in the chamber(s) shall be left in that position. It is the responsibility of the employee to reinsert the magazine(s) into the holstered pistol(s) prior to returning to patrol duties.
Chapter 2 p. 2-2
How many required shoots shall a uniformed employee fire and how often?
Uniformed employees shall fire 12 primary firearm shoots each year (one each month).
Chapter 3 p. 3-3
Per policy, how many shoots shall be conducted during the hours of darkness?
Commanders are encouraged to conduct up to 50
percent of the monthly shoots in the hours of darkness; however, at least two shoots shall be conducted annually during the hours of darkness.
Chapter 3 p. 3-3
Prior to returning to full duty, what shall an employee do who has been involved in an actual shooting where shots were fired at another person?
Employees who have been assigned to office duty because
of an involvement in an actual shooting confrontation where shots were fired at another person, whether or not an injury or death resulted, shall fire a qualifying score on the Task Oriented Qualification Course (TOQC) - Primary Firearm, prior to returning to full duty.
Chapter 3 p. 3-3
What course of fire shall be used to qualify a uniformed employee to carry a secondary firearm on duty?
The secondary firearm to be carried on duty shall be
fired annually in conjunction with qualification (refer to Chapter 1 for a definition of secondary firearm). Uniformed employees are required to pass the
qualification course annually using the Secondary Weapon Qualification Course (SWQC).
Chapter 3 p. 3-4
How often shall the tactical rifle be fired by officers and sergeants and how often are they required to pass the TOQC – Rifle Course?
The rifle shall be fired quarterly by all officers and
sergeants. Officers and sergeants are required to pass the qualification course twice annually using the TOQC - Rifle Course (refer to Chapter 7, Tactical Rifle, of this manual). At least one shoot should be held during the hours of darkness.
Chapter 3 p. 3-4
How long does an employee need to be off work before they are not required to make up all required shoots?
Employees shall normally make up all required shoots.
Employees off duty for more than three months may be exempted from making up all required shoots. However, they shall shoot a qualification course with a qualifying score
prior to returning to duty.
Chapter 3 p. 3-4
What is the maximum number of rounds an employee may shoot in a single training session? What is the exception?
In no event shall an employee expend over 100 rounds in any single training session (one make-up shoot in addition to the regular shoot). With the Area commander’s approval, additional rounds may be fired to improve an employee’s abilities to perform to departmental standards.
Chapter 3 p. 3-4
What is the required uniform item of range officer’s conducting firearms training?
Range officers conducting a firearms training session shall wear a red safety vest over their clothing. The range officer shall wear departmentally issued body armor and appropriate uniform. The red safety vest shall be worn over all other clothing.
Chapter 3 p. 3-5
How often are employees required to shoot their black bottom magazines?
All three issued black-bottomed magazines shall be
used during training at least once a year. The purpose of the shoot is to ensure the magazines are functioning properly when fully loaded. A course of fire, such as
marksmanship, should be used which does not require rapid reloading or dropping of the magazines. Care should be taken to ensure the magazines are not
damaged during the training.
Chapter 3 p. 3-6
A struggling shooter may be issued up to 100 rounds of ammunition for shooting off-duty to improve skill and practice.
True or False
Ammunition shall not be issued to employees for use at a later time.
Chapter 3 p. 3-6
When an employee carries a secondary weapon of the same caliber as the primary duty weapon, range officers may issue these employees departmental ammunition to be carried in these weapons.
True or False
Employees are responsible for providing ammunition
for any secondary firearm.
Chapter 3 p. 3-6
To save money, employees may carry reloaded ammunition in their secondary weapon.
True or False
Employees shall not carry the following secondary handgun ammunition:
Wadcutters or semi-wadcutters., Reloads, Tracers, incendiaries, Military ammunition, Explosives, Tear gas shells, Armor-piercing, metal point, or full metal jackets, Shot shell (i.e., glazer safety slug).
Chapter 3 p. 3-7
What is the required minimum noise reduction rating for ear protection required to be worn at all firearms training?
All employees shall wear hearing and eye
protection during all firearms training. Department-issued muff-type ear protectors or ear plugs, or privately owned muff-type ear protectors or ear plugs with a
minimum noise reduction rating of 25 decibels, shall be worn.
Chapter 3 p. 3-7
A female officer advises you she has just found out she is pregnant. Are you required to immediately place her on limited duty because of the risk of lead exposure associated with the monthly firearms shoot?
No. Pregnant employees who choose to participate in firearms training contrary to the advice of their medical care provider shall be permitted to do so.
HPM 10.6 Chapter 9 Annex D
Prior to using metal silhouette-type targets, approval shall be obtained from _______ ___.
Approval shall be obtained from the Academy WTU prior to using metal silhouette-type targets.
Chapter 3 p. 3-7
For purposes of remedial firearms instruction, how many rounds of .40 caliber ammunition may be requisitioned quarterly and by whom?
Five hundred rounds of .40 caliber ammunition may be requisitioned by the commander for each employee per quarter only for the purpose of remedial instruction. This instruction may continue until such time as the involved employee is capable of maintaining the minimum standard score for a period of six months. The requisition shall include the name and identification number of the involved employee.
Chapter 3 p. 3-21
Can the same person issue ammunition for training and be responsible for recording the training?
No. Commanders shall ensure a separation of duties exists between the handling of ammunition and the handling of firearms training records. The person who issues ammunition for training shall not be responsible for recording the training. The ammunition officer shall issue ammunition for the shoot and receive returned ammunition from the shoot. The range officer shall document ammunition usage and training performed on the CHP 416 and CHP 270, page 3, during the month in which the ammunition is fired.
Chapter 3 p. 3-23
How many spare black bottom magazines shall each command maintain?
Each command shall maintain a spare supply of black-bottom magazines equal to five percent of the uniform command strength.
Chapter 4 p. 4-1
Academy trained Weapons Inspection Officers may make repairs on black bottom magazines.
True or False
Repairs to magazines shall only be performed by the departmental gunsmith at the Academy.
Chapter 4 p. 4-1
How often shall an employee’s primary firearm be completely disassembled and what shall it coincide with?
The primary firearm shall be completely disassembled once yearly by an Academy-certified Weapons Inspection Officer, inspected for damage, defects or modifications, cleaned, reassembled, test fired, and documented on the employee’s CHP 311, Annual Safety/Protective Equipment Inspection (Annex 5-A-1). This complete inspection shall coincide with the employee’s annual CHP 118, Performance Appraisal.
Chapter 5 p. 5-1
What forms are required to be completed by employees who elect to carry a secondary firearm on duty?
Employees who elect to designate and carry a secondary firearm must ensure it meets all current factory and departmental specifications. Each firearm shall be identified and recorded on the CHP 4, Secondary Firearms Report (Annex 1-A-1), and CHP 311, Annual Safety/Protective Equipment Inspection.
How often shall employees thoroughly clean and inspect their primary firearm?
Employees shall thoroughly clean their primary firearm after being fired during any training session and shall inspect it at least once each week to ensure that it is in proper working order.
Chapter 5 p. 5-5
May the departmental shotgun be stored in the vehicle’s trunk?
Yes, but only under the following condition:
When heat exposure might damage the shells, the shotgun shall be unloaded at the clearing tube and the shotgun and loose shells shall be placed in the vehicle trunk.
Chapter 6 p. 6-2
Are blanks authorized for use with the semi-automatic pistol for training purposes?
Blanks are not authorized for use with the semi-automatic pistol.
Chapter 8 p. 8-1
What is the distance within which a modified firearm shall not be fired? (a modified firearm is a firearm that has been sent to the Academy gunsmith and designed to only fire blanks)
Modified firearms shall not be fired at a distance closer than 24 inches and shall never be pointed at the head.
Chapter 8 p. 8-2
Not including disability retirement, how many years of service must a retired officer have to be eligible to carry a concealed firearm?
Before separation, (retired uniform employees must have been) employed as a law enforcement
officer for an aggregate of ten years or more…
Chapter 10 p. 10-4
Under what circumstances would a retired officer be required to shoot the TOQC as opposed to the SWQC?
The course of fire when certifying a retired uniformed employee will be the SWQC… NOTE: The exception to this will be if the retired uniformed employee elects to qualify any Smith and Wesson model 4006 semi-automatic weapon. In that case, the TOQC shall be utilized.
Chapter 10 p. 10-6
Per policy, and in compliance with HR 218, how long is the photographic ID card good for which authorizes a retiree to carry a concealed weapon across state lines?
In compliance with HR 218, this card
will be valid for one year.
Chapter 10 p. 10-7
How long shall the Area office maintain the Application for HR 218 Certification form?
Upon completion of the process, the Release and Indemnity Agreement (Annex B), Provisions of HR 218 (Annex C), and the Application for HR 218 Certification form (Annex D) shall be retained at the Area for five years.
Chapter 10 p. 10-7
An officer contacts you about a subject he has on a stop. The officer relates the subject claims to be carrying a concealed firearm per HR 218. You advise the officer has two ways of confirming the subject is within the provisions of HR 218, what are they?
Option 1: A photo ID card issued by the agency from which the individual retired. It must indicate the retiree has, within the past 12 months, been tested or otherwise found by the agency to meet the standards established by the agency for training and qualification for active officers to carry a firearm of the same type as the retiree’s firearm. Option 2: A photo ID card issued by the agency from which the individual retired as a law enforcement officer and a certification issued by the state in which the individual has, within the past 12 months, been tested or otherwise found by the state to meet the standards established by the state for training and qualification for active officers to carry a firearm of the same type as the retiree’s firearm.
Chapter 10 p. 10-8
What color shall the fore-end, stock, and sling of the less lethal shotgun be?
The fore-end, stock, and sling shall be distinctively colored orange, making the shotgun readily recognizable as a less-lethal firearm.
Chapter 11 p. 11-3
During a tour of duty, how and where shall the less-lethal shotgun be carried?
The less-lethal shotgun shall be carried with the less-lethal shotgun butt stock pouch loaded with the approved load (five rounds) of current departmentally-issued, 12-gauge, kinetic energy munitions and an empty weapon magazine. The less-lethal shotgun and five additional rounds of kinetic energy munitions shall be placed in the case, which shall be secured in the trunk of the patrol vehicle. The case shall remain unlocked when the less-lethal shotgun is secured in the trunk of the patrol vehicle. To prevent the inadvertent trunk release, the mechanical interior luggage compartment (trunk) release handle that hangs near the trunk latch assembly shall be secured to the release cable using a plastic tie wrap. This will prevent accidental trunk release by items placed in the trunk area.
Who is responsible for the loading of the less-lethal shotgun butt stock pouch with the approved load (five rounds) of current departmentally-issued, 12-gauge, kinetic energy munitions; empty weapon magazine, and five additional rounds in the case.
A designated supervisor.
Chapter 11 p. 11-5
How often shall the less-lethal munitions stored in the shotgun pouches be replaced?
Less-lethal, 12-gauge, kinetic energy munitions stored in less-lethal shotgun pouches shall be replaced with fresh ammunition annually.
Chapter 11 p. 11-5
Who may be authorized to complete the Academy Scenario Safety Instructor Course and be certified as a Non-lethal Training Ammunition instructor?
Sergeants and below who have completed the Academy Scenario Safety Instructor Course may be certified as a NLTA Instructor.
Chapter 12 p. 12-4
How often are NLTA instructors required to recertify?
NLTA Instructors must attend a recertification course every three years.
Chapter 12 p. 12-4
Role Players play an important part in successful scenario based training. Are role players allowed to wear the bdu bottoms while acting as role players?
Role Players shall dress in civilian attire. Uniform items and clothing commonly worn by police officers (i.e., bdu bottoms, shirts with logos, and utility uniforms) shall not be worn by role players.
Can an unmarked CHP vehicle not readily recognizable as police vehicles be used as a suspect vehicle during scenario training?
Crown Victoria patrol cars and unmarked Commander’s vehicles shall not be utilized as suspect vehicles during scenario training. Other unmarked state vehicles not recognized as police vehicles may be used for scenario training.
What is the minimum run time required of a weapon mounted light system authorized for use with the primary duty weapon?
The light shall have a minimum run time of 60 minutes.
Chapter 13 p. 13-5