HPM 11.1 - Administrative Procedures Manual Flashcards
For the purposes of travel reimbursements,
headquarters is defined as __________.
Where employee spends most time or location to which he/she returns upon completion of assignment.
Travel status is at least miles from Headquarters
When an employee is granted sick leave while away from headquarters on State business, the employee may claim reimbursement for travel expenses up to day(s).
The minimum travel advance request is with
the maximum not to exceed______.
$25, normally estimated expenses for less than 30 days
A properly prepared travel expense claim to substantiate the travel advance must be submitted as soon as possible _________ or at least ___________.
After the trip(s), once a month
When attending In-Service Training at the
Academy, and the distance traveled is less than
50 miles from the employee’s headquarters, the
employee may claim __________ mileage.
Only that mileage exceeding their normal commute from home to their headquarters.
To be eligible for reimbursement of overtime meal expenses, the overtime
must be worked within ___ miles of the employee’s headquarters
Mileage reimbursement may be claimed if on travel status, called back to work or working on a scheduled day off on a voluntary overtime detail.
True or False
False - Not Voluntary overtime
Privately-owned motorcycles or motor-driven cycles are authorized to be reimbursed at half the rate for other privately owned vehicles?
True or False
False – Not authorized as a means of transportation
Employees will submit no more than travel claim(s) per month
TECs can only be submitted for _______ and __________.
Current and two prior fiscal years.
Parking charges should be shown in the “Tolls, Parking” column of the TEC. Charges exceeding $__ for one continuous period of parking must be substantiated with a parking receipt
A fiscal plan of operation detailing proposed
expenditures for a given period and the
proposed means of funding them is a
Budget year runs from ____ to __________.
July 1 to June 30
It is the policy of this Department to present a budget adequate to assure compliance with statutory _____ and __________, and represents the Department’s mission and goals.
duties and responsibilities
Travel expenses incurred by an employee for any type of interviews are or are not reimbursable.
Are not
True or False
An employee can claim travel status when they are 60 miles from their HQ and 45 miles from their dwelling?
False. Both have to be over 50
Can an employee claim overtime meals while on travel status?
What is the minimum amount an employee can receive for a travel advance?
When can a travel advance be requested?
No earlier than 2 weeks prior to travel
An employee begins travel at 1630 hours. Can s/he claim a dinner?
Yes, as long as travel begin prior to 1700 hours
An employee must work at least ___hours to be eligible for the first overtime meal, at least ___ hours for the second overtime meal, and at least ___ hours for the third overtime meal.
Based on 8 hour day. Must be 2 hours past regular work hours. 6 hours in between.
Normally, employees are not to drive a departmental vehicle for more than ___ consecutive hours.
8 can voluntarily be extended to 12 hours.
Breaks do not count towards time.
Employees who qualify for relocation status may claim relocation per diem allowances for a maximum of ___ days
Are employees allowed to claim meals and/or lodging expenses while searching for a new residence after relocation expenses have been approved. If so, for how long.
Yes for a total of 14 days
If relocation has been approved, what is the max time an employee has to sell their house?
2 Years
Reimbursable services may be canceled with ___ hours’ notice and must be done during _____ hours.
Normal hours 0800-1700
If a reimbursable contract is not canceled prior to 24 hours, the hiring company/agency must pay $50 per officer assigned.
All motor vehicle accidents shall be reported within ___ hours to the Department of General Services (DGS), Office of Risk and Insurance Management (ORIM), using the _____.
48 hours
STD 270, “Report of Vehicle Accident.”
ASAP if a death, serious injury, illness, or substantial property damage occurs to a non-state party as a result of a vehicle accident.
If an officer conducting a pre-shift inspection observes undercarriage damage, the commander shall cause a report to be prepared. The driver should be listed as ___________.
True or False
A STD 270 shall be taken when the windshield of a patrol vehicle is struck by a rock thrown up from another vehicle. (property damage only)
Falls under exception
True or False
A CHP 208 (Accident Prevention Report) is not required when a STD 270 is completed for liability purposes only.
Can an employee submit a travel expense to pay for damages to a personally owned vehicle while driving on state business?
Yes. Must first submit to insurance
All (Damage) claims in excess of $1000.00 must be filed with ______________________________. Claims must be completed within 6 months of the date of alleged incident.
Victim Compensation and Govt Claims Board.
The Department can settle claims for $______or less. A CHP 287 shall be completed.
The ____________ office provides legal counsel for eligible departmental employees in civil lawsuits arising out of an act or omission occurring within their course and scope of employment. The Employee must request representation __________________.
Attorney General’s
In writing
If the immediate superior or designated agent is tendered service of a subpoena less than ____ working days prior to the date of hearing, and he/she is not reasonably certain he/she can complete the service, he/she may refuse acceptance (Penal Code Section 1328(e)).
Must notify the server within 48 hours that s/he was unable to serve the subpoena
Proper Service (Summons and Complaint / Civil Case). Pursuant to the Code of Civil Procedures Section 415, proper service of a summons and complaint may be affected by one of the following methods:
- Personal Service
- Substituted Service
- Service by Mail
Summons and Complaint. A summons and a complaint are the initial legal documents served on the _____________ or ___________when a when a lawsuit has been filed.
Department and/or departmental employees
If unable to contact the subpoenaing attorney, and there is not sufficient time for a letter to reach the attorney prior to the appearance, who, if anyone should appear?
Immediate supervisor
True or False
An employee is subpoenaed to appear as
a witness in a criminal proceeding (other
than those arising from the performance of
official duties or those which he/she is a
litigant or an expert witness), he/she shall
be granted a leave of absence without pay.
With Pay
A uniformed employee responding to a subpoena for the defense shall not appear in court in uniform.
True or False
A uniformed employee responding to a
subpoena for the defense shall notify the district attorney and his/her supervisor of such subpoena.
True or False
False – Commander (not supervisor)
An employee subpoenaed by the defense for the sole purpose of being an expert witness shall complete a ____________.
CHP 318 (secondary employment)
What is a subpoena duces tecum?
may compel the production of documents and/or may require the personal appearance of a witness to bring the requested documents.
Must be personal served
True or False
The FBI may obtain CHP reports if they are conducting an investigation involving violations of federal civil rights laws?
Only through a grand jury subpoena
In addition, pursuant to Government Code Section 68097.2, witness fees in the amount of $___, together with the subpoena, shall be tendered for each ___ the uniformed or nonuniformed employee is required to remain in attendance.
The $150 fee should not be accepted when the Department is a party (plaintiff or defendant) to the case.
If a process server attempts to serve a subpoena for an employee on suspension, the immediate superior or designated agent shall refuse to accept.
True or False
Notices for State Personnel Board hearings must be served on the Attorney General’s Office. They shall not be accepted by the CHP.
True or False
The CHP may accept notices for Workers’ Compensation Appeals Board hearings?
True or False
False - must be served on the State Compensation Insurance Fund.
When an employee is subpoenaed to
testify by the appellant’s attorney as a
result of an incident he/she perceived or
investigated within the scope of his/her employment (official), the subpoena must be include ___________. It shall be served on the ____________________________.
A $35 witness fee deposit
immediate supervisor or designee. If non-official (not resulting from official duties) then served on employee.
Is an employee required to respond to an out of state subpoena?
No, unless a California court orders it.
Is an employee required to appear as a witness for an SPB hearing 200 miles from home, but still in an adjacent county?
No, 100 miles or same county
A CHP 90, Report of Court Appearance - Civil Action (Annex 10-E-1), shall be completed in duplicate for each subpoena received. It shall be submitted within __ hours to Accounting Section along with the ___.
Travel Expense Claim
An officer testifies for three days at a civil deposition. How many CHP 90’s shall be completed?
3 - One for each day
True or False
Each Area shall designate a person to release criminal offender record information and that person shall be familiar with proper use and control. The training is to be documented in their personnel file.
A log shall be maintained of records released for 3 years.
Booking slips and arrest reports (are) (are
Not) criminal offender record information.
Are not
Records of arrest for certain laws relating to
marijuana offenses (possession of less than 1
oz., present where it’s used, and using or being
under the influence) are subject to a maximum
retention of .
2 Years
All records shall be destroyed if a civil action has been filed against the arresting officer or Department after 5 years.
True or False
False – Shall not be destroyed
What are the exemptions to PRA requests?
Prelim / personal notes Records pertaining to pending litigation Personnel and medical records Exams Library and museum materials used solely for reference material Other records exempt by law Invest files Records prepared for Collective bargaining Investigations Juvenile records Intelligence information Materials dealing with officer safety / internal security
An Employee’s name and work location are available with a valid PRA request?
name, work location, classification, assignment, gross salary rate, dates of employment, time base, rehire information, and training received at state expense.
Can a BAC be released for an arrestee in the arrest log?
What is the fee per page?
No - name, home address, date of birth, gender, and criminal charges against the arrestee. Only business addresses of peace officers arrested shall be placed on the log.
$0.30 or $0.50 for microfilm or computer records
All requests under the Public Records Act (PRA), other than routine requests (e.g., accident or arrest information, motor carrier records, etc.), shall be immediately sent to the __________.
Legal Coordination Unit
People inspecting records pursuant to a PRA request should be placed in a private room?
True or False
False - Inspection of records shall be made only in the presence of departmental personnel to prevent them from being destroyed, mutilated, defaced, or altered.
True or False
Upon receipt of a request for records, the Department must, within 10 days, make a determination whether to comply with the request.
Can be extended if unusual circumstances
If charges are not filed, does the defendant have a right to the arrest report?
No – refer to DA
Can a departmental employee release driver’s license or vehicle registration information to the individual for which it belongs?
No – Refer to DMV
The information Privacy Act (IPA) governs the collection, use, maintenance and dissemination of personal information about individuals by state agencies.
True or False
If a seizure of a vehicle is done pursuant to Asset Forfeiture Laws, the Division AF coordinator shall be notified in ____ hours.
Can an area commander requests AF funds to pay for a specialized enforcement project?
Yes - The requesting command will prepare a detailed project plan, including a project budget/cost analysis. Submitted through channles.
What is the max amount allowed by law for DUI cost recovery?
The Department will seek to recover DUI incident-related costs for alcohol or a combination of alcohol and drugs provided all the following apply:
- Arrest for 23125/23153 VC or greater
- Arrested party caused the T/C
And one of the following:
- BAC .08 or higher or commercial .04
True or False
A conviction is required for DUI cost recovery if the arrestee is a refusal, has a BAC under .08 or chemical test is positive for drugs only
Staff hours for DUI cost recovery are billed by 10 minute increments or 15 minute increments?
True or False
The time spent by a Sergeant, Lieutenant, or Captain assisting at an accident scene can be included on the CHP 735. This includes their supervision time.
False, supervision time not included
A CHP 78, Agreement Request shall be used to initiate all service contracts which are repetitive, regardless of the estimated dollar value or are one-time services exceeding $4,999.99.
What process is used for a One-time, short-term, occasional, or annual (single state fiscal year) services under $5,000 from any source within one state fiscal year?
A CHP 78R, Reimbursable Services Contract Request, shall be used to initiate reimbursable service agreements with another state entity regardless of the estimated _______, or with a local government entity, or private sector with an estimated dollar value in excess of $________.
Dollar value
To avoid conflict of interests, all service contracts shall contain what forms?
78V, Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Statement – Vendor
CHP 78S, Conflict of Interest Statement-Employee.
True or False
A driver license check is required if the contractor and/or specifically assigned personnel are scheduled to be on-site for more than 60 days.
30 days
On a Saturday, your office has a significant leak in the roof and water will cause significant property damage (Emergency). Who should the commander contact immediately?
For incidents occurring after normal work hours or on weekends, commands shall obtain the required emergency service and contact the BSS Procurement Manager or designee on the next business day.
How many quotes are required for an X-Number when one of the businesses is a small, micro, and/or DVBE?
3 if not a small, micro, and/or DVBE. If only one obtained, justification must me on the CHP 78X
For any of the following services, commands are shall conduct ________ and ________.
1 Avionics Maintenance and Repair agreements.
2 Helicopter Maintenance and Repair agreements.
3 Instructor Services (on-site) agreements.
4 Janitorial Services agreements.
5 Consulting Services agreements.
6 Evidence Impound Tow and Storage Service agreements.
7 Public Works agreements.
DOJ and FBI fingerprint checks and a driver license check
If certain contractor are on-site more than 30 days commands are required to conduct CDL checks.
True or False
Who may cancel an agreement request upon recommendation from the commander?
Contract Services Unit
It is proper for an x-number to be used to purchase commodities or instructional services?
True or False
X-Numbers obtained after services are rendered require approval from ___________.
Asst. Commissioner
An X Number requested for commercial meeting/conference room rental have an expenditure cap of $_____ per day and shall be limited to _____________ unless Asst Comm approval is obtained.
$500 (excluding taxes)
Top Management, Division Area Commanders’ Conferences, and OPI sponsored training.
True or False
A X-Number for the rental of a storage facility may be used for periods less than 3 months.
False – One month
Commands shall forward approved invoices to Fiscal Management Section within ___ business days of receipt.
True or False
Invoices shall be billed to the “California Highway Patrol” not “CHP.”
True or False
An area supervisor shall approve all invoices prior to submitting them to FMS?
False – Commander shall
RE: X-Number: If service can only be provided by an authorized dealer, can you be exempt from the bid process?
Materials which include information that could reasonably be expected to cause damage to personal and/or departmental security if disclosed shall be considered __________ and requires special handling.
Information identified as classified shall fall into one of five classification levels:
- Law Enforcement Sensitive
- Confidential
- Sensitive
- Secret
- Top Secret.
Are materials marked “confidential” exempt from PRA disclosure?
Investigative reports, intelligence information and operational plans are example of _______ ________
Sensitive” materials.
“Law Enforcement Sensitive”
Materials considered sensitive are materials that contain ________ or ____________ personal information.
Employees or Citizens
When transmitting classified material to another command, the originating command shall assure a ___________ is attached?
CHP 26, Classified Document Notice
Classified material to be transmitted by US mail shall be placed in two envelopes.
True or False
Classified material to be transmitted within HQ ______________________.
shall be sealed in a plain opaque envelope with the appropriate level of classification clearly marked on the front and back of the envelope