HPM 100.9 Enforcement Documents Manual Flashcards
What does SIRCOPS stand for?
Signature In-custody Refusal Complaint to be filed Owner’s Resp. Parental Notification Stat purposes only
How many 215’s are issued for the same subject who
has two citable warrants from two different counties?
Two separate 215’s
What are the three disqualifying conditions to make a correctable violation not correctable?
Fraud or persistent neglect
Immediate safety hazard
Refusal or inability to correct
Do I put anything for a citizen’s arrest on the
face of the CHP 215?
Put “private persons arrest” in the special box
When do I mark traffic and non-traffic boxes on the CHP 215?
Traffic- if ALL violations are VC
Non-traffic- If ANY violation is not VC
When does the “Booking Required” box get marked on the CHP 215?
For all recordable offenses where the person was not taken into custody and processed. Redi-ref denotes recordable offenses with a diamond.
Officers should/shall issue a citation for the single most hazardous violation observed.
Speed box entries on the CHP 215.
Always _____
Sometimes _____
Never _____
An officer shall take notes on the green copy for all
incidents where a citation is generated
If a CHP 216/202 is prepared officer’s notes on the green copy is not required.
What is the difference between dismissing and
avoiding a citation?
Dismiss- Issued citation requesting court not prosecute, memo required
Void- Unissued citation generally due to transfer and memo required
What three locations should we not place a 422
on a vehicle?
Painted surfaces, windshield and side mirrors
What do I do if a violator signs the CHP 215 but refuses to sign the CHP 215S?
Simply write “Refused” in the signature box of the 215S
A CHP 411 can be used to correct which documents?
CHP 215
CHP 281
CHP 267
Follow-up on a CHP 422 should be assigned within how many days of issuance?
5 days
A CHP 281 shall not/should not be used for a violation of 10751 VC.
Shall Not
Officers should not possess more than one full CHP 215 book in addition to the book currently being used
Unless, an officer is temporarily assigned to another area. In that case the office should use the temporary area’s CHP 215 for the duration of the temporary assignment.
At what point is a CHP 215 considered issued
When the alleged violator has signed and received a copy of the citation
An officer has the discretion to use a CHP 411 to change the violation from a infraction to a misdemeanor
Under no circumstance may the charges be upgraded. To change violations or upgrade the charges the complaint process must be used.