HPM 100.69 - General Law Enforcement Manual Flashcards
Who shall the officer notify if a violator refuses to sign a CHP 215?
An on-duty supervisor. The supervisor shall determine
the appropriate course of action and respond to the scene as necessary
HPM 100.69 Ch. 1, page 4
If a public school employee is arrested for controlled substance offenses, enumerated in 11590 H&S, Commands shall ensure notifications are made by telephone and written notice within how many days after the arrest?
HPM 100.69 Ch. 1, pg 15-16
Can officers refuse to accept a state medical marijuana identification card?
No. The officer shall not refuse unless he/she has
reasonable cause to believe the information contained in the card is false, or the card is being used fraudulently.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 1, pg. 17
Can local counties establish their own limits of possession of medical marijuana?
Yes, 11362.7 H&S allows local cities and counties to establish their own limits of possession of medical marijuana which could exceed the state limit.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 1, pg. 18
When a member of the Department handles a hate crime investigation to conclusion, the victim shall be provided with a CHP 876, rights of Hate Crime Victims Brochure, advised of his/her right to confidentiality per 6254(f) of Gov. code). An on-duty supervisor should__________
Review the report to confirm the incident was, in fact, a hate crime.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 1, pg. 26
In the case a person is arrested, not formally charged, and is released, the on-duty supervisor shall be responsible for having copies of a CHP ____ in their possession for issue.
CHP 103
HPM 100.69, Ch. 1, pg. 28-29
What is a sufficient justification to seek an EPO?
A victim’s statement of abuse or threat of abuse.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 3, page 3
Whether or not a weapon was used, during a domestic
violence investigation and an officer discovers a firearm or other deadly weapon present at the location, an officer ___ ___ any firearm or deadly weapon.
Shall take
HPM 100.69, Ch.3, pg 13
Victims of violent crimes have the right to confidentiality.
What are the officer’s responsibilities to fulfill this requirement?
- Officers shall advise the victim that their name and address will be a matter of public record if confidentiality is not requested.
- If the victim invokes their right to privacy a CHP 174 will become the face page to the report.
- If the victim waives their right to privacy a CHP 174 will be attached to the report.
- The admonishment shall be documented on a CHP 216/202.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 3, pg. 12
If an officer at the scene of a domestic violence involving threat to human life takes custody of any firearm or other deadly weapon, the officer shall complete a CHP ___. Weapons shall not be held less than ___hours.
- 36
- 48
HPM 100.69, Ch. 3, pg. 13
What are the four required advisements during a
domestic violence investigation?
- Referral – CHP 173 Domestic Violence Referral
- Confidentiality – CHP 174 Privacy Acknowledgment
- Follow-up – CHP 182 Domestic Violence Resource Information
- Private Person’s Arrest – 836(b) PC – Mandatory advisement of private person’s arrest.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 3, Annex C, page 26
Which agency is uniformed personnel required to report known or suspected instances of child abuse or neglect?
Local County Designated Agency (LCDA)
HPM 100.69, Ch. 5, pg. 7
Which form shall supervisors ensure that the officer has completed and is submitted to the LCDA when investigating suspected child abuse?
DOJ SS8572 – Suspected Child Abuse Form
HPM 100.69, Ch. 5, pgs. 7-8
What notifications SHALL be made to a LCDA when investigating child abuse?
- A telephonic report shall be made immediately or as soon as reasonably possible.
- A written report shall follow the telephonic report within 36 hours.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 5, pg. 7-8
Which WIC section allows a peace officer to take
temporary custody of a minor without a warrant if the
minor requires care, is in immediate danger of harm or
injury, or is left unattended and the parents are not available and cannot care for the minor?
305 WIC
HPM 100.69, Ch. 5, pg. 9
Can departmental supervisor initiate EAS broadcasts?
Departmental employees shall not initiate EAS broadcasts without ENTAC approval.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 9, pg. 4
Once a supervisor has been notified of a child abduction, the supervisor shall ensure the following steps are taken:
Upon receipt of child abduction-related information,
whether or not they believe criteria exists to warrant departmental assistance. Supervisors shall notify the appropriate CHP comm. Center and request that
notification be made to ENTAC. If the abduction
occurred in another CHP area, the on-duty supervisor for the CHP area in which the abduction occurred shall also be notified.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 9, pg. 7
What is the criteria for Amber Alert?
- Confirmation that an abduction has occurred.
- the victim’s age is 17 years of age or younger, or an individual with a proven mental or physical disability.
- the victim is in imminent danger of serious bodily injury or death.
- there is information available that, if disseminated to the public, could assist in the safe recovery of the victim.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 9, pg. 4
How do you determine who the primary aggressor is
during a domestic violence incident?
The primary aggressor is the person determined to be the most significant, not necessarily the first, aggressor. In identifying the primary aggressor, officers shall consider the intent of the law to protect victims of domestic violence from continuing abuse, the threats creating fear of physical injury, the history of domestic violence between persons involved, and whether either person acted in self-defense.
HPM 100.69, Ch. 3, pgs. 7-8