HPM 70.8, Firearmes Manual (revised November 2019) Flashcards
When wearing the supplemental firearm what is the policy regarding the wearing of the badge?
Employees carrying a supplemental firearm are strongly advised to wear their departmental badge so that both the firearm and the badge can be seen simultaneously.
p. 1-5
How many loaner supplemental firearms are each field Division authorized to have?
Each field Division having employees who have been issued the supplemental firearm is authorized to maintain two loaner supplemental firearms.
p. 1-5
Primary firearms shall be carried whenever the employee is…
On duty and in uniform.
p. 1-6
At CHP facilities, firearms shall not be drawn, loaded, unloaded, or dry-fired except…
…at a clearing tube.
p. 2-4
What two locations are authorized for the securing of primary and secondary firearms while at a jail facility?
In the trunk of the patrol vehicle or the gun locker at the jail facility.
p. 2-4
What shall an employee do with the round in the chamber while in a jail facility?
Shall be left alone.
p. 2-4
Which firearm may be carried as part of the Air Safe program?
Departmentally issued firearm or approved secondary firearm.
p. 2-7
What are approved locations for a firearm carried under the Air Safe program?
Concealed on the person or within reach (never in overhead storage).
p. 2-7
Along with the approved firearm, what else shall be carried when flying armed under the Air Safe program?
Departmental badge, flex or handcuffs, “POLICE” ID, driver license.
p. 2-7
How many hours prior to a flight is the consumption of alcohol prohibited when participating in the Air Safe Program?
p. 2-7
What are the four (4) activities an officer may be engaged in that qualify for flying armed under the Air Safe Program?
Protective Detail
Enforcement or Investigation
Prison Escort
p. 2-7 and 2-8
How often and with how many rounds shall an employee train with the primary firearm?
Quarterly–100 rounds
p. 3-3
At least 1 shoot ?should/shall? be conducted during _____ __ _________ and at least 1 shoot ?should/shall? incorporate a component of tactically moving while firing.
the hours of darkness
p. 3-3
How often is an employee required to qualify with the primary firearm?
What ranks and how often are uniformed personnel required to train with the shotgun (how many rounds) and complete a qualification?
Captain and below
train quarterly (minimum 18 rounds no more than 30)
qualify annually
p. 3-3
What ranks and how often are uniformed personnel required to train with the tactical rifle (how many rounds) and complete a qualification?
Captain and below
train quarterly (minimum 40 rounds no more than 60)
qualify annually
p. 3.4
Uniformed employees who are issued a supplemental firearm in conjunction with their assigned duties will be required to complete what?
An annual familiarization course.
p. 3-4
The secondary firearm to be carried on duty shall be fired (how often?) in conjunction (with what)? Uniformed employees are required to pass the…?
the primary firearm qualification
the Secondary Weapon Qualification Course.
p. 3-4
What is the maximum number of rounds for each weapons system for a single shoot?
Primary pistol – 150
Shotgun – 30
Rifle – 60
p. 3-5
How many weapons inspection officers and range officers shall each command have?
2 of each (Officers may be trained and certified in both).
p. 3-5
What shall be used when firing the TOQC pistol course?
Uniformed employees shall use a departmentally approved holster, duty belt, and magazine pouch.
p. 3-7
What is the minimum noise reduction rating for ear protection to be used?
Noise reduction rating of 25 decibels.
p. 3-8
What is the retention for respective CHP 243 forms for TOQC shoots?
Current year plus 2.
p. 3-9
How often shall the commander ensure a supervisor conducts an inspection of all ammunition controls?
p. 3-27
How often is shotgun and rifle ammo rotated?
p. 3-27
How many keys and with whom for ammo storage locations?
No more than 3.
The number of primary range officers assigned to the command (no more than two), plus a commander’s emergency access key.
p. 3-28
How many spare magazines shall a command maintain?
Each command shall maintain a spare supply of duty magazines equal to 5 percent of the uniform command strength.
p. 4-3
When and who may authorize employees to carry departmental training magazines on duty in addition to the duty magazines?
During emergency operations, Division commanders may authorize…
p. 4-3
Pistols shall be completely disassembled ____ _______ by an Academy-certified _______ __________ _________.
Once yearly
Weapons Inspection Officer
p. 5-3
How often shall secondary weapons be inspected by a weapons inspection officer?
p. 5-3
Who is responsible for the issuance, inspection, and replacement of all departmental pistols and related safety equipment assigned to an employee?
p. 5-4
Does the Department conduct complete disassembly inspections of secondary firearms?
p. 5-4
How soon after the notification of deficiency is an employee to correct, repair, or replace an issue with a firearm, holster, ammunition, magazine, or magazine pouch?
As soon as possible, or in no event later than 30 days after notification.
p. 5-5
How is the shotgun stored when heat exposure might damage shells?
Unloaded at the clearing tube, and shotgun and loose rounds shall be placed in the trunk.
p. 6-4
How often is the shotgun required to be:
cleaned –
full tear-down–
cleaned quarterly
full tear-down once (can be one one of quarterly cleanings)
p. 6-7
Can an employee carry personally owned tactical rifle magazines while on duty? If so, how many and what kind?
2 (20 round only)
Magpul dynamics or mil-spec
p. 7-14
The commander shall ensure that all modified training shotguns are distinctly marked by…?
red painted buttstock and for-end.
p. 8-7
How many months of state service is required for an employee to qualify to purchase their state issued primary firearm upon retirement?
120 months.
p. 9-9