Horse 1 Flashcards
Mature female, greater than 4 yrs
mature male, intact, greater than 4 yrs
castrated male horse
immature female horse, less than 4 yrs
immature male horse, less than 4 yrs
repeatable phenotype with a historical pedigree and registry
Hands high (HH)
measurement of the horse from the ground to the withers
1 hand=4 inches
The person who owns the horse and generally pays the bills
-may or may not be main rider or caretaker
The person who trains the horse to compete
-may or may not also train the rider or manage the horse
The person who rides the horse (may be the owner)
The person who trains the rider
Trained professional who trims horse feet and applies shoes
The horse is trained to be ridden
the horse is inexperienced
Lungeing (UK)/ Longeing (US)
exercise or training technique where the horse is moved around a handler in a circle on a long line
equipment used for handling or riding the horse
Grooming supplies
-brushes, hoof pick, anything used to clean horse
Horse categories
More than 200 breeds of horses
-hot blood, cold blood, warm blood
-heavy horses/draft horses vs light horses
-ponies, miniatures
-saddle horses, harness horses
-registered grade horses
Draft horses/heavy horses
-clysdesdale, Belgian, Percheron, Suffolk Punch, Shire
-tall, muscular, broad back, feathered distal limbs
Uses of Draft horses/heavy horses
-Bred to pull- farming, logging carts, wagons, sleigh, showing
-variety of sports
-single or in a team
Warmblood/medium weight horses
-Hanoverian, Trakehner, Oldenburg, Dutch WB, Canadian WB
-refined features, no feathering
Breeding Warmblood/medium weight horses
-many registries have open studbooks
-do not need 2 pureblood parents
-accept animals of similar phenotypes to improve the breed
Uses of warmblood/medium weight horses
-bred to excel at competitive English riding such as dressage and jumping
Light horse
-Arabian, Quarter horse, Thouroughbred, Paint horse, Morgan
-more than 14.2HH
-each breed has specific characteristics, generally smaller/lighter build
Uses of light horse
Bred for specific sport or pleasure
-track racing, endurance racing, cow horse/western sports, harness, halter
-shetland, connemara Pony, Hackney, Pony of the Americas, Welsh Pony
-shorter than 14.2HH
Phenotypic distinctions of Pony
-thicker coat, mane, tail
-short/stocky legs
-wider barrels
-shorter/thicker neck
-braod forehead
Uses of Pony
-riding, sport, pulling carts
-very high sure-footedness
Miniature Horse
-American Miniature horses, Falabella, Dutch miniature
-Less than 8.2HH
-legs longer than the body is deep, more refined structure than some small ponies
Uses of miniature horse
-companion animals, harness, in hand sport
-make up 2/3rd of worlds equid population
*working animals
Common sizes of donkeys
- miniature
- Standard (small and large varieties)
- Mammoth
Genetic differences between donkey, horse, mule
Donkey: 62 chromosomes
Horse: 64 chromosomes
Mule: 63 chromosomes = INFERTILE
Use of mules
-strength, endurance, surefootedness of donkey
-athletic ability and speed of a horse
-used for both work and sport
-group of donkeys
Male donkey
female donkey
horse dam/donkey sire
donkey dam/horse sire
female mule
Horse mule/john mule
Male mule
horse sire/mule dam
donkey sire/mule dam
Feral horses
-multiple populations in Canada
*AB, BC, SK, Sable Island
Free roaming horses (feral) in western US, descended from Spanish Horses
*managed by Bureau of Land Management
Prezwalski’s horse
-endangered horse native to central Asia
-66 chromosomes
-12-14 HH, 300kg, dun markings, stocky
32-46 chromosomes
Wild asses
62 chromosomes
ID methods for Equids
-Microchips (often in nuchal ligament, sometimes in top lip)
-Tattoo (will fade with time)
-Registration papers
-DNA testing
-Coggins tests
-Passports (usually from Europe)
Breed registries
Qualification for registries based on pedigree of parents
-Closed: 2 pure bred parents, no outside bloodlines
eg. Thoroughbreds, Trakenhner
-Open: animals registered even if parents were not
eg. most warmbloods, semi open for Quarterhorses (TB and Paints)
Requirements for breeds
Certain breeds will have genetic, conformational, or height requirements
*many working to reduce genetic diseases and sometimes genetic testing to prove parents is needed
Genetic Testing options
-Arabian Horse Association
*DNA testing for all registered. Test for diseases
-American Quarter Horse Association
**DNA testing for breeding stock
-Friesian Horse Association North America
*DNA testing for breeding stallions and parent verification of mares and foals
What Breed Specific disorders are looked for in Genetic testing?
-Connemara Pony Hoof Wall Separation Disease
-Equine Familial Isolated Hypoparathyroidism (Thoroughbred)
-Junctional Epidemolysis Bullosa - in Belgians
-Warmblood Fragile Foal Syndrome Type 1
Colour genetics
-Testing used for breeding to get a specific desired colour
*some colour patterns are linked to genetic disease
Overo Lethal White Syndrome
-homozygous for the overo coat colour pattern gene
Multiple Congential Ocular Anomalities (MCOA)
Silver dilution
Gray Gene
-linked with increased risk of melanoma
Leopard complex
-linked with congenital stationary night blindness in appaloosas
4 beat gait with each foot hitting the ground independently
2 beat diagonal gait with contralateral limbs moving synchronously
3 beat gait
*Left lead: RH, LH+RF, LF
3-4 beat gait
*same as the canter except the diagonal hind foot hits the ground slightly before the front foot
Gaited Horses
-Unique gait specific to certain breeds= 30 breeds
-Claim to be a smoother ride
American standardbred gaited horses
Trot or pace (2 unilateral gait)
Icelandic Horse Gaited horses
Tolt- single footed pace
American Saddlebred Gaited horses
Racking - 4 beat lateral gait
Peruvavain Paso Gaited Horses
Paso llano (4 beat) and sobreandando (pace like)
Tennessee Walking horse
running walk
Uses of horses in the equine industry
-teaching and research
-equine therapy
-production (PMU, meat)
-Labour (logging, police, farm, transport)
Flat racing
-various breeds and distances
-Thouroughbreds, Quarter Horse, Arabian
Harness racing
Standardbreds (pacers and trotters)
English disciplines
-three day eventing
-polo cross
-horse and rider judged by ability to perform graceful dancelike movements that seem effortless
Amateur to olympic levels
Judged by how quickly a course is completed with as few faults as possible
-amateur to olympic levels
-judged by accuracy, grace, and elegance of completing a set out course
-amateur to high level international competition
Three day eventing
Single horse and rider compete in dressage, show jumping and cross country over 3 days
-amateur to olympic levels
Pulling competitions
-weight competitions
-Shire, Clydesdale, Percheron, Belgian
-6 horse hitch
-showcase ability to work in a team and at different paces in the show ring
-turnout (appearance) is important
Combined Driving
4 horses of lighter breeds, similar appearance, work well together
-3 phase event, similar to 3 day eventing: dressage, cross country, timed obstacle course
Chuckwagon Racing
Team of 4 horses perform a figure 8 around 2 barrels anf then a race around a track against multiple other teams
-each team 2-4 outriders
-4 teams racing 24-32 horses on track at once
-Usually Thoroughbreds
-soemtimes Pony Chucks: TB crosses under 14-1 HH
Western disciplines
-show ring
-ranch horse competitions
-many others
-bronc riding, barrel racing, team roping, pick up horses
-timed events that have stemmed from different aspects of ranch life
Show ring
-reining, halter, western pleasure
-emphasize sportsmanship and skills and movements adapted to working cattle
Ranch horse competitions
-cutting, working cow horse, team penning
-based on practical skills that horses working with cattle are expected to perform
Other special western disciplines
-mounted shooting
-trail riding
-Halter classes show off breed specific characteristics
-judged on conformation
**epitome of what a breed should look like
-acrobatic gymnastics on the back of moving horse
-horse controlled by lunger
-horse wears surcingle with hand grips and stirrup loops for the vaulter to hold
Horse as production animals
-manure= fertilizer
-hair (violin strings, jewerly)
-serum= culture media
-hormones= Premarin
Pregnant mares urine
-used as the estrogen source in drug Premarin
*hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal women
-draft horses were once commonly used= industry byproduct had little use
-Most PMU operations now raise QH foals that are sold as weanlings for performance and ranch horses