Beef 4-winter Flashcards
When are calves weaned?
-pregnancy checking conducted shortly after this
-should be vaccinated 2-3weeks before weaning
Benefits of early weaning
-help cows to improve in body condition before coming off pasture
-may help to reduce winter feeding costs
Selling of calves
-Often sell calves at time of weaning
*better to spread out stressors and wean first and then background calves for short period before moving to feedlot
Fence line weaning & two stage weaning
reduce stress from weaning
Pregnancy checking benefits
Early detection of repro failure problems so that money is not wasted over winter
-allows for separation and grouping based on preg status and BCS
-allows producer to guarantee preg on females being sold
Parasite control in fall
Give endectocide in fall
How long are cattle within a herd? how many calves? Replacements?
Usually only in herd for 11 yrs max
-avg 5-6calves in cows lifetime
-min 15% of cows replaced yearly
Main reason for culling cows
Reproductive failure
**Others: age, cancer eye, udder, problems, lameness, worn teeth, prolapses, temperament
**means that genetic merit culling often not occurring based on numbers
Overwintering beef cows
Separate into groups based on age and BCS (2.5-3 at calving time)
-feed analysis for least cost rations
-methods of feeding impacts wastage
How to extend grazing season?
Use swatch grazing or alternative crops such as grazing corn
*lowers winter feed costs
Profitability criteria for cow calf herd
-calf crop percentage (reproduction)- number of calves weaned/cows exposed to the bull
-avg weaning weight of calves (growth)
*reproduction/calf survival
*calf growth
-annual cow cost
-selling price of calves (carcass quality)
Risk factors for herd fertility
- % of females cycling
- Conception rates
How to increase profit in cow-calf herds?
- increase ilbs of calf weaned/cow exposed to bull
- increase market value of calves weaned
- Reduce expenses of maintaining cow herd
*lower feed costs without compromising nutritional factors/BCS
Top 5 ways low-cost producers reduce costs
-reduce supplemental feed costs
-rotational grazing and pasture management
- right genetics
-reduce labour costs
-strong herd health program
Indicators of productivity
- growth
- open cows
- length of calving period
- Death losses
Weaning weights/sale weights of calves in western canada
Open rate industry benchmark
Length of calving period
Last calf date to the first calf date
63 days
Death losses industry benchmark
Only easily accessible physiological event of life.
-21 day intervals
-goal 65% of herd to calve in first 21 day period
-27% in 22-42 days, 5% in 43-63 days
*median calving date of 18days
Calf crop % target
-lbs of calf weaned/cow
-reflects management of reproduction and calf mortality
Weaning weight purpose
measures cows producing ability and sires genetic potential
How is weaning weights misleading?
Bull calves> heifer calves
Calves from cows> calves from heifers
Older calves> younger calves
Adjusted weaning weights
Simplest form simply adjusts for age of calves
-estimates a weaning weight as if all calves were weaned at 200 or 205 days of age
**gives unfair advantage to late calving cows
Adjusted weaning weight formula
ADG= (weaning wt- birth wt)/age of calf
**can be adjusted by sex of calf by multiplying ADG by factors
Steer: 1.0
Bull calf: 0.95
Heifer calf: 1.05
Target numbers
Software programs
-many programs can be used to track weights, DNA testing, etc
ex. ICalve app
DNA testing
-linked with production records
-uses 120SNPS to determine which bull sired calf
**helps find best sires or worst
-can find vigour scores
4 major bovine vaccine companies
Cattle viral vaccine coverage
-BVD 1 & 2
**modified live version and a killed version
**injectable and intranasal options
FP on a vaccine
-fetal protection so therefore a cow vaccine
**without it could be a weaned calf or feedlot vaccine
Other cattle vaccines
- Campylobacter fetus + leptospirosis
*VL5 - Leptospirosis only
3.Campylobacter fetus alone
Bacterial vaccines for cattle
-Mannheimia hemolytica (MH)
-Pasteurella multocida (PM)
**can be in combination with virals
Histophilus somni vaccines
-can be combined with viral vaccines or combined with clostridial vaccines
Clostridial vaccines
C. chauvoei, septicum, novi, sordellii, perfinges C and D
**can be separate of combined with histophilus somni
Tetanus vaccine
Covexin Plus
Scour vaccines
-Scour bos 9 - heifers; 8-16weeks before calving and annual dose 8-10 weeks before calving
-scour bos 4- given to cows; 4 weeks before calving
VAccination protocols at calving
Calving: weight and tag calves, vit E/selenium injection
Vaccination protocols at branding/pasture turnout
-7 way clostridial +/- histophilus
-growth implant
optional: viral 5 vaccine, Mannheimia hemolytica, intranasal vaccines vs injectable
Vaccination of replacement heifers
-live viral 5 vaccine
-7 or 8 way clostridial +/- H somnus
Optional campylobacter/leptospirosis
Vaccine protocols for cows
-viral 5 live vaccines
Optional campylobacter/leptospirosis
Weaning in fall vaccine protocol
Pregnancy exams for heifers and mature cows
Pre calving exam