Horomones and Endocrine Questions Flashcards
Pineal - Thalamus - Effects sleep=drowsiness
TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Horomone
APG - Thyroid - Thyroxin release, cell metabolism control
Adrenocorticotropic Horomone
APG - Adrenal Cortex - stress hormones, cortisol and aldosterone release
HGH - Human Growth Hormone
APG - Somatic Cells - growth of body, cell repair
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
APG - Follicle & Seminiferous Tubule - females=follicle development (thing that holds egg in ovary), males=sperm development
LH - Luteinizing Hormone
APG - Leydig Cells & Interstitial Cells - female=triggers egg release in ovary, male=testosterone production
MSH - Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone
APG - Melanocytes - Pigment production in hair and skin
APG - Mammary Glands - stims and maintains milk production
PPG - Uterus & Mammary glands - uterine contraction, milk release
ADH - Anti Diuretic Hormone
PPG - Kidneys - prevents water loss, promotes water reabsorption
Thyroid - Somatic Cells - increase cell metabolism, body temperature
Calcitonin (Calci - bone - in)
Thyroid - Bones & Teeth - absorb calcium from blood and puts in bones
Parathyroid Hormone
Parathyroid - Bones, muscles, teeth - puts calcium in the bloodstream from targets
Pancreas - Somatic cells, liver, muscles - Body cells = absorb glucose as fat, liver and muscle= absorb glucose as glycogen
Pancreas - liver, muscles - raise BS levels, glycogen into glucose
Adrenal Cortex-Somatic Cells- Suppresses inflammation & releases glucose
stimulates the breakdown fats & proteins * Wake up hormone
Adrenal Cortex- Kidney - sodium retention, BP increase, water retention
Adrenal Medulla - Somatic Cells - increased sympathetic response, increased HR&BR, converts glucose into glycogen
Adrenal Medulla- Somatic Cells- Increases BP & focuses attention & memory
Testes -Somatic Cells - responsible for male secondary characteristics
Testes - Hypothalamus - controls sperm production
Ovary - Somatic Cells - responsible for female secondary characteristics
Ovary - Uterine lining - responsible for maintaining pregnancy
Ovary - Abdomen and Birth Canal - stretches out stomach for baby
TRH - Thyroid Releasing Hormone
Hypothalamus - PPG - tells PPG to release TSH
Gonatropins Releasing Hormone
Hypothalamus - PG - tells PG to release FSH and LH
Pineal Gland Hormones
APG Hormones (# of them + what are they)
(7 hormones) TSH, Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, HGH, FSH, LH, MSH, Prolactin
PPG Hormones (# of them + what are they)
(2) Oxytocin, ADH
Thyroid (# of them + what are they)
(2) Thyroxin, Calcitonin
Parathyroid (# of them + what are they)
(1) Parathyroid hormone
Pancreas (# of them + what are they)
(2) Glucagon, Insulin
Adrenal Cortex (# of them + what are they)
(2) Cortisol, Aldosterone
Adrenal Medulla (# of them + what are they)
(2) Adrenaline, Noradrenaline
Testes (# of them + what are they)
(2) Testosterone, Inhibin
Ovaries (# of them + what are they)
(3) Estrogen, Relaxin, Progesterone
Hypothalamus (# of them + what are they)
(2) TRH, Gonatropin Releasing Horomone