Hoofdstuk 15 Flashcards
The key principle of lean operations is
relatively straightforward to understand,
it means
moving towards the elimination of all waste in order to develop an operation that is faster, more dependable, produces higher quality products and services and, above all, operates at low cost’.
3 pilaren van lean bedrijfsfilosofie
Continious improvement
Involve everyone
Minimalize waste
Activiteiten in een proces die verspillend zijn omdat ze geen waarde toevoegen
ongelijkmatigheid die reulteert in periodieke overbelasting van personeel of apparatuur
betekent absurd of onredelijk eisen die aan een proces worden gesteld, tot slechte resultaten zullen leiden.
7 types of waste
- Over-production
- Waiting time
- Transport
- Process
- Inventory
- Motion
- Defectives
Eliminating Waste: Improved Process Flow
Throughput time is often seen as a way to measure waste in processes. The process can be analyzed to see if a item is being moved, stored, checked or involved in non value adding activities. One tool use for this is called Value Stream Mapping
Eliminating Waste: matching supply and demand
Delivering goods or services either too late
or too early can cause waste.
A pull system can often be a good way to
match demand and supply
Eliminating Waste: flexible processes
Flexibiliteit als 1 van key Performance Objectives
• In praktijk vaak focus op reductie omsteltijden (SMED):
Inzichtelijk maken omstelproces
Onderscheid interne & externe activiteiten
Omzetten interne naar externe activiteiten
Oefenen, oefenen, oefenen…….
Minimize variability
- Levelled scheduling equalizes the mix
of products made each day - Delivering smaller quantities more often can reduce
inventory levels
- Sorteren (seiri). elimineer wat niet nodig is en bewaar wat nodig is
- Rechtzetten (Seiton) dingen makkelijk bereikbaar maken
- Schitteren (seiso) houd alles schoon en opgeruimd
- Standaardiseren (seiketsu) netheid en orde handhaven
- Volhouden (shitsuke) ontwikkel een verbintenis en een trots om aan de normen te voldoen
Grenzen van lean
Continuous flow manufacture High value-added manufacture Stockless production Low-inventory production Fast-throughput manufacturing Lean manufacturing Toyota production system!!! Short-cycle time manufacturing.
Theory of constraints
Achieve improvement by:
Focusing on the constraints in the form of the weakest
links in the process
Applied in Optimized Production Technology OPT
systems, using the drum, buffer, rope approach
• Pull system – responding to demand
• A philosophy and culture
• Good on control but weak on planning due to reactive
“pull” approach
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP)
• Push system - using forecasts of future demand to
calculate planning
• A planning and control calculating mechanism
• Strong on planning but weak on control and responding to
• Good at dealing with complexity