Homework Flashcards
What is the covering around the liver called?
Glisson capsule
The main portal vein divides into what?
Left and right branches
What vessels are seen in the porta hepatis?
Hepatic artery, cbd, and mpv
The portal vein diameter should not exceed:
The most common cause of cirrhosis is?
The gallbladder wall should not exceed:
What does cholelithiasis mean?
Tenderness over the Gallbladder with the probe pressure is referred to as what?
Murphy sign
Spiral valves of heister are found within what vessel?
Cystic duct
What is cholangitis?
Inflammation of the bile ducts
What is pneumobilia?
Air within the biliary tree
What are gallstones within the bile ducts called?
The duodenum is the _________ segment of the small intestine.
What are the 5 parts of the pancreas?
Head, neck, body, tail and uncinate process
CBD is formed by the joining of what 2 vessels?
Cystic duct and common hepatic duct
What is the largest lobe of the liver?
The right lobe
The spleen measurement should not exceed:
The normal kidney length should measure:
What 3 structures are found at the renal hilum?
Renal vein, renal artery and ureter
What is a wandering spleen?
A highly mobile spleen
What should the normal thyroid length be?
What hormones are checked to evaluate thyroid function?
TSH, T3 and T4
What is the most common type of thyroid cancer?
Where is the sublingual gland located?
Under the tongue
What is the reason to perform an FNA of the thyroid?
To obtain cells to check malignancy