body fluids
the fluid that body cells consist of and are surrounded by; forms the internal environment of the body
factors to be constant for cells to function optimally
- glucose
- salt
- water
- oxygen/c02
- temperature
organs that help to maintain a constant int env
liver, kidneys, skin, lungs, pancreas
maintenance of a constant internal environment in the body
negative feedback mechanism
when a deviation from the normal is detected, which results in a reaction that counteracts the change and returns it to normal
how negative feedback system works
- change occurs in normal levels
- receptors detect and transmit info via hormones or nerve impulses to the effectors
- effectors respond and correct the deviation
- normal is detected and corrective action is switched off
control of CO2
- chemoreceptors send impulses to resp and cardio centres in the brain as soon as co2 conc changes
- resp centre sends impulses to diaphragm and intercostal musc to acc contract/relax
- breathing rate and depth inc, more CO2 exhaled
- cardio centre send impulses to heart musc to inc heart rate + blood flow
- co2 transported faster to lung for exhalation = normal
control of water
- change in normal
- osmoreceptors in hypothalamus detect
- thirst centre stimulated / ADH secreted into blood = transport to kidneys
- walls of tubules become permeable
- more water reabsorbed
- water content rises
- normal
control of salt
- sodium conc is low = more aldosterone is secreted and more sodium ions are reabsorbed from the convoluted tubes into the blood in surrounding capillaries
- sodium conc in blood inc, less excreted in urine
- normal
regulation of body temp in an organism
ectothermic animals eg
fish, amphibians, reptiles
ectothermic animals
- body temperatures vary according to environmental temp
- reptiles use color (dark) and body orientation to regulate body temp
endothermic animals
birds, mammals
- constant body temp, irrespective of env temp
- heat produced inside the body via resp
why humans need to be 37
optimum temp for enzyme action, too high = denature, too low = inactive
heat production in human body
- resp is main source
- heat can be absorbed from environment by consuming warm food/fluid/exposing body to sun
adrenalin + thyroxin in heat prod
increased secretion of the two results in inc metabolic rate. resp increases bc of this and more heat is released
heat loss in human body
loss of heat from warm body to cold env via rays + waves