Maintaining constant conditions in the body. maintaining a constant internal environment
removal from the body of the waste products of the metapolism
Watery solution of salts, glucose and other solutes. surrounds all the cells of the body forming a pathway for the transfer of nutrients between the blood and the cells.
tissue fluid
Salts in urine or in the blood are present as ……….
Na+, K+, Cl+ NH4+…..
How the tissue fluid is formed?
by leakage from blood capillaries.
Why is Homeostasis important?
because cells will only function properly if they are bathed in a tissue fluid which provides them with their optimum conditions.
sort the following urine substance from highest amount to lowest
other nitrogenous waste
other nitrogenous waste
True or false
all animals have to excrete a nitrogenous waste product
How urea is formed in the body?
Urea is produced in the liver
It is produced from excess amino acids
If more protein is eaten than is required, the excess cannot be stored in the body
However, the amino acids within the protein can still provide useful energy
amino acids in broken down into carbohydrate (stored in liver as glycogen), and ammonia. Ammonia is combined with carbon dioxide to form urea. passes into the bloodsttream and filtered out by the kidney
Many excretory products are formed in humans, with two in particular (…………………and ……………) being formed in much greater quantities than others
Many excretory products are formed in humans, with two in particular (carbon dioxide and urea) being formed in much greater quantities than others
Urea is produced in the ………….
Water content (of an individual cell or of the body fluids of an organism)
Blood pressure
Blood glucose concentration
Two examples of homeostasis in humans include the ………… and the control of ……………..
Two examples of homeostasis in humans include the control of body temperature and the control of body water content
Why the waste products are dangerous?
- waste products can have toxic effects if they are allowed to reach high concentrations
- Carbon dioxide dissolves in water easily to form an acidic solution which can lower the pH of cells. This can reduce the activity of enzymes in the body which are essential for controlling the rate of metabolic reactions
- tissue fluids can become more concentrated due to higher amounts of waste products, and cells will loose water by osmosis and become dehydrated.
- if the tissue fluid is too dilute the cells will swell up with water.
Organs of Excretion are………..
•Metabolic waste is any waste that has been made from a ……………
•Metabolic waste is any waste that has been made from a chemical reaction e.g. carbon dioxide from respiration.
•Excretion occurs in all living things.
Can you think of an example in plants?
In photosynthesis plants release
The kidneys remove …..from the blood.
The skin removes …………and …….. by sweating
The lungs remove ………… from the blood.
The kidneys remove urea from the blood.
The skin removes water and salt by sweating
The lungs remove carbon dioxide from the blood.
label the following diagram
State the function of each
Renal Vein
Renal Artery
Renal Vein : removes cleaned blood from the kidney
Renal Artery: carries blood with high concentration of urea
Bladder: Stores urine
Urethra: removes urine from the body
Ureter: Carries urine to the bladder
Kidney: filters urea and other waste chemicals out of the blood
label the diagram
urea formula
label the diagram
explain the processes of ultrafiltration
Small vessels in the glomerulus create a resistance to flow and this creates pressure. The pressure created causes smaller molecules to leave the blood. These smaller molecules include: Water, minerals, glucose and urea
•explain the processes of selective reabsorption
Describe how a healthy kidney produces urine.
Protein is not found in the urine of a healthy person.
Explain why.
Haemoglobin is not found in the urine of a healthy person, but haemoglobin can be
found in the urine of a person with haemolytic anaemia.
Explain why.
label the diagram
comes from the aorta and delivers oxygenated blood to the kidney
renal artery
delivers the deoxygenated blood from the kidney to the vena cava
renal vein
blood delivered from the kidney to the vena cava is
aorta delivers blood to the kidney
is the blood
oxygenated or deoxygenated ?
tube carrying urine from the kidney to the bladder
main nutrogenous excretory product of mammals
tube carrying urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
The functional unit of the kidney
two important functions of the kidneys
- They regulate the water content of the blood
- They excrete the toxic waste products of metabolism such as urea
nephrons are blood vessels
true / false
they are microscopic tubes
structure consisting of a hollow cup of cells at the start of a kidney tubule. the site of ultrafiltration
Bowman’s capsule
fluid that passes through the Bowman’s capsule at the start of a kidney tubule
glomerular filtrate
ball of capillaries surrounded by the Bowman’s capsule at the start of a kidney tubule
filtration of the blood taking place in the Bowman’s capsule of kidney tubule, where the filter separates different-sized molecules under pressure
u-shaped part in the middle of a kidney tubule. Involved in concentrating the fluid in the tubule.
Loop of Henle
middle part of the kidney containing blood vessels, loops of Henle and collecting duct.
medulla of kidney
99% of the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed back into the blood
True/ False
outer part of the kidney containing kidney tubules and blood vessels
cortex of kidney
membrane in the wall of the Bowman’s capsule that acts as a molecular filter during ultrafiltration in the kidney
basement membrane
a process taking place in a kidney tubule whereby different amounts of substances are absorbed from the filtrate into the blood.
selective reabsoption
desert animals are able to conserve water in their bodies explain why.
desert animals have many long loops os Henle in the kidneys. Loops of Henle are responsible to make more concentrated urin by having more water to be reabsorbed into the blood.
and the longer the loops of Henle the more concentrated urin the animal will have preserving more water in the body.