Homeostasis Flashcards
skin receptors are sensitive to
0.5 degree in temperature change, blood to brain
thermoregulatory centre
high temperature
more energy transfer to surroundings: sweat (water evaporation is cooling), vasodilation (more blood flow to capillaries by skin, flushed)
low temperature
less energy transfer to surroundings: no sweat, vasoconstriction (blood vessels contract, less blood flow, less heat radiation), shivering (rapid, exothermic, transfer of heat to body)
negative feedback loop
regulating change in levels back to normal, receptor, coordination centre, effector
basal metabolic rate, iodine, neck, stimulating w TSH in pituitary glands, negative
top kidneys, ready action, rate up for glucose and o2 to brain, dilation, respiration up, blood to limbs
renal vein
renal artery
oxygenated blood
tiny tubes connecting kidneys to the artery
blood capillary network
loop of . . .
collecting duct
into ureter, surrounded with blood vessels
importance of excretion
body not poisoned by own waste products
poisonous nitrogenous waste, liver breaks down amino acids, excess water and salt