homeo wk 3 and 5 Flashcards
characteristic symptoms
“… the most striking, strange (odd), unusual (distinctive), peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms in the case are especially… the ones to which close attention should be given, because it is these… which must correspond to very similar symptoms in the symptom list of the medicine being sought…”
ranking symptoms; which are more important?
Mental and emotional are considered more important, according to their peculiarity
The more a symptom reveals the core of an individual, its innate nature or identity, the more it is characteristic.
- The more intense a symptom, the more it tends to increase its characteristic value.
- If two symptoms are equal in characteristic value, the more recent symptom has more value than the first one.
Phosphorus key notes
- Charming, magnetic appeal
- Enlarged liver and elevated
enzymes - Polyps in bowels (now removed)
- Foggy vision, suddenly, when stressed
- Great thirst, large amounts, wants alcohol
what do you put in repororizge
Find the characteristic symptoms, especially “SRP” symptoms and intense symptoms
File these symptoms according to the C,L,E,M,S (put the concomitants together, the location (pathology or main complaint) together, then the etiology (if known), the modalities and sensations
what is CLEMS
ethology (cause)
modalities (better or worse < >)
phsosphor toxicity
Irritates (mucus membranes)
Inflames (serous membranes, spinal cord and nerves) Degenerates/destroys (bones, especially lower jaw and tibia)
* Fatty degeneration of blood vessels and tissues and organs of the body
* Increasing hemorrhage
* Sub-acute hepatitis
* Great susceptibility to external impressions, to light, sound, odors, touch
what is phosphor
A phosphor is a substance that exhibits the phenomenon
of luminescence; it emits light when exposed to some type of radiant energy.
mental picture of phosphorus (5 things)
stimulated easily
phosphorus affinities (3)
acute hepatitis
pulmonary diesease
severe infectious syndromes
what food/ drink does phosphorus crave
icy cold water
refreshing juicy food
ice cream
phosphorus general symptoms
restless: constant motion, nervous
burning sensation: in stomach and liver
hemorrhage: nose bleeds, profuse flow
weakness: prostration, debility
craves cold drink:
what makes phosphorus worse
- Touch, physical or mental exertion
- Twilight
- Warm food or drink
- Change of weather
- During a thunderstorm
what makes phosphorus better
- Cold food; cold; open air; washing with cold water
- Sleep
physical symptoms of phosphorus
- Pneumonia (left lower lobe)
- Laryngitis from talking, singing, with pain (dry, raw, sore throat)
- Liver disease (prophylactic against viral hepatitis)
- Fatty degeneration, tumours, growths, caries
- Nausea/vomiting from hot drinks
- Vomiting; water is thrown up as soon as it gets warm in the stomach.
- Post-operative vomiting
physical characteristic of phosphorus
Tall, slender persons, narrow chested, with thin, transparent skin, weakened by loss of animal fluids, with great nervous debility, emaciation, amative tendencies,
potassium bichromate toxicity
Gastroenteritis followed by collapse
Acute tubular nephritis and hepatitis
* Mucosal lesions (thick adhesive lesions)
* Cutaneous lesions (allergic contact eczema)
kalium bichromicum affinities
- Mucous membranes of stomach, bowels, and airways (including sinuses)
- Bones and fibrous tissue
- Kidneys
- Heart
- Liver (Cirrhosis of liver
kalium bichromicum mental picture
- Indifferent. Indolent; aversion to mental and physical exertion.
- Avoids human society
- Anthropophobia
- Weakness of memory, for dates
- Frequent vanishing of thoughts
kalium bichromicum general symptoms
- Pains occur in small spots or migrate quickly from place to place
- Pains appear and disappear suddenly
- Disease conditions progress slowly but deeply
kalium bichromicum physical symptoms
- Greenish, thick, STICKY, stringy, lumpy discharge
- Chronic inflammation of frontal sinus with stopped up sensation
- Coryza with obstruction of nose
- Rheumatic and gastric symptoms alternate
- Fatty infiltration of liver and increase in soft fibrous tissue.
kalium bichromicum modalities
From heat
Beer (which they crave), morning, COLD, wet weather, hot weather, undressing
what are the 2 ways disease can be classified in the organon
- physical/external trauma
- dynanmic
how can dynamic diseases be subdivide into 2
dynamic can be acute or chronic
3 acute dynamic diseases